Shape the future this Giving Day
On Giving Day—March 13!—help us go above and beyond for the students, faculty, and programs working to make the world brighter.
Get readyThe Cornell Wellness Program offers free fitness, nutrition, and general health consultations, and a variety of programs to encourage health and wellbeing—from mindful snacking to self-massage to family fitness routines. These programs are designed to be inclusive and accessible, welcoming, and fun for participants. While Wellness programs target Cornell employees, retirees, and their partners, many … Read more
For years, volunteers with the Cornell Club of Ithaca have been supporting the local community. From hosting club events at area restaurants to support small business owners, to donating 400 pairs of socks to a homeless shelter last January, members do their part to give back to the Ithaca community. Typically, club members participate in … Read more
This was a year of firsts As we look forward to the New Year, we wanted to take a few moments to reflect on 2020. This was a year of firsts, as many of us transitioned to working, learning, and connecting online. We learned hard lessons: from how to keep the Cornell campus open in … Read more
When Cornell closed its campus in March 2020, the state of New York was the global hotspot for COVID-19. In the months that followed, Cornell faculty and staff worked together to create a plan to reopen campus, based on best scientific practices. The plan required every community member to make sacrifices, including a massive transition … Read more
Over the past ten months, Cornell faculty have been working to adjust and adapt to the new normal. Faculty have had to quickly master new technologies and new modes of instruction as they’ve transitioned from whiteboards to online polls. They’ve had to think through questions of equity and inclusion, as they attempt to balance the … Read more
Cornell alumni have always made it their mission to support the next generation of Cornell students. This is especially true in 2020, and helping current students is a key priority for the Cornell Black Alumni Association (CBAA). CBAA members provide support for Black alumni and students through scholarships, networking opportunities, social programming and other resources. … Read more
As part of its reactivation planning process, Cornell reached out directly to students to gather their input and learn their preferences. More than 10,300 students responded to a survey asking how likely they would be to return to Ithaca—even if all fall courses were taught remotely. Of the respondents, 75% of graduate students reported that … Read more
As a follow-up to our undergraduate story, Timeout, we reached out to several Cornell graduate and professional students and recent alumni to hear how they’re coping with life in the wake of the pandemic. Here are their candid responses to our questions. From taste testing pasta in a home kitchen, to online clinical training at … Read more
How are Cornell seniors and new graduates coping with life on pause? We reached out to four current seniors and four recent graduates to find out. Here are their candid responses to our questions. Spoiler alert: in spite of the challenges, they remain hopeful. From the pantry, to painting, to gardening, game nights, and online … Read more
Ingrid Zabel ’87 is Climate Change Education Manager for the Paleontological Research Institution (PRI), a small but mighty presence situated across Cayuga Lake from Cornell. The Ithaca-based institution is nationally recognized for its top-notch education resources about the history of life on Earth. Zabel’s job is to make climate change science more accessible to the public, via … Read more