Cornell Alumni in San Antonio – Zinck’s Night
October 17, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
San Antonio, TX
October 17, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
San Antonio, TX
Location: San Antonio, TX
Thursday, October 17, 2019
5:00 PM to 9:00PM
1506 E Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78202
RSVP to Pegy Brimhall, MBA ’10 at
“We’ll all have drinks at Theodore Zinck’s, when I get back next fall!” goes “Give My Regards to Davy,” the timeless Cornell fighting song. The International Spirit of Zinck’s Night is an annual event for you and other Cornellians around the world to gather at your favorite local haunts and to give a toast to Cornell.
All Cornell alumni, parents, and friends are invited to celebrate this long-standing tradition. Join the fun on Thursday, October 17, 2019, at an event near you!!
But who is Theodore Zinck?
Theodore Zinck was an Ithaca saloon owner whose pub, the Hotel Brunswick, was a popular haunt for Cornellians in the 1890s. When he died in 1903, a series of bars on and around Collegetown adopted his name over the years. The last one closed in the 1960s, and Cornellians started commemorating the spirit of Zinck’s Night by gathering at an establishment on a Thursday night, once a year. This tradition of alumni coming together to enjoy camaraderie and refreshments has grown into a gathering for Cornellians of all stripes everywhere.