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Vote nowIn spring of 2020, Cornell became the first Ivy League institution and the sixth university in the world to receive the highest possible rating for its sustainability efforts—STARS Platinum. The STARS ratings measure campus sustainability across a range of dimensions, from the food Cornell serves to the energy it produces, and from the courses it … Read more
In honor of Virtual Reunion 2021, we asked Cornellians to share their favorite Big Red moments. From a young man raised in the ghettos of Uganda celebrating his acceptance to a Cornell PhD program, to a 97-year-old alumnus lecturing in an ILR course he helped create, your stories moved us. The connections you have to … Read more
As part of a year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of the occupation of Willard Straight Hall on April 19, 1969, a group of alumni, students, and community members gathered during Homecoming at the Africana Studies and Research Center on North Campus. A handful of those present were among the group of Black and Latino students who … Read more
Manhattan’s Rockefeller Plaza was crowded but festive on Nov. 17, the Saturday evening before Thanksgiving. Holiday lights glowed, crowds milled between stores and skaters glided around the rink. A distant drumbeat struck up and grew louder. Hundreds of Cornell alumni, parents, and friends with banners, blinking red lapel pins, and kazoos turned toward the plaza … Read more
The Hill is alive with the sound of Cornell’s musical organizations every Homecoming weekend—it’s tradition. But during Homecoming 2018, the familiar sounds of the Cornell Chimes and the Cornell University Glee Club had special meaning because both celebrate 150 years of making music this year. Playing through the past together The chimes first rang out … Read more
In this video, fourth in the series, we get a special look into the library archives vault. Featuring a cameo by Evan Fay Earle ’02, MS ’14, the Dr. Peter J. Thaler ’56 University Archivist.
Cornell’s odd-couple founders, plus exclusive interview with today’s Ezra.