Event Details

DATE: Tuesday, April, 9, 2024
TIME: 7:30 pm
LOCATION: Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87279420579?pwd=eVZ4R0ZwZCtWL2VsUEZiVGV1cWVBQT09)

For event questions and to RSVP, contact caagh.board@gmail.com

Retirement is kind of like Dragon Day . It’s a big deal, everyone wants in, but few people know what, how, or why. How much do we need? What tools should we use? How soon can we retire? Why is ROTH better than Traditional? These are just some of the questions people have about retirement.

Our own Cornell grad, Shawn Xu is a licensed financial educator who has helped hundreds of families learn how to control their own financial futures. Please join us as he demystifies retirement by stepping through the important questions with the hopes that in retirement, we don’t end up on a bonfire in the Arts Quad.

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