Cornelliana Tune Your Radio Dial To … Fascinating Facts About WVBR! Stories You May Like From the Sun to CNN: Journalist and Commentator S.E. Cupp ’00 100 Years of Hospitality Education on the Hill: Fascinating Facts Pioneering Big Red Players Look Back at Early Days of Women’s Varsity Athletics We’re all ears for these tidbits of history about Cornell’s much-beloved (and student-run) station By Joe Wilensky It’s one of the nation’s oldest college radio stations—and it holds the title as the only fully independent, nonprofit, student-run commercial station in the entire United States. Danny Alvarado-Gómez ’22, then the station’s general manager, in 2019. (Chelle Davies ’22) WVBR traces its roots to the 1935 founding of the Cornell Radio Guild by Daily Sun staffer Ruth Press Karr ’35 and agricultural professor Charles Taylor, an early radio pioneer on the Hill. According to a Sun article at the time, the guild was created with the aim of giving students on-air broadcast experience and offering community listeners “a glimpse of the abilities of the University’s students in the realm of entertainment.” Today, WVBR is owned and operated by the Cornell Media Guild (CMG), which also runs an online stream,, and a recording label, Electric Buffalo Records. Read on for a dozen fascinating facts about WVBR—and nearly nine decades of student-run broadcast history! It has generated an alphabet soup of call letters! The first programming aired on WESG, a Cornell-affiliated station co-owned with the Elmira Star-Gazette newspaper. The end of that partnership in 1940 spelled a new era—literally—as the University began operating it as WHCU, Home of Cornell University, 870 on the AM dial. (Cornell sold WHCU, now a commercial station, in 1985.) Student staffers check a script. Also in 1940, the Radio Guild launched a network from a studio in the Straight. It was later rebranded as WVBR—Voice of the Big Red—broadcasting at 640 on the AM dial via transmitters installed atop several residence halls throughout campus. Its headquarters included a ‘cow palace’! The station’s broadcast home has moved several times, from the former pottery studio in the Straight to 227 Linden Avenue in Collegetown to 957-B Mitchell Street—a space shared with the New York Holstein Association, and fondly known as the “cow palace.” Its audience grew along with its signal! In 1958, WVBR began broadcasting at 93.5 FM—where it can still be found today—from a 250-watt transmitter atop a 50-foot tower on the roof of Phillips Hall. (The station received one of the first commercial FM licenses granted to a student corporation.) Signal strength quadrupled the following year with a 1,000-watt transmitter; in 1962, a 150-foot tower was built on Hungerford Hill near East Hill Plaza, tripling the potential audience to 750,000. Rubinstein at the ”Ruby Tower.” (Provided) It was replaced in 2017 by the 3,000-watt Ruby Tower—named for its benefactor, iPod “Podfather” Jon Rubinstein ’78, MEng ’79. It was the first in the region in stereo! In 1966, WVBR-FM became the first station in the southern Finger Lakes to begin stereophonic broadcasting as it shifted to a new transmitter, a dual-polarized antenna, and stereo equipment. Its modern studio comes courtesy of a famous alum! In 2013, a gift from one of WVBR’s best-known alumni, political and sports commentator Keith Olbermann ’79, enabled CMG to purchase its current home at 604 East Buffalo Street, doubling the size of the studio facilities and modernizing its equipment. Staff at the opening of the Olbermann-Corneliess Studios in 2014. It’s dubbed the Olbermann-Corneliess Studios for Olbermann’s late father, Theodore, and Keith’s friend and WVBR colleague Glenn Corneliess ’78, who passed away in 1996. Its alumni include major media personalities! In addition to Olbermann, dozens of notables have begun their careers (or appeared on air as students) at WVBR. The eyes have it: Olbermann in the studio in 2011. They include psychologist and TV personality Joyce Bauer Brothers ’47; Superman star Christopher Reeve ’74; Miami meteorologist John Toohey Morales ’84; iHeartMedia president Tom Poleman ’86; “voice of the NYC subway” Jessica Ettinger Gottesman ’87, BS ’97; NBC’s Kate Snow ’91; and former “SportsCenter” anchor Whit Watson ’93. Stories You May Like From the Sun to CNN: Journalist and Commentator S.E. Cupp ’00 100 Years of Hospitality Education on the Hill: Fascinating Facts Its programming has evolved with the times! In its earliest AM days, the station carried news and a range of music, sports, and entertainment. With the higher fidelity of FM, it played mostly classical music in the 1960s until shifting to contemporary rock in 1968. Following college trends, it moved into progressive rock, top 40, and (in the 1990s) “Real Rock Radio.” In 2018, it rebranded as “Ithaca’s Alternative.” Its longest-running show has been on the air for more