CTBN Forum – Can AI Power Sustainable Food Supply?
November 8, 2023 @ 11:30 am
November 8, 2023 @ 11:30 am
DATE: Wednesday, November 8, 2023
TIME: 11:30 AM PST / 1:30 PM CST/ 2:30 PM EST
LOCATION: Zoom Link to be provided upon registration
Are you contributing to the 2% of the US GDP that is literally tossed away each year? Thousands of daily decisions are made from farm-to-table that impact systemic food waste; and some of the most vulnerable products have the weakest data.
Can AI be trained to handle rare events, with sparse data and high levels of product fungibility? Can AI “collaborate” with Humans? Could the ML models, AI engines and insights from one part of the food supply chain be transferable? Are we at the cusp of a breakthrough to food insecurity?
Join the November 2023 CTBN Forum to hear the keynote presentation by Volodymyr Kuleshov, Assistant Professor at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech and in the Computer Science Department at Cornell University.
Volodymyr Kuleshov (’11 BS, Mathematics and Computer Science, McGill University; ’17 PhD, Computer Science, Stanford University) is a Co-Founder of Afresh, a startup focused on automating the food supply chain using AI in order to reduce food waste.
Afresh represents a one-of-a-kind opportunity to have massive social impact at scale by leveraging uncommonly impactful software!
Kuleshov’s research interests are in the field of machine learning and its applications in scientific discovery, health, and sustainability. He is currently teaching Applied Machine Learning and Deep Probabilistic and Generative Model courses at Cornell Tech.
Additional Program Content:
*News from the Network
*Alumni 3-Minute Introductions
*Open Networking
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For registration questions, please contact Trevor Schul