Alumni A Round-Up of the Cornellians on the Hill—Capitol Hill Seven alumni are currently serving in Congress, including a newly elected senator from Michigan
Alumni Cheesecake Mogul Alan Rosen ’91 Oversees a Comfort-Food Empire The Hotelie is CEO of Junior’s—the iconic NYC eatery where his grandfather’s recipe still rules the dessert menu
Cornelliana Paws to Remember: When the Bear Mascot Had a Ladyfriend Decades ago, a male-female ursine duo stole the show at sports games and other events
Cornelliana Create Your Own McGraw Tower—Made Out of Gingerbread! The chefs at the Cornell Club in NYC teach you how to bake and decorate an edible work of Big Red-themed holiday art
Cornelliana Fascinating Facts About Lynah Rink, Big Red Hockey’s Chilly Abode You may be a devoted fan of the on-ice action—but how much do you know about the iconic facility itself?
Cornelliana How a 1940 Football Game Became an Icon of Good Sportsmanship After winning due to a referee’s error, Cornell forfeited its dramatic ‘fifth down’ victory against Dartmouth—and made national news
Glorious to View In Living Color: A Photographic Portal to a Past Cornell Browse through another long-ago East Hill scrapbook, from a game of medicine ball on the Ag Quad to a Collegetown festival
Campus & Beyond New Book by Music Prof ‘Mr. Mozart’ Fully Catalogs the Maestro’s Work The 1,300-page tome was released in September with a celebration in Salzburg, Austria—the famed composer’s birthplace
Campus & Beyond ‘Cosmos,’ a Pulitzer, and More: Fascinating Facts about Carl Sagan The astronomer’s legacy can be found on Earth and far beyond—from a record-setting exhibit to an iconic portrait of our planet
Campus & Beyond New Course Sets Sail on Understanding Physics—by Boat Students venture out onto Cayuga Lake for hands-on learning about wind speed, velocity, buoyancy, and more