Cornell Club of Utah – All-Ivy Plus Ivory Tower Happy Hour
January 17, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Park City, UT
January 17, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Park City, UT
Location: Park City, UT
Just a reminder that the next All-Ivy Plus “Ivory Tower Happy Hour” is just around the corner, on Thursday, January 17!
The Park City edition of this casual social event happens on the third Thursday of each odd-numbered month at O’Shuck’s Bar and Grill at 8178 Gorgoza Pines Rd in Pinebrook (not the downtown PC location). Join your old friends, or make some new ones!
This is an informal gathering, so come any time between 6:00 and 8:00, have a quick beverage, stay and have dinner, or hang around for a while and catch some live music starting at 7:30. There’s no cost for this event, but food and drinks are on your own. No RSVP is required; just show up, mingle and have fun!
For more information (including information on the SLC edition of the event occurring on even-numbered months), check out the Utah All-Ivy Plus Web site and/or Facebook group, or contact Jeremy Rosenberger ’94 at or 801.819.5919. See you there!