Event Details

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Hobbled in Housing: Promises and Pitfalls in Managing Residential Development in Los Angeles

Cornell Real Estate Regional Meeting in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is experiencing an affordable housing crisis of epic proportions. This is not hyperbole. While there is consensus on the severity of the problem, policy makers, constituent groups and developers differ on the best way to address the problem. Come and listen to affordable and market-rate housing developers, financiers, and policy-makers in a real estate round table discussion about the problem, what can be done to address it, and whether current and proposed policies will help or hurt.

Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Location: Greenland USA Sales Gallery, 777 S Figueroa St. 47th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Cost: $35 per person for CCLA members and guests; $45 for non-members; $50 at door day of event

RSVP:  Buy tickets at http://www.cornellclubla.com/store.html?event_id=1676.  Your name will be on a list at the door.

More Info: Adnan Tapia at atapia@ploutusadvisors.com, William Weinberger at wweinberger@pmcos.com

 Jan Perry
 General Manager
 Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development Department (EWDD)

Thomas L. Safran
 Thomas Safran & Associates

James Frost
 Frost/Chaddock Developers LLC

 Amy Anderson
 Executive Director
 PATH Ventures

 Tony Salazar
 President, West Coast Operations
 McCormack Baron Salazar



 William Weinberger
 Parker Milliken

 Adnan Tapia
 Ploutus Advisors, LLC

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