Cornell Club/World Affairs Council UNF November 5th Lecture
November 5, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Jacksonville, FL
November 5, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Jacksonville, FL
Location: Jacksonville, FL
The Cornell Club will be participating in the World Affairs Council of Jacksonville/UNF lecture series on Tuesday, November 5, 2019.
7:00 pm – Zucked: Waking Up the Facebook Catastrophe
Roger McNamee, Founding Partner, Elevation Partners
Priority seating for Cornell, Penn, and Princeton Attendees
Adam W. Herbert University Center
University of North Florida
12000 Alumni Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Following the Lecture – Cornell, Penn, Princeton IVY Reception
Herbert University Center
Cash Bar
Menu/price- In process
You must be a member/spouse of the Cornell Club of Greater Jacksonville (Click here for Membership Application.)
And you must have paid dues in the 2018/2019 period or pay your $25 dues for 2020 to be eligible.
Members – If you want to participate, send an email to me at before October 23rd to indicate your interest in attending.
Non-Members – If you want to participate, send me an email to express your interest before October 23rd and include your completed application as an attachment. Mail your $25 dues check to me before November 1st.
I will send an email to all those who email me that you would like to attend the lecture/post lecture Ivy reception. I will give you the procedure for officially reserving your seat for the lecture and paying the $22/person cost of the heavy hors d’oeuvres and cash bar reception.
This should be a very interesting lecture and a great opportunity to socialize with Cornell, Penn, and Princeton alumni.
We are also planning to hold a similar lecture/post lecture IVY reception in the spring.
Robert S. “Bo” Smith Capt. USN Ret
President, Cornell Club of Greater Jacksonville