Touchdown hanging out on Libe Slope in a festive ensemble

March / April ’24 Trivia Roundup

Did you miss any of the recent weekly trivia on our homepage? Here’s your chance to catch up with nine questions!

Top: Photo by Cornell University.

Published May 6, 2024



    Was so immersed in studies and activities, experiences that deeply shaped and changed me beneficially, at the same time as I was struggling to be comfortable in a locally expanding “universe(ity),” that I was not able to look around, smell the roses. Yes, I would do it all over again, in a heartbeat, without hesitation. But, maybe now, couldn’t get in…. I have a Son class of 2000 who would opine similarly.

    • Daniel A Hawken, Class of 1992

      Why do you believe you wouldn’t be able to get in now? Just curious?Daniel ’92

  2. Pat Adessa Irish, Class of 1965

    Although the Cornell atmosphere has always been stressful, perhaps we of older classes were able to partake of and embrace more, its past history, traditions, and culture. Or maybe we were just closer to the past than students now.

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