Event Details

Cornell Classes of ’70–’74 at Queens Botanical Garden

Join fellow Cornellians from the Classes of 1970–74 for our second multi-cultural themed garden event at Queens Botanical Garden (QBG). Located in the heart of one of the most ethnically diverse communities in metro-NYC, QBG is an urban oasis celebrating people, plants and cultures. The garden grew out of the “Gardens on Parade” exhibit at the 1939 World’s Fair, and moved to its current location to make way for the 1964 World’s Fair. From thematic gardens and historic plantings recalling its origins to new gardens showcasing native species and sustainable landscape practices, QBG’s collections represent expert horticultural knowledge, artistry, and a commitment to environmental education and public service.

This event includes a presentation by Cornell Plantations Director Christopher Dunn and a guided tour of QBG, followed by optional Dim Sum lunch at the New Lake Pavilion Restaurant, within a 20-minute walk or short car ride from the gardens. Your registration fee also includes a 1-year membership in Cornell Plantations, which provides free admission and other reciprocal benefits at over 300 other public gardens across North America. (Current Plantations members can register at a discounted fee.)

Connie Meyer ’70 Class President
  Barbara Noveau ’71 Class President
Nancy Roistacher ’72 Class President
Paul Cashman ’73 Class President
Dale S. Lazar, Esq ’74 Class President

Cornell Classes of ’70–’74 at Queens Botanical Garden

Join fellow Cornellians from the Classes of 1970–74 for our second multi-cultural themed garden event at Queens Botanical Garden
(QBG). Located in the heart of one of the most ethnically diverse
communities in metro-NYC, QBG is an urban oasis celebrating people,
plants and cultures. The garden grew out of the “Gardens on Parade”
exhibit at the 1939 World’s Fair, and moved to its current location to
make way for the 1964 World’s Fair. From thematic gardens and historic
plantings recalling its origins to new gardens showcasing native species
and sustainable landscape practices, QBG’s collections represent expert
horticultural knowledge, artistry, and a commitment to environmental
education and public service.

This event includes a presentation by Cornell Plantations Director Christopher Dunn and a guided tour of QBG, followed by optional Dim Sum lunch at the New Lake Pavilion Restaurant, within a 20-minute walk or short car ride from the gardens. Your registration fee also includes a 1-year membership
in Cornell Plantations, which provides free admission and other
reciprocal benefits at over 300 other public gardens across North
America. (Current Plantations members can register at a discounted fee.)

Connie Meyer ’70 Class President
  Barbara Noveau ’71 Class President
Nancy Roistacher ’72 Class President
Paul Cashman ’73 Class President
Dale S. Lazar, Esq ’74 Class President