CAA Northern California – Special Twin Peaks Urban Hike
May 4, 2019 @ 11:00 am
San Francisco, CA
May 4, 2019 @ 11:00 am
San Francisco, CA
Location: San Francisco, CA
04 May 2019
2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Twin Peaks Tavern, 401 Castro St, San Francisco, CA 94114
Register at
• Member Ticket for Twin Peaks Hike – $3.00
Member Ticket for Twin Peaks Hike
• Non-Member Ticket for Twin Peaks Hike – $5.00
Non-Member Ticket for Twin Peaks Hike
Join Cornell Norcal for a special urban hike through the Castro District and Noe Valley to the summit of twin peaks.
Join Cornell University alumni and friends for an often spoken about – but rarely traveled urban hike to the top of San Francisco’s Twin Peaks.
We’ll hike from the intersection of Castro and Market Street through the Castro District. Then, we’ll begin climbing the many hidden stairs of Noe Valley and Eureka Valley until we reach the base of twin peaks.
Enjoy the incredible views from the top of both twin peaks. Be prepared to be amazed at the views from the tallest peak in San Francisco.
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 2:00 PM. Please arrive 20 minutes early.
Location: The courtyard outside of Twin Peaks Tavern on the corner of Castro Street and Market Street (Twin Peaks Tavern, 401 Castro St, San Francisco, CA 94114). There is plenty of parking everywhere in the Castro District
Trail Length: About 4 miles on a mixed urban travel with approximately 1,000 feet of vertical elevation change. There will be plenty of stairs during this hike
Post Hike Meal: We will announce the restaurant location (in the nearby castro district) via email the night before the hike.
Special Notes: Wear RED so we can easily keep the group together. Bring a bottle of water and sunscreen – this is urban hiking at is roughest. Dress warmly as the wind at the top of twin peaks is often quite strong.
Cost: $3/$5 (Member /non-Member)
For more information, please contact:
Anthony Asta
Cornell Alumni Association of Northern California
Director of Outdoor Activities
Ph: 607-339-1557
Raj Uppala
Cornell Alumni Association of Northern California
VP of Events