Diversity Alumni Programs (DAP)

We support Cornell’s diverse alumni initiatives and diverse alumni associations. Our efforts center on helping to coordinate the work of our diverse alumni associations, which maintain independent alumni volunteer boards; organizing engagement events; conducting fundraising initiatives to support diversity programs on campus; and growing our dynamic diverse alumni community to further inclusion. We also work closely with Cornell’s on-campus diversity offices and programs to engage alumni in their work. DAP is directed by Nataki Corneille, nc452@cornell.edu, and supported by Jessica Cherry, Associate Director, DAP, jc2783@cornell.edu, Quentara Johnson, Associate Director, DAP, qj63@cornell.edu and Brendan West, Program Assistant, DAP btw27@cornell.edu.

Cornell Mosaic

Cornell Mosaic is an organization of Cornell alumni and friends created in 2006 to assist the university in meeting its goal of increasing the number of diverse alumni engaged with the university. Mosaic members serve as ambassadors for Cornell’s diverse communities by identifying opportunities to influence university priorities, supporting and promoting diversity initiatives, and collaborating with the larger Cornell University community—all for the benefit of the diverse alumni and the larger Cornell community. The Mosaic Steering Committee provides oversight and direction for the membership of Mosaic and the larger diverse alumni population. The Steering Committee is co- chaired by Stephanie Fox ’89 and Katrina James ’96.

Cornell Asian Alumni Association (CAAA)

CAAA was founded in 1990 to serve the needs and interests of Asian alumni, Asian students, and the university. We sponsor activities and events that help promote community and connectedness among our alumni members including professional development and social networking events, undergraduate support activities, guest speakers and community service. Each year, CAAA awards two Cornell Tradition Fellowships and one scholarship to Cornell students.

Cornell Black Alumni Association (CBAA)

Founded in 1976, the Cornell Black Alumni Association (CBAA) was conceived as an organization devoted to providing a communication network for Black alumni. Over the years, CBAA’s mission and scope of activities has expanded, resulting in myriad programs that have a direct and significant impact on alumni and future Cornell students. Through four major programs—Recruitment, Mentorship, Update, and Scholarship—CBAA enables alumni to channel their positive energies toward broadening opportunities for African-Americans, lay the foundation for talented Black students to share the Cornell experience, and inspire young people to pursue higher education. We stand ready to unite with progressive forces at Cornell to improve opportunities for African-Americans.

Cornell Black Lawyers Alumni Network (CBLAN)

CBLAN is an affiliate group of the Cornell Black Alumni Association (CBAA) and the Cornell Law School Alumni Association (CLSAA). Membership in CBLAN is open to all alumni of the Cornell Law School, alumni of other Cornell University colleges and schools who have graduated from another accredited law school, present or former faculty of Cornell Law School, and administrators of Cornell Law School.

Cornell Latino Alumni Association (CLAA)

The Cornell Latino Alumni Association (CLAA) was founded in 1994 with the mission of representing and promoting the needs and interests of all Latino alumni as they exist at Cornell University and beyond. By definition, CLAA’s constituency is broad and encompasses Cornell ’s Latino American, Latino Caribbean, Latin American, and Latino European alumni, which collectively comprise about 15% of the total alumni population.

Cornell Military Network (CMN)

The Cornell Military Network (CMN) exists to organize and empower military-affiliated alumni across generations and support its member’s educational, professional, and social advancement.

Cornell Native American Alumni Association (CNAAA)

The Cornell Native American Alumni Association (CNAAA) provides AIP alumni the chance to network and reconnect with old friends. CNAAA aims to bring together alumni from all different backgrounds and disciplines by organizing reunions for them and their family members.

Cornell Pride

First organized in 1979 and then incorporated in 1980, Cornell Pride, formerly University Gay and Lesbian Alumni Association (CUGALA) is one of the oldest and largest LGBT university alumni organizations in the country. Cornell Pride’s mission is to foster community among, and build stronger connections between, Cornell’s LGBT alumni and students, staff, faculty, parents, and straight allies. We achieve this mission in a variety of ways, such as sponsoring social and networking events on campus and across the United States, participating in community service and student mentorship programs, organizing regional chapters, and supporting LGBT initiatives and institutions at Cornell both financially and through leadership. Cornell Pride also serves as the voice of LGBT alumni to the Cornell Alumni Association and Cornell Mosaic, and regularly cosponsors events with other Cornell alumni groups and the LGBT alumni organizations of other colleges and universities.

Latino Lawyers of Cornell (LLoC)

LLoC is an affiliate group of the Cornell Latino Alumni Association (CLAA) and the Cornell Law School Alumni Association (CLSAA). Membership in LLoC is open to all alumni of the Cornell Law School, alumni of other Cornell University colleges and schools who have graduated from another accredited law school, and present or former faculty of Cornell Law School.


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Nataki Corneille

Director of Diversity Alumni Programs


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