We have a big story to tell
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Share your storyOn Oct. 21, six outstanding Cornell volunteers will be honored for their service to the university, receiving the 2017 Frank H. T. Rhodes Exemplary Alumni Services Awards. Established in 1994 by the Board of Trustees Committee on Alumni Affairs, this prestigious awards program honors alumni who have demonstrated extraordinary service through long-term volunteer activities and … Read more
What are your feelings as you start your terms as alumni-elected trustees? Allen: I feel a huge sense of responsibility to try to represent the alumni in this capacity, and it is an honor. I’m going into this role with a completely open mind and an open heart. I love Cornell, and I’m excited that … Read more
Each year, Cornell alumni elect two members of the Cornell University Board of Trustees. Voting in the 2017 election is open until May 2, noon EDT. This year, six candidates appear on the ballot. The four endorsed by the Committee on Alumni Trustee Nominations are: Sheila Wilson Allen ’76, DVM ’81; Jay W. Carter ’71, … Read more
Alumni chose Katrina James ’96 and Pamela Marrone ’78 to serve on the Cornell University Board of Trustees in May 2016. They took office in July and participated in their first board meeting in October. Now, with the 2017 election underway through May 2, Marrone and James say their first months as trustees have deepened … Read more
The annual two-day conference brought together alumni volunteer leaders from hundreds of Cornell alumni organizations for plenary sessions, breakout groups, coaching sessions, and hands-on training programs. It also included some fun, with smart phone trivia contests and a selfie station to capture images with friends and co-volunteers. There were even some surprises. Interim President Hunter … Read more
The Cornell Association of Class Officers (CACO) established the William “Bill” Vanneman ’31 Outstanding Class Leader Award in 2005 in honor of an alumnus who served his class tirelessly for over 75 years. On February 4, at a special ceremony during the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, CACO presented the award to Marshall … Read more
And it only takes him a few minutes each day. Ritchey is one of nearly 550 social media volunteer ambassadors who help Cornellians stay connected and engaged with each other and their alma mater. A marketing consultant based in West Chester, PA, Ritchey shares news out to his class and fraternity networks, links to business, … Read more
Close to 700 members of the Cornell University Board of Trustees and the Cornell University Council converged on the Hill for the Trustee-Council Annual Meeting (TCAM), October 27 to 29. The turnout was the highest ever. The group of alumni leaders from various fields serves as Cornell’s brain trust, helping to chart the university’s course … Read more
“We are thrilled that it is happening here!” said Liv Gussing Burgess ’91, vice chair of the Cornell Club of the United Kingdom (CCUK) that is hosting the gathering. She noted that the three-day event will focus on the theme of “Opportunities in a Time of Disruption” and cover topics about emerging opportunities—despite economic, political, … Read more
Since graduating 28 years ago, Michelle Brown-Grant ’88 has rarely missed a reunion of the Cornell Black Alumni Association (CBAA) – and she knows exactly why these events are important to her. “There is nothing like being around people who have helped shape your path and purpose,” she says. “CBAA reunions and other gatherings allow … Read more