than half a century! Shapiro at the mic. Perhaps the best known of WVBR’s shows is the weekly live folk concert “Bound for Glory,” created and hosted by Phil Shapiro, MA ’69. Broadcast from the Anabel Taylor café since 1967, it’s the longest-running live folk program in North America, with more than 1,500 shows. (Since the pandemic, “Bound for Glory” has been airing reruns and has not announced a return to live broadcasts.) Acts well-known in the folk community who have appeared on the show include Christine Lavin, Aztec Two-Step, Chris Smither, Bill Morrissey, the Horse Flies, and John McCutcheon. It’s a true town-gown operation! Student staff and community DJs on the porch of Olbermann-Corneliess Studios in 2016. (Provided) For decades, local volunteer DJs have contributed their time and expertise, especially on weekends and during school breaks. Some of its longest-running shows hosted by local DJs include “Rockin’ Remnants” (oldies) and “Salt Creek” (bluegrass and more). Its news scripts are housed in the University Archives! In 2009, WVBR donated hundreds of files—including news scripts and photos—to the University Library, making them available to researchers and the public. The scripts include many from the late journalist and WVBR news director Gary Kaye ’70, including the first reports of the 1969 Straight occupation. Bob Press ’59, BEE ’61, at the controls. The student protesters displaced WVBR from its studio—but staff stayed on the air, broadcasting from a Collegetown apartment. It’s a forum for hot topics! In recent years, students have launched shows and podcasts to address current issues and amplify underrepresented voices. For example: “Black Voices on the Hill” has given a platform to University and community leaders; “Talk of the Town” takes deep dives into local and national headlines; and “Big Red Banter” discusses all things sports. And ... the studio was once commandeered for an infamous student prank! In May 1952, in a Cold War-era jape gone way too far, 10 masked pranksters bound and gagged four staffers and aired fake bulletins about an escalation of the Korean conflict. On the air in 1964. The faux broadcast included reports of Russian bombers attacking London—and a mandate that all ROTC students report to Barton Hall, in uniform. The incident made international news, prompted some two dozen suspensions and a public apology‚ and attracted the attention of the FCC. Top: A news broadcast. Unless otherwise indicated, all vintage images courtesy of Rare and Manuscript Collections and modern photos by Cornell University. Published June 20, 2023 What are your favorite WVBR memories? Comments Jordan Gremli, Class of 2008 20 Jun, 2023 Far too many to name, but the first one that comes to mind is doing a 24-hour show with Steve DeNero ’08! Reply Mike Beyman, Class of 2010 27 Jun, 2023 Good times on “Forced Awkwardness”…best show in Ithaca, 2008 Reply Warren Kurtzman, Class of 1987 20 Jun, 2023 Where do I start? Giving away a car at halftime of a Cornell basketball game? Being locked in “jail” on the Commons until enough listeners made a charitable donation to “free” me? Traveling to Boston to help cover the Big Red’s ECAC Hockey championship in 1986? Publicly debating Ken Cowan in the Ithaca Journal when he purchased WHCU and wanted to donate the station’s Classical music library to WVBR on the condition that we switched to a Classical music format? Having a tenant who was an advertiser come into the studio looking for me while wielding a baseball bat because I locked him out for non-payment of rent? Taking calls from listeners who were harassed by the guy who bought our old station van that was still emblazoned with our logo? That only scratches the surface of my memories of my time at WVBR. Most importantly, it was where I made many lifetime friendships and got the training I needed to pursue a career in media. Forty years after I first walked into the old building on Linden Avenue, I still regard getting involved at WVBR as one of the best decisions of my life! Reply Scott Pesner, Class of 1987 20 Jun, 2023 It’s more than memories. It’s the lifelong friendships I made, but also the skills I learned. Learning about working in the media, running a business and being able to write well and quickly and come up with multiple ways to tell a story (8 newscasts in the morning shift from 6am-9:30am, not to mention working on little sleep to get it done). Lasting memory I have was the January in 1986 when I was headed to the station because we had a new student doing the noon newscast so I was coming in early to help her. I was walking up Linden Ave to the station when Tom Poleman came running down the other way telling me to get into the station because the Challenger had just exploded. I stayed on air the entire afternoon with updates, and I remember NBC calling us to get a Cornell faculty expert (I did, not Carl