Event Details

Location: Los Angeles, CA


Date: Sunday, October 15, 7 pm

Host: Steven Oh ‘92

Donation: $100

Limit: 10 guests

 What is the role of digital media in news and politics today?  Join Steven Oh, chief business officer of The Young Turks, a find-it-everywhere online news operation with 20-plus channels, for a lively discussion over drinks and dinner at a Los Angeles restaurant (TBD).  Trained as a lawyer (UCLA) and experienced as an entrepreneur (Yoforia, Exogear), Steve has supervised breakneck-speed growth of The Young Turks for seven years.  

Buy tickets at http://www.cornellclubla.com/store.html?event_id=1748.

“Thank you so much,” wrote Roda Z. ’17 a few months ago, thanking the Cornell Club for the scholarship money we provided.  “I am forever indebted!”  The Club receives a batch of letters like hers every year from L.A. students whose aid packages included money from CCLA.  It chokes us up to read these heartfelt expressions, and motivates us to keep working hard to raise money to help local kids attend Cornell.

Did you know CCLA has a scholarship endowment of over $500,000?  Two decades of fund-raising success, plus prudent investments, has enabled us to grow the endowment from scratch, while donating over $250,000 to Cornell to aid students like Roda Z.  Last year, our gift of $30,000 helped support nine students.

The club’s unique Scholarship Dinner and Event program is the vehicle.  Alumni open their homes or invite club members to their favorite restaurant for an evening of fine dining and nostalgic camaraderie.  Please join us at a table this fall!

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