Event Details


“We’ll all have drinks at Theodore Zinck’s when I get back next fall! Zinck’s Night occurs on the third Thursday of October at meeting places around the world.  It’s a tradition that has been kept alive long after Theodore Zinck and his eponymous saloon faded from the streets of Ithaca.  Today, it’s a chance for alumni near and far to gather and celebrate the Cornell spirit. 

Join us after office hours for an evening of tapas and drinks while reminiscing about life on the hill! Whether you’re connecting with old friends or meeting new ones, it will all be Big Red fun!  

Who: Cornellians, friends, and family

When: October 19, 2017 | 7:30 p.m. onward

Where:  My Little Spanish Place (54 Boay Quay, Singapore, 049843) 

Dress Code: Cornell Casual
Cost: Pay as you go

Contact Guojian Ou at ngiamsiewwei@outlook.com