NYC Cornellians: Intellectual Discussion Night July 2018
July 28, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
New York, NY
July 28, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
New York, NY
Do you miss those great intellectual conversations you used to have on the hill? Want to connect intellectually with other Cornellians? Come join us over food and drink to talk about some intellectual topic that we agree on as a group…
Topics from past conversations have been: Is money good or evil?, Morality – What are good morals and are they universal or subjective?, the origins of the universe, etc… but whatever topic you’re interested in come with it prepared and whatever topic(s) get the most votes will be what we discuss. If we get more than 10 people we will break up into groups of 10 or less to make for more in depth discussion.
Appetizers will be served for the fee, if you want dinner and drinks you can get your own check.
Date: Saturday, July 28, 2018
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Midtown Restaurant, 155 E 55th St New York, NY 10022
Cost: $10 General Attendees, $5 Young Alumni (Classes of 2009-2018).