Event Details

Location: Toronto, ON


Thursday, October 20, 2016
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

What is the history of Zinck’s Night?

Theodore Zinck was a saloonkeeper in Ithaca, and his pub, the Hotel Brunswick, was a popular gathering place for Cornellians in the 1890s. After his death in 1903, several bars using his name (Zinck’s) continued to provide a haven for students. When the last Zinck’s closed in the mid-1960s, celebrating the spirit of Zinck’s became a favorite Thursday night Collegetown tradition for undergraduates.  Zinck’s is immortalized in the Cornell fight song “Give My Regards to Davy”, with the following line: We’ll all have drinks at Theodore Zinck’s, When I get back next fall!

To this day, Cornell alumni around the world celebrate Zinck’s once a year. This year our worldwide celebration will be held Oct 20. Please join our Cornell Club of Toronto as we celebrate with alumni from the GTA and around the world via our Ithaca Alumni Office.

Please join us Oct. 20 at the Duke of York, 39 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto, beginning at 6 pm. It will be a pay as you go event. Questions please contact Beth Duffy at mbduffy@rogers.com.

Together we can keep this longstanding Big Red Tradition going strong in the GTA. Please join us for Zinck’s.


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