CTBN Forum: From Start-Up thru IPO to Public Corp
March 15, 2023 @ 10:30 am
March 15, 2023 @ 10:30 am
DATE: Wednesday March 15th, 2023
TIME: 11:30 AM/ PDT
2:30 PM/ EDT
LOCATION: Online event
For event information, contact Thomas Dewey
For registration information, contact Cecilia Reyes
Keynote Speaker: Follow her inspiring career from corporate attorney to tech executive and hear Eve Saltman, SVP and Chief Legal Officer at GoPro, BA ‘86 (CU), JD ‘90 share valued insights and lessons for entrepreneurs and business owners at each stage of the journey. Program includes: Keynote Speaker, Alumni 3Min Introductions, News and OpenMic Forum.
Register Here: https://bit.ly/Register-CTBN-Mar15-2023.