Event Details

International Location: Tel-Aviv, Israel

The Israel Cornell Club presents …

How thirsty are our plants? The History of a Cornell technology

Monday 09 January 2017, 18.30
Ben-Gurion House, Sderot Ben-Gurion 17, Tel-Aviv (map)

a lecture by Prof. Abe Stroock (’95),
Gordon L Dibble ’50 Professor and William C Hooey Director of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University

How do plants and soils ‘drink’ water? How can we determine how ‘thirsty’ they are? And what developments in this field have taken place at Cornell? This lecture by Prof. Abe Stroock ’95 will describe the physics of water in plants and soils, the importance of these phenomena in agriculture and ecology, and the history of research on these topics at Cornell.

Please RSVP by 06 January 2017 through the Eventbrite registration page (https://cornellisrael.eventbrite.com/).

Attendance to this event is open to all Cornellians, fellow Ivy Leaguers, and other friends. Admission fee: NIS20 for Cornellians (and immediate family members) and NIS30 for non-Cornellians. The talk will begin promptly at 19.30, however, a tour of the historic Ben-Gurion House will be provided at no additional charge for those who would arrive at 18.30. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information, contact ICC co-chairs Renie Hirsch and D Gershon Lewental (owner-israelalumni-l@cornell.edu).

Location and parking: The event will take place at the historic home of Israel’s founding prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, at Ben-Gurion Boulevard 17. There are three paid parking lots near the venue: at the corner of Ben-Yehudah and Gordon, on Yarqon near the Leonardo Hotel, and the parking garage at Kikar Atarim. However, we recommend parking for free at the Riding parking lot near the Tel-Aviv Port and taking the no. 4 bus or sherut to the Ben-Gurion House.


Richard Gussow MBA ’81

Prof. Abraham Stroock â€™95 is the Gordon L. Dibble ’50 Professor and William C. Hooey Director of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Cornell University. His research relates to engineering microchemical process with an emphasis on transport phenomena, thermodynamics, and physiology. Current projects in his laboratory include the development microfluidic platforms and the engineering of mammalian microvascular structure for use in regenerative medicine. He obtained his BA in Physics from Cornell in 1995 and his PhD in Chemical Physics in 2002 from Harvard University. He has received a MIT Technology Review TR35 Award and an NSF CAREER Award.

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