Event Details

Join us for an interactive webinar featuring Greg Morrisett, the Dean of Computing and Information Sciences.

Please join new CIS Dean Greg Morrisett as
he gives us a behind-the-scenes look at CIS’ inque structure that
focuses on cross-campus collaborations (including Cornell Tech and
Weill) and also shares his vision for CIS for the future.

      Wednesday, February 3rd
Time:         12:00 – 1:00 pm EST

Computers and information science infiltrate all aspects of
our lives. Cornell Computing and Information Science (CIS) has been
foundational in developing technology that aids humanity from virtual
reality design to computational sustainability to how you receive your
Facebook newsfeed. Today, the Faculty of Computing and Information
Science, located in Bill and Melinda Gates Hall, is a model nationally recognized for an outward-looking cross-campus approach to computing and information.

With a
global focus on tech jobs, CIS is experiencing a huge boom in student
enrollment. Since 2006, we have increased our CIS majors from 3,500 to
12,000 in 2015! Last year over 50% of undergraduate students at Cornell
took a course offered in CIS. Comprised of three academic departments
(computer science, information science, and statistical science), CIS
collaborates broadly research priorities including computational social
science, data science, and big data; ubiquitous health and wellness;
biodiversity and citizen science; digital arts and humanities;
technology and society; and computational health and sustainability.

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