Event Details

Dear Cornellians:

It is the time for us to get together again at the international tradition of Zinck’s Night.
This year’s Zinck’s Night Kansai will be held at DRUNK BEARS Osaka.

Please join us at this very special occasion and invite your friends also.

Zinck’s Night Kansai 2017 

Location: Osaka, Japan
Venue: Drunk Bears Osaka(NU Chayamachi), 1min walk from Umeda station.
Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017 (Third Thursday of October)
Time: 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Cost: Including Food and Beverage, 5,000 yen per person.
Location: Drunk Bears Osaka (NU Chayamachi), 
NU Chayamachi Bldg B1F,10-12 Chayamachi, Kita-ku, Osaka 533-0013 Japan.
URL: http://www.dreamcorp.co.jp/db/chayamachi.html

RVSP by October 10, 2017 and for any question,

Please contact Ann Isaka MPS ‘93 at annisaka@gmail.com or mbile at 090-8539-8518.

Cornell Hotel Society Kansai Chapter President

Kenichi Kiriyama (MPS ‘90)

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