Sagan). Real world experience. Reply James H. Schoonmaker, Class of 1974 21 Jun, 2023 Everyone who has ever worked at “VBR” has their own special memories, but mine include visiting their recruiting table in the Straight during Freshman registration in 1970 and, before the week was out, becoming the Assistant Traffic Manager, which bestowed the privilege of going to the studios in the Straight at 3am to prepare the following day’s 24-hour program log (which began at 6am) on 14-inch paper using a box of rubber stamps with each advertiser’s name and contracts indicating what time slots they had bought. Doing a live newscast in the Straight studios and having tear gas waft in from a nearby Cornell student protest, forcing us to relocate to an “undisclosed location” in a residential student facility that was prewired for emergencies. Doing a live progressive rock DJ shift 6-10am every Saturday during Junior year, but only being “heard’ by classmates when promoted to the Saturday 10am-2pm show Senior year. Using the hidden toilet behind an unmarked door just up the steps in the Straight from the studios and hearing your record running out on the station speaker that was wired in there. Spending the summer of 1973 working fulltime producing PSAs during the day at the old [long gone] Cornell Radio Center in a Quonset hut next to the Livestock Pavilion [for Gordon Webb who later was a Television and Radio Assistant Professor at IC] and then spending those nights at 227 Linden Avenue painting walls and assembling intercoms designed by our fellow staffer Jack Petty for our “new” studios. And then being present for launch on Wednesday, August 15, 1973 when fellow ’74 classmate Larry Kleinman did the first broadcast from Linden Ave that morning, cementing our move from the Straight forever. And donating all my paper files of those days to the WVBR section of the Cornell Archives. Reply Deborah Purcell, Class of 1974 27 Jun, 2023 Fascinating memories, Jim! Reply MARK Stenzler, Class of 1982 22 Jun, 2023 Actually, everyone thought that the VBR was the abbreviation for Very Boring Radio, with the exception of “Bound For Glory”. As a result, Radio Free Ithaca – Pirate Radio in the Finger Lakes was on the air from December 1980 – April 1981. Although an unlicensed pirate radio station, which claimed to broadcast from a Zeppelin flying over Cayuga Lake, the station provided free-form programming during its lifetime. It also included live evening news from BBC World Service. I am very proud to have been part of that experiment in creative broadcasting. Reply Bill Gallagher, Class of 1979 16 Sep, 2024 Amen – “Pirate Radio” should be mandatory viewing for any potential ‘VBR employee. Great movie too! Reply Michael Bauman, Class of 1987 27 Jun, 2023 Thanks Mark for the counter programming. When I was on the Hill, VBR was in a terrible period of top 40. The antithesis of what college radio should be. The excuse that it is independent and therefore must be responsive to listener whims does not hold water. My son just graduated from Wesleyan where he worked on an independent of the university yet still free from (since 1938) radio station. Let’s be honest, VBR is training ground for commercial radio. That’s ok, just dont claim to be independent and pathbreaking. One of my regrets was not joining the station, but my younger self was too much of a punk and wanted to play Husker Du not Duran Duran and just couldn’t do it. Usually listened to WICB. Reply Bill Nesheim, Class of 1981 27 Jun, 2023 Great story. I had some great times at the WVBR Linden Ave. studio while I was at Cornell. Road trip to Buffalo to get my FCC commercial radio license, engineer for evening newscasts and also for the live broadcast of the Patti Smith concern from Bailey Hall. I was kept busy logging any “profanity” broadcast as required by the FCC at the time – and she was pretty free with the spicy language! Reply Art Lasko, Class of 1971 27 Jun, 2023 I well remember December 1, 1969, the day the results of the first draft lottery were announced, listening to WVBR. A group of us were in my room listening to the drawing that could change our lives. The announcers kept interrupting the broadcast to explain the lottery, leaving large gaps in the actual numbers drawn. Very frustrating! Reply Patricia Brodie, Class of 1956 27 Jun, 2023 I loved working at WVBR during my years at Cornell. Since most of us liked talking on the radio, we were also encouraged to record discs (records?) of our reading stories and novels for the blind. Reply Bruce Mainzer, Class of 1974 27 Jun, 2023 I remember a friend, Don Ritz (class of 1974), who was a late night DJ on WVBR in the early 70’s. Don always answered calls while on air to play a request, which was so important before the age of streaming. WVBR was a constant in my car and in my apartment, especially on weekend nights! Reply Nathaniel W. Pierce, Class of 