Event Details

International Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Dear Cornellians,

Summer is here and partying begins!!! Just like when we were at Cornell. Please see details below and RSVP through Accupass soon. 

Intercollegiate Singles’ Mixer 四大名校聯合單身派對

If you are single and ready to mingle, please join our intercollegiate singles’ mixer hosted by Berkeley, Cornell, USC, and Northwestern, on 6/24 Sat 2-5 PM at China Pa. “A flower themed party!! Wear something with flowers or just bring a rose 😉”
$1000 before 6/18
$1200 before 6/21
$1500 at the door


柏克萊 康乃爾 南加大 西北大學

今年夏天又要到了,還在為找不到對的他(她)而煩惱嗎?這個月6/24(六)在China Pa 下午2點到5點 將舉行一場單身派對。 歡迎有興趣的單身們,在以下的時段前購票。
6/18前 $1000
6/21前 $1200
當日     $1500

The party will be hosted by our beautiful wine sommelier Jessica Chang. So please come out and support her and Cornell. Go Big Red!!!


Patrick Chiu