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Vote in the Cornell Alumni Trustee Election and influence the strategic direction and governance of the university for years to come. It only takes a few minutes!
Vote nowClose to 700 members of the Cornell University Board of Trustees and the Cornell University Council converged on the Hill for the Trustee-Council Annual Meeting (TCAM), October 27 to 29. The turnout was the highest ever. The group of alumni leaders from various fields serves as Cornell’s brain trust, helping to chart the university’s course … Read more
From Arizona to Washington, from Beijing to Paris, Cornell club leaders and other volunteers are giving members of the Class of 2020 a warm “welcome to Cornell” while bidding them joyful hometown farewells. At restaurants, picnic grounds, and alumni homes, 44 send-off celebrations are happening throughout July and August in 30 cities across the US and 14 cities … Read more
Crab sells by the bushel in summertime Maryland—and, on June 26, Bill Eaton ’61 had 23 bushels of the region’s biggest crabs delivered to his farm on the eastern shore for the 13th Annual Mid-Atlantic Crab Feast. “Crab is a Maryland staple,” he said. Each summer, Eaton hosts a Crab Feast with his wife, Phyllis, … Read more
Walking into the Spirit of ’31: Passing It Forward ceremony, June 9, at the Carrier Grand Ballroom of Statler Hotel, was like stumbling into a party that had been steadily, lovingly raging for ages. Members of the Classes of ’41, ’46, and ’51—some of whom had parked their walkers and wheelchairs in a corner of … Read more
Viewed from the Hill at Reunion, the past appears vivid and near. For leaders who organize their class or group events and rally their peers back to campus, Reunion also brings into focus the dynamism of Cornell today and the vitality of Cornell tomorrow. The “would” Alice Katz Berglas ’66 considers Reunion as a “subjunctive” … Read more
In its eighth year, the Asia-Pacific Leadership Conference continues to nurture and celebrate the work of an ever-growing group of Cornell club leaders and community builders in the region. Last April 1–2 in Beijing, China, the conference featured several talks, panel discussions, presentations, and networking opportunities, drawing together a delegation of university leaders from the … Read more
“We are at a moment in history where technology, globalization, [and] our economy are changing so fast,” said President Barack Obama during his keynote at South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive conference, March 11–15, in Austin, Texas. “This gathering, South by Southwest, brings together people who are at the cutting edge of those changes.” Many of … Read more
Cornellians all over the world paused for an hour on March 17 as a memorial event for President Elizabeth Garrett was live streamed from Bailey Hall on the Ithaca campus; 1,600 viewers tuned in. Drawn together by the gravity of the occasion, alumni in New York City and Washington, DC, gathered together to watch the … Read more
Los Angeles knows how to celebrate Cornell’s sesquicentennial in style. Below are just a few snapshots of the fun we had around town on March 8, 2015. Touchdown greets Cornell alumni and friends at the iconic lamppost sculpture in front of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Strolling down the Hollywood Walk of Fame … Read more