
  • A helpful tool for working with your volunteers. It's easy to search through Cornell's many volunteer opportunities, submit a nomination, manage your volunteer nomination process, recommend or refer a volunteer, share documents, create clear expectations with position descriptions, and more!

    Community Administrators Guide (PDF, 2 MB)
    Position Description Worksheet (Word, 31 KB)

Strategic planning


Orientation and training


  • We want to hear about your experience as a Cornell volunteer so we can continually improve Cornell's volunteer program. Your feedback also helps us continue creating impactful and engaging volunteer experiences. In turn, we offer feedback to you to support your ongoing engagement with Cornell.

  • Templates | Worksheets | Guidelines

    Exit Interview (Word, 27 KB)

    Do you have a template/worksheet/guideline to share?

  • Samples

    Board Report Card (CUC) (PDF, 147 KB)
    Letters to Members Whose Terms Are Ending:
    Elected Term Ending (CUC) (PDF, 38 KB)
    Elected Term Ending (PCCW)
    Elected Term Ending and Going Off Board (CUC) (PDF, 38 KB)
    Ex Officio Status Ending and Going Off Board (CUC)

    Do you have a sample to share?

Appreciation and Recognition

  • Cornell volunteers generously offer their valued and valuable time, talent, and treasure to the university, and in turn, the university aims to express its appreciation and acknowledge these gifts through various forms of recognition, thereby encouraging a lifelong connection with Cornell.

  • Templates | Worksheets | Guidelines

    Award Nomination (PDF, 30 KB)

    Do you have a sample to share?

  • Samples

    Thank You Notes (CUC-TCAM) (PDF, 42 KB)
    Thank You Note to Volunteer Managers (OVP) (PDF, 12 KB)

    Do you have a sample to share?
