Do you want to build a snow fort? Quizzes & Puzzles Warm Up a Chilly Day with Big Red Winter Trivia! Test your cold-weather smarts with these 10 frosty questions (If you’ve perused some of our recent winter stories, you may have a head start on the answers.) Difficulty Level: Moderate 1) Which massive storm isn’t in Cornell’s official record books—because the weather station was buried for days? The Valentine’s Day storm of 2007 The post-Christmas snowfall of 1969 The “snow-palooza” of 2010 The Blizzard of 1993 None 2) What’s the slang term for the messy mix of precipitation types and changeable weather well-known to Big Red alums? Cornelling Ithacation Cayugament East Hill Hail None 3) Big Red hockey was played on Beebe Lake in the early 20th century—but games often had to be held elsewhere, because of … Heavy winds Melting ice Unleashed dogs Distracting screams from the nearby toboggan slide None 4) What’s Ithaca’s average seasonal snowfall? 44 inches 63 inches 71 inches 39 inches None 5) Which president used to open the Beebe Lake toboggan slide by taking the first ride of the season? Edmund Ezra Day Dale Corson Andrew Dickson White Jacob Gould Schurman None 6) In lighthearted safety materials, the University encourages Cornellians to walk like what kind of animal to avoid slips and falls? Polar bear Sled dog Crab Penguin None 7) In the University’s early days, what Ithaca road would close to vehicle traffic—to make way for sledding? Buffalo Street University Avenue Seneca Street State Street None 8) What year saw Cornell shut down for the first time due to a blizzard? 1984 1971 1993 2007 None 9) Notorious prankster Hugh Troy 1926 once allegedly duped Cornellians into thinking that … A snow leopard had escaped from the Vet College A rhino had fallen through the Beebe Lake ice A live bear lived in McGraw Tower A Yeti had left snowy footprints on the Arts Quad None 10) What Cornell Dairy ice cream flavor is a nod to the snowy season on the Hill? Slippery Slope Strawberry Touchdown Upside Down Ezra’s Wipeout Willard Winterberry None Time’s up Photos by Cornell University and Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Published March 6, 2023 Comments Judith E Sobczak, Class of 1984 8 Mar, 2023 Fun to play. And, at the same time learn, (or re-learn) Cornell history. Reply Kshama Malavalli, Class of 2022 24 May, 2023 6/10, this was fun! Reply Arthur Resnikoff, Class of 1963 3 Dec, 2023 I don’t have a. clue, but it’s a great history lesson Reply Naomi Block Esmon, Class of 1969 3 Dec, 2023 How come the storm in Jan, 1966 that delayed the start of Finals for the first time ever because (as the excuse was given) many profs couldn’t get in to campus with the exams? May not have been feet of snow, but it was enough; or maybe it was more ice than snow. I can’t forget it because that 1 day delay saved my butt on the day1 exam(s) for reasons I’d rather not go into. Reply Eric Key, Class of 1977 3 Dec, 2023 The storm I remember was December 1973 that forced Tompkins County to close all the roads. My U-Hall Four buddies and I tried to hike Triphammer Road out to Route 13 but we only got to Community Corners before we had to give up and head back. Reply Melissa Yorks, Class of 1975 14 Jan, 2024 My roommate and I both got stuck at Cornell an extra day because our moms couldn’t get to Ithaca to get us. Luckily she’d been doing her own cooking ( we were living in what I called transfer house on Triphammer) which had been a sorority house) and we made a pizza which just had sauce as a topping. I was too lazy to trudge through the snow to Clara Dickson to use my meal plan ticket. Reply Naomi W Berman, Class of 1968 14 Jan, 2024 I was thinking of the same time. Extra time to study for Bio 101! Reply Sally Thurston, Class of 1983 3 Dec, 2023 Impossible but fun! Reply Christopher Mayro, Class of 2019 3 Dec, 2023 Fun questions! Reply Louise Campbell, Class of 1970 3 Dec, 2023 Fun with just wild guesses while I watch Bde Maka Ska ice over in Minneapolis. Reply Judith Barth, Class of 1969 4 Dec, 2023 No Clue on most, but fun! Reply Linda Byard, Class of 1968 4 Dec, 2023 So glad this was not an official final! I didn’t study! Reply Judith Barth, Class of 1969 14 Jan, 2024 7/10! Better than I thought I’d do. It helps to take advantage of all of Corey Earle’s history lessons! Reply Gordon Brostrom, Class of 1963 14 Jan, 2024 No clue on any question but still got 3/10 which is only slightly better than what one might expect from guessing. One massive snowfall was in January/February 1963 with 33” overnight. But perfectly timed between semesters! Our 4-wheel drive Jeep made getting around easy. Reply Jeanne Schwetje, Class of 1978 14 Jan, 2024 6/10. I love these quizzes. I love that I can read the answers, retake the quiz, and get 10/10! Haha. Something I could never do at Cornell😎💛☺️ Reply James horn, Class of 1978 14 Jan, 2024 8 out of 12… Ezra’s walking stick the easy one…I knew the Olin heads thanks to Morris bishops history of Cornell Reply Leave a Comment Cancel replyOnce your comment is approved, your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Class Year Email * Save my name, email, and class year in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ Other stories You may like Campus & Beyond Minnie to the Max! 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