Event Details

Location: Lake View, NY

DATE: April 12, 2016

TIME: 7:00 PM

TITLE and AUTHOR: So Big by Edna Ferber

Many consider this Pulitzer Prize winning novel Edna Ferber’s best. “An interesting story of a woman’s life and her struggle to raise her only son and teach him what is valuable in life. The story is set in the late 1800 and early 1900s in rural and urban Chicago.” from Amazon

As you are reading the book, watch for 2 references to Cornell.

HOST: Celinda Crego (Lake View)

Please let Celinda Crego know if you would like to join and/or host an upcoming meeting. Celinda can be reached at cac432@aol.com. Hosts are need for future meetings. Book Club meets the second Tuesday of the month. Remember, the host has the privilege of selecting the book. If you would like ideas, or input – that can be provided. A list of past selections is on the Cornell Club of Buffalo’s website (http://www.cornellclub-buffalo.org/book_club.shtml). We have found that books with a max about 300 pages, or less are best. In addition, the book should be easily available, hopefully at least some copies in the local library. As host, you select the book, provide a location to meet, and refreshments.

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