Fuel up your Big Red pride at John Harvard’s before the Cornell-Harvard men’s ice hockey game! This has long been one of the Cornell Club of Boston’s most popular events and most cherished traditions, so make sure to register soon! After enjoying dessert, be sure to grab a cup of hot chocolate for the approximately 10-minute walk to Bright Arena or the Lavietes Pavilion.
Date: Friday, February 19, 2016
Time: 4:45 PM – 6:45 PM
Cost: $25 for Attendees 21 & up, $15 for Attendees 20 & under
Location: John Harvard’s Brewery and Alehouse, 33 Dunster Street, Cambridge, MA
Event questions, please contact Jason Hnatko at jph27@cornell.edu
Registration questions, please contact Claire Stack at cms362@cornell.edu