1966 27 Jun, 2023 I was in the Willard Straight studio when WVBR broadcast the speech by Martin Luther King in the early 1960s from Bailey Hall. Subsequently I copied the speech onto a magnetic tape and added the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” as an overlay to the end: “His truth is marching on” arriving just as the speech ended (required many attempts before success was achieved). I still have the tape. My most memorable moment: I had managed to irritate my colleagues in the studio (a talent which continues to this day) and found myself locked in the control room. After three hours I began to search for an outrageous tape I could broadcast indicating that I needed help. Fortunately, before I found one, I was released. Reply Tim Cole, Class of 1983 27 Jun, 2023 How could I forget? One evening, while sitting in the news announce booth at 227 Linden Avenue waiting for my cue to begin the “Late Edition” newscast, the booth’s rickety chair on wheels sent me on an unplanned journey as I laughed at a comment the DJ made. I fell backward through the door and tumbled into the hallway! Fortunately, I managed to stop laughing moments before going on the air! I greatly enjoyed my time as a newscaster at WVBR and often wonder where I would be today if I had pursued a degree and career in broadcasting. Reply Aubra "Lady Love" Love, Class of 1975 27 Jun, 2023 The WVBR “Sounds of Blackness”!!! The CBAA recently posted a pic. Some of the crew were Edison Nesfield, Angel Harper,Stan Reeves, Rodney Brooks, Donnie Scrutchins, Kendall Minter,Sandy (NYC)rocking all the best music…Tower of Power,War,Stevie. Aretha moaning out “Rock Steady,Baby”. And Turbacks,our beloved and faithful sponsor of this magnificent programming. Those were the days! 💕 Reply Jason Wittman, MPS, Class of 1975 28 Jun, 2023 I was the late-nite progressive (now called “classic”) rock DJ sometime around 1973 at the new Linden Ave studio. After years of growing up listening to Jean Shepherd on WOR-FM in NYC, I used to entertain myself and anyone who was up at that hour by reading poems by Robert W Service and pulling silly pranks. My favorite one was during late nite snow storms I would launch the “WVBR Traffic Helicopter and report accidents in town. Well….the truth is that I found an effects record of inside helicopter cabin noise, and we had a police scanner, so I would get the facts on real accidents and road conditions, put on the effects tape loop, and get in the announce booth and do my traffic report. Because I had been an Air Force Officer, it was assumed I could fly choppers, and I was somewhat well-known for starting Alpha House Drug Rehab and working with the kids of Collegetown, I managed to convince folks that I was crazy enough to fly a chopper in the hills of Ithaca in a snow storm. I went into morning when I heard that years later, they sold off or gave away that amazing lp record library, including some pretty rare albums (Gracie Slick fronting a garage band). One final thank you to the Guild for allowing me to use the first floor of Linden Ave as a youth center, “Our Place,” for my fledgling first youth program that became my master’s thesis. Without WVBR’s assistance, I would not have been able to develop and prove a model of providing social services and counseling who were on their own. Finally, I now own about 2000 lp albums that I would love to donate to WVBR. If they want them and can figure out how to transport them, I am willing. Reply Jason Wittman, MPS, Class of 1975 28 Jun, 2023 By the way, this article neglected to mention one of the more famous of WVBR’s graduates. Bettina Gregory was a station legend when I arrived in that her on-air voice was so good as a freshman that she skipped “Copy-Clinic” and went right to the announce booth. She was an ABC News Correspondent for more than 25 years. Her assignments included the White House, the Pentagon, Congress, Federal Regulatory Agencies, and Presidential campaigns. Her reports appeared on ABC’s “World News Tonight” anchored by Peter Jennings, “Good Morning America,” and “Nightline” anchored by Ted Koppel. Bettina has also appeared as a guest on “Nightline”. During her last five years at ABC News, Gregory was Chief Anchor for thousands of hours of live coverage for ABC Radio Network, then the largest in the United States. Reply Dan fast, Class of 1972 17 Jul, 2023 Hey Jason, I had no idea (or forgot) that you’re a fellow Cornellian – I was in Class of ’72. We had an (in)famous Gay Liberation Front show “sponsored” by our own Fruit-of-the-Loom Loomed Fruit lavender T-shirts that we dyed in one of Collegetown’s laundromats (left them purple) and had a lot of fun getting the gay Word out to the Cornell community. Reply Michael Fremer, Class of 1968 28 Jun, 2023 I was known as Mad Mike” on VBR-AM in 64-65. I pulled a prank one freezing night running across the Arts quad covered in