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April 7, 2022  |  On April 1, two new laws went into effect in NYC to reduce nighttime illumination during peak bird migration periods. Public buildings, including City Hall, will reduce unnecessary lighting to reduce the danger that birds will collide with lit windows.  |  Source: All About Birds | NYC Passes Landmark Lights-Out Laws  |  Photo: Rian Castillo/Creative Commons PHOTOGRAPH 
April 6, 2022  |  Cornell psychologist Michael Goldstein found that personality affects how zebra finches find a mate. “It turns out they pair by exploration,” he said. “Low-exploring males and low-exploring females got together, and high-exploring males and high-exploring females got together.”  |  Source: NYT | Wildlife Personalities Play a Role in Nature  |  Photo: A. Schauhuber/blickwinkel, via Alamy PHOTOGRAPH 

“The Amazon labor union, they didn’t shoot the beast’s forearm. They hit it squarely between the eyes.”

April 4, 2022  |  Students march with this year's two-headed dragon, made from recycled materials. Dragon Day is a century-old campus tradition.  |  Source: Return of the dragon | Cornell Chronicle  |  Photo: Lindsay France PHOTOGRAPH 
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