Event Details

Location: Austin, TX

When: Monday, November 13 at 5:30 pm-7 pm

Where: Location will be sent to you upon completion of interest form

Interest Form: https://goo.gl/forms/Fy1W1WdRysDC3Yst1

Are you interested in getting more involved with your neighborhood Cornell Club of Austin?  Do you have some great event ideas that you would like to drive?  Would you like to build out that resume with a board position on your local alumni board?

If you said yes to any of these, please feel free to join us this month for the dinner portion of our board meeting (5:30 pm-7 pm) where we catch up over some good food and a beverage.  Feel free to pick our brains about how we work now and what we hope to accomplish this year.  We look forward to learning more about you and continuing to develop our Cornell community.