Members get involved in fulfilling PCCW’s mission by holding in a leadership role or joining one of the council’s committees.


Engagement Committee

  • Fosters alumni connections to Cornell by creating regional and local programs for engagement and networking among PCCW members. Cultivates a strong relationship with Cornell faculty to provide support for initiatives that strengthen leadership roles and voice within the Cornell community for women faculty and other faculty conducting research and scholarship into women’s issues and advancement.

Communications Committee

Development Committee

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

  • The Diversity and Inclusion Committee assists PCCW's Steering Committee in identifying opportunities for promoting diversity and inclusion in programming activities, faculty and student outreach and mentoring, philanthropy, membership, and leadership. Members serve as liaisons to the other committees to advise on specific actions ensuring PCCW is advancing our objective of "One Cornell" regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity and that PCCW is fostering a community in which all of our members feel welcome and valued.

Grants Committee

Membership Committee

  • Coordinates member selection and new member orientation. Oversees off boarding and transition of members into sustaining membership and/or other Cornell University volunteer roles.

Mentoring Committee

Nominating Committee

  • Selects the PCCW chair and vice chair in coordination with the PCCW staff liaison in the Office of Volunteer Programs and the associate vice president of Alumni Affairs and Development.

Symposium Planning Committee

  • Plans the major themes and structure of the annual membership meeting, which is designed to stimulate member engagement, foster connections with the university, and reflect the mission of PCCW.

Entrepreneurship Committee