shaving cream as “The Abdominal Snowman”. It brought out a crowd and the campus police. I wasn’t fired. Later, I was fired for reading news directly off the UPI ticker. The story included a hilarious double entendre that the adolescent brain couldn’t avoid cracking up over and I was gone. If I repeat the story’s exact wording here, this comment most likely would be rejected. A few years later I was on air at WBCN-FM in Boston one of the country’s top progressive rock stations. The station ran a day’s worth of women’s programming on the very first International Women’s Day. I had the all night shift, which I loved, and after a day’s worth of women’s programming I opened with a show called “The Men’s Room”. The satire was gentle: men’s music: Herbie Mann, Manfred Mann, Mandrake Memorial, etc. but I was fired anyway. Oh well…. Reply Doug, Class of 1969 18 Nov, 2023 Fremer. I was Cornell 69. I was a dJ on VBR. I almost joined Phi Sig. unfortunately joine AEPi instead.We were joined at the hip during BU law first year. Studied for finals every day on the phone. You had the greatest collection of classical vinyl plus British versions of every genre, bought at the Harvard Coop. Turned me on to AR speakers. You had, I think, a Volvo with the best home made car stereo. You did articles for the Phoenix and partnered with another Phi Sig guy, a friend of my ex wife Nancy Weiss, doing ads, you did copy and he did the art. I’m blanking on his name, but he wound up drawing the little orphan any comic strip in the early 70s. Contact me if you get a chance. Doug Rick. Reply Wendi Friedman Tush, Class of 1979 28 Jun, 2023 Loved my time at WVBR. Although I’m not as well known as Keith, he was my colleague at WVBR and later at CNN. I later was on air at FNN, CNBC and VH-1. At VBR, Keith kept me on my toes, especially when I mispronounced sports names! Reply Richard Ahlfeld, Class of 1968 28 Jun, 2023 Will aways remember waking to the broadcast the morning that Willard Straight was occupied, April 19, 1969. Reply Margaret Clark Hampson, Class of 1951 30 Jun, 2023 When I joined WVBR-AM in 1947, the studio was in a tiny activities room in Willard Straight. Those in charge were mostly veterans, some having served in radio or communications in the service. I had heard that there was a female station manager during the War. The station was overseen by the Board of Directors of the Cornell Radio Guild, Inc.. Moving into the new, large, lower-level space was an exciting change with room for a large studio, announce booth, control room, an office-work area with the floor to ceiling record collection, a recording studio, and the chattering UP machine. We were on the air from 5 PM to midnight, Monday through Friday, all student-operated. Our programming was similar to that of NPR’s with classical, jazz, popular music, a call-in request program, news, sports, commercials, as well as remotes from big band dances at Barton Hall and some sports events. Our staff members: engineers, on air, writers, sales, programming, traffic and others were numerous and enthusiastic, as were our campus and Ithaca listeners. I held various positions, the last as a member of the Board of Directors in spring 1951. I remained in radio and TV broadcasting, commercial and public, during my working career. I am grateful to have such long-lasting memories of my years and co-workers at WVBR. Reply David Moriah, Class of 1972 16 Jul, 2023 Wow! Class of 1951. That makes you somewhere in the mid-90s. God bless you. Carry on, Margaret. Carry on! Reply Margaret Clark Hampson, Class of 1951 30 Jun, 2023 My Class year does not appear. 1951 Forgot to use numerical list. Reply CarrieAnn (Ortolani) Paukowits, Class of 1997 16 Jul, 2023 Thank you for this article. It brought back memories of sportscasting for WVBR back in 1993-1996 from above the firehouse. We had a great time, and I am so happy to read that WVBR is still going strong. ”For WVBR sports, I’m CarrieAnn keeping you ahead of the game.” Reply Jeff Koch, Class of 1968 16 Jul, 2023 I remember working in the control room in my freshman year – Fall ’64. I had the last shift – 8 to midnight ( I think). The programming had been recorded previously and I was handed the tape as the DJ left. Mostly, classical or jazz. So I was alone in the station. Very boring job. I remember one important task was to make sure the red light on the tower was flashing. That was done by observing the meter monitoring power as it fluctuated and then making an entry in the station log. After shutting down and locking up I could still make it to the hot trucks for a sub or pizza. Jeff Koch, Class of 1968 Reply Samuel (Sandy) Goodman 16 Jul, 2023 I learned a valuable lesson about interviewing when I was program director of WVBR back in the 1950s. George Sokolsky, a right-wing commentator, was visiting the campus and I interviewed him in our then-studio at the Straight. I