Event Details

Pittsburgh-area Cornellians, join us as we welcome Susan H. Murphy, past Vice President for Student and Academic Services, as she speaks on Student Life at Cornell: Looking Back, Looking Forward. This event is part of Susan’s official speaking tour which she began after her retirement from her VP role, which she held for 21 years.

Throughout 2015, Cornell University celebrated its Sesquicentennial, literally around the world.  Now, with a new Provost and several key administrators and deans in new positions, the University is poised to launch its second 150 years.  Vice President Emerita Susan H. Murphy ’73, PhD ’94 will share her thoughts and observations about Cornell, spanning her 38 years as an administrator and 45+ years since she first stepped on campus: what has changed over those decades and what has remained constant through the years.  She also will discuss the emerging themes and priorities that are defining the University’s next chapter.
Your ticket includes appetizers, a cash bar will be available.
We hope you will be able to join us for this special event and give Susan a warm thank-you for her years of incredible work at Cornell!

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Cost: $20 per person
Location: Union Hall Gallery above Bar Marco
2216 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA

Event questions, please contact Elizabeth Rapoport at elizabeth.d.rapoport@gmail.com
Registration questions, please contact Claire Stack at cms362@cornell.edu

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