Cornell Club of San Diego – Cornell Cares Day at the Food Bank
March 19, 2016 @ 8:00 am
March 19, 2016 @ 8:00 am
Location: San Diego, CA
The Cornell Club of San Diego has once again reserved a day for a community service event at the San Diego Jacobs and Cushman Food Bank. This Cornell Cares Day event was one of our biggest events last year, and one of the best-attended Cornell Cares Day events sponsored by any Cornell Alumni Club across the U.S.! We invite you to join us in making this year’s event another resounding success.
The San Diego Food Bank distributes locally sourced food directly to families and individuals in need, and also provides food to 350 nonprofit organizations that operate feeding programs. The San Diego Food Bank relies on volunteers to help defray labor costs. Come out and support your community with fellow Cornellians as we sort and bag food for distribution to the community together.
The Food Bank has initiated a new procedure for registering groups since we volunteered with them last year, so please pay close attention to the following directions. Each person volunteering will need to register and sign up through the Food Bank website at
If you would like to bring a family member or friend, they are more than welcome; just remember that each of your guests must also individually register at the above website or they will not be allowed to volunteer at the event.
For new users, please follow the link and click “register.” When you get to the page, please create a Username and Password. Then click the next page. During the registration process you will be asked to enter a join code, which will be ccsd1 (no spaces, no caps.) Please continue to the next page and fill out your personal contact information. Once you complete this process, it will allow you to register for our event. If you have volunteered before and already have a profile, the join code can be added in “Your Account.”
Once you complete the registration process, you will be able to sign up for the March 19th morning shift held from 9:00-11:30 am. The event is limited to the first 50 people who sign up, so be sure to register today! One IMPORTANT NOTE: The Food Bank requires all volunteers to wear closed-toe shoes.
Thank you for volunteering with the Food Bank and participating in this Cornell Club of San Diego event!
For questions about this event contact: Karen Kearns (