CC Los Angeles – Annual Meeting and Nominating Committee Report
May 17, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
May 17, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
Location: Marina del Rey, CA
Annual Meeting and Nominating Committee Report for the 2016-2017 CCLA Board of Directors
CCLA MEMBERS ONLY: Please submit your vote for the 2016-2017 Board of Directors!
In accordance with the bylaws of the Cornell Club of Los Angeles, Article V, Section 2, the Club’s annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in Marina del Rey. Members are invited to attend this annual meeting to learn of CCLA’s accomplishments.
To submit your vote of approval for the CCLA Board of Directors for 2016-2017, please click below and follow the instructions. By completing these instructions, you are voting “yes” for the entire slate of CCLA Directors.
Please note that submitting this form does NOT count as an RSVP to the annual meeting. But it does mean that your vote has been recorded. If you wish to attend the meeting, please call (310) 545-3321 for cost and location information.
If you have any questions or comments regarding individual positions, please email Votes are appreciated by May 15, 2016.
Members of the nominating committee were Tiffany Aguier, Erik Kronstadt, Diane Shakin and Adam Vagley. They reported that the proposed slate for the 2016-2017 CCLA Board of Directors is as follows:
Kim Bixler ’91 President
Bart Mills ’64 Treasurer
Nancy Mills ’64 Paid Secretary/CIH/Networking Brunches
Erik Kronstadt ’06 Co-Head of Programming
Adam Vagley ’04 Co-Head of Programming
Lynell Davis ’03 Programming Committee
Sam Breslin ‘12 Young Alumni Programs
Phil Sandhaus ’74 Cornell Hotel Society/Scholarship
Jesse Turk ’14 Cornell in Hollywood
Ilene Friedland ’73 Networking Brunches
Robert Kahn MBA ’89 Johnson School Biz Breakfasts
Heather Wells ’02 Tech Committee/Social Media
Jeffrey Cowan ’86 Legal Counsel
Sumee Oh ’04 Scholarship Dinners
Diane Shakin ’83 Scholarship Dinners
Richard Stearns ’79 Scholarship Dinners
Erin Flinn ’00 Scholarship Committee
Mindy Schleger ’77 Event Planning/Membership
Ellen Perlmutter ’74 CAAAN
Yasmin Green ’94 Newsletter Editor
Andy Traum ’85 Scholarship Committee
Derek Siker ’12 Tech Advisor/Web Admin
Arsames Qajar ’12 Programming Committee
Tiffany Aguiar ’14 Position TBD
Valerie Escalante JD ’11 Membership Chair
Monica Srinivasa ’12 Programming Committee
Kirsten Sebourn ’09 Secretary
David Speyer ’83 Scholarship Committee
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