CEN NYC: Pitch Night gives entrepreneurs the mic

One good idea, three minutes to share it, and an enthusiastic audience of more than a hundred—that’s the formula behind Cornell Entrepreneur Network NYC: Pitch Night, June 14, when 10 Cornellian entrepreneurs pitched their start-up ideas at the WeWork space in Bryant Park. “The goal for this event was to give Cornell entrepreneurs the opportunity … Read more

An in-depth Q&A with our new alumni-elected trustees

What are your feelings as you start your terms as alumni-elected trustees? Allen: I feel a huge sense of responsibility to try to represent the alumni in this capacity, and it is an honor. I’m going into this role with a completely open mind and an open heart. I love Cornell, and I’m excited that … Read more

Reunion 2017 connects alumni to each other and Cornell

On Saturday night of Reunion 2017, a packed Bailey Hall rose to its feet to honor Esther Bondareff ’37, who joined Cornelliana Night of her 80th Reunion via live stream from her home in Florida. Her smiling face showed larger than life on the auditorium screen as thousands of Cornellians cheered. “Chills. Tears,” Shane Dunn … Read more

“This Is Rocket Science” celebrates Cornell in space

“Cornellians have flown on the space shuttle. They’ve sent spacecraft to every world in the solar system and built telescopes that have peered clear across the universe,” said science writer Christopher Crockett ’99, MEng ’00 during “This Is Rocket Science: Cornell’s Contributions to Discovering the Universe,” an April 4 event offered by Alumni Affairs and … Read more

Kevin Morris ’85 mentors student writers

In 2008, with his Los Angeles-based entertainment law firm doing great, Kevin Morris ’85 turned to his mentor, Cornell professor Glenn Altschuler MA ’73, PhD ’76, to help him pursue his real passion—writing. “Glenn was my freshman advisor. We’ve remained close through all these years,” said Morris. “He knew my aspiration.” Altschuler, dean of the … Read more

Marshall and Rosanna Frank ’61 receive 2017 Vanneman award

The Cornell Association of Class Officers (CACO) established the William “Bill” Vanneman ’31 Outstanding Class Leader Award in 2005 in honor of an alumnus who served his class tirelessly for over 75 years. On February 4, at a special ceremony during the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, CACO presented the award to Marshall … Read more

CSV17: Impact through Innovation focuses on how tech affects you

A self-driving car might be closer to your driveway than you think—Shaun Stewart ’02 rides in one regularly. As a director at Waymo, the self-driving tech company that graduated in December from Alphabet’s X, he takes the bus from his home to Google’s main campus in Mountain View, California, one of three test cities. “Then … Read more

Cornell’s crowdfunding connects with caring donors

Cornell alumni, parents, students, and friends supported 17 projects during a month-long crowdfunding campaign that launched November 1 and concluded a day after Giving Tuesday, November 29. In all, 1,472 individual gifts raised a total of $198,335. Ten of the projects reached their goals, with several surpassing their targets. For students, staff, and faculty, Cornell’s … Read more