wish I could remember the subject I was questioning him about, but whatever it was, clearly I was pressing him and he didn’t like it. So he turned on me with something like “What is your solution to that problem, what do you believe about it.” I had little experience in interviewing and didn’t know how to reply. But I learned something important from that. I learned the right reply to use, years later, when questioning an interviewee as a producer for a local Mike Wallace newscast, ABC News and later NBC News, in a broadcasting news career that lasted almost 40 years. When an interviewee tried to turn the tables on me with a question like “What’s YOUR answer?” I was prepared. “No, no, I’m here to ask the questions,” I’d tell them. “I hope you’re here to answer them.” It worked more than once. Reply David Moriah, Class of 1972 16 Jul, 2023 Love reading all the comments and memories here. No one has yet mentioned the Sunday morning music show “Nonesuch” which ran for a number of years in the 1970s. I did some part-time writing for the Ithaca New Times (now the Ithaca Times) in those days, and one assignment I had was writing a feature on the show and its host Jan Hoffman who was a student at the time. I hung out in the studio while she played the songs and soothed the listeners with her mellifluous voice. I learned recently that Jan has had a lengthy and respectable career as a feature writer for The NY Times. I would love to connect with her today. Maybe she’ll see this. P.S. My name back then was David Morrissey. As the Grateful Dead said, “What a long, strange trip it’s been!” Reply Larry Epstein, Class of 1976 23 Aug, 2023 David, Just wanted to let you know that Nonesuch still airs Sunday mornings at 10AM! Reply Michael Schenker, Class of 1968 16 Jul, 2023 Does anyone remember Marathon? 240 hours of continuous music (classical) during finals in the mid-60’s. Nothing like walking across campus at 4AM after an overnight shift and getting ready for a final exam. Reply Elisa (Barfus) Bremner, Class of 1990 16 Jul, 2023 Wow, I DJ’d and I never know WVBR stood for “voice of Big Red”! My memories are drinking Mountain Dew to stay awake (I never got off overnights) and scheduling meetings when they called for Tuesday afternoon and everyone responds “moody blues”. 🙂 It was such a cool experience for a shy person like me! Reply Caroline Hecht, Class of 1976 16 Jul, 2023 Around 1975 I was one of a group of women who put together a weekly women’s radio show on WVBR called Being Ourselves. We recorded it ahead of time each week at the Linden Avenue studio. It included music, news articles, commentary, and whatever else we could dream up. One of the women I remember working with was Heather Dunbar, who remained in Ithaca for the rest of her life and worked in public radio, and also did WVBR’s Salt Creek Show for years. I think the woman who did the most to keep it all going was Regina Kolber. Reply Larry Epstein, Class of 1976 23 Aug, 2023 I remember it well! Reply Guillermo ARBE CARBONEL, Class of 1981 18 Jul, 2023 I actually worked at the Anabel Taylor café – which was called the Commons Coffeehouse in my day (1978 – 1981). I worked the Bound for Glory shift on Sunday evenings. We would have a bit of activity at the counter before the live show began, then no activity at all during the show, we just relaxed and enjoyed, and then there would be 15 minutes of pure chaos during the intermission, followed by the second half of the show to relax and enjoy. I got paid for 15 minutes of work, while enjoying prime seats to some great live music! Reply Faith Shote, Class of 2024 19 Jul, 2023 It’s so lovely to see everyone post their WVBR memories! WVBR is still going strong and if you’d like to stay up to date on the current happenings with WVBR and Cornell Media Guild join our alumni mailing list by emailing and joining our alumni facebook group! Reply Holly Dunbar Clare-Beaudet, Class of 1973 6 Apr, 2024 Thanks for this. Regina Remains a dear friend Reply Bill Gallagher, Class of 1979 16 Sep, 2024 Three: 1) a fundraiser where a dj played Tommy James “Crimson and Clover” on a loop until the fundraising goal was met (when you hear the song, you’ll get the joke) 2) working the “graveyard shift” (midnight – 6am) in the Stewart Ave. days and playing “In-a-godda-da-vida” or “jungleland” so I had enough time to run down to Johnny’s to pick up a pizza. 3) agreeing to do the Sunday morning country music show after an all-night boilermaker party; following the strict instructions to just play the 1st or last tracks on a country album, and actually having people call in to say how much they enjoyed the selections. It should go without saying all the wonderful people I worked with back in those days. Reply Leave a Comment Cancel replyOnce your comment is approved, your email address will not be published. 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