Alumni Alum’s Bakery with a Hollywood Following Hits a Sweet Spot Susan Sarich ’91 launched SusieCakes to create scratch-made treats—and provide sustainable careers in hospitality.
Students ‘The Wardrobe’ Outfits Students in Need of Professional Attire To help their peers look their best for interviews and other occasions, a campus group offers suits, dresses, and more
Chime In We Met as Freshmen—and Climbed Kilimanjaro Together at Age 70 After careers in conservation, a classmate and I marked a milestone birthday by braving the elements to reach the ‘Roof of Africa’
Alumni On a Half-Century of Navigating a ‘Maze Lined with Flypaper’ First elected at just 23, retired Assemblyman Richard Gottfried ’68 holds the record for longest-serving New York State legislator
From the President Citizens of the World Cornell embraces a global mindset—from welcoming international students to partnering with peer institutions abroad
Students TikTok Star’s Eclectic Offerings Entertain—and Educate—Millions Exploring topics from marine mammals to moisturizers, leading influencer J.C. Dombrowski ’23 loves to share science
Campus & Beyond Protecting All Creatures, Great and Small—Around the Globe From Ithaca to the plains of southern Africa, the Cornell Wildlife Health Center is working to heal the natural world
Alumni CU in Congress: Alumni in the House The seven Cornellians serving as representatives in D.C. include military veterans, businesspeople, and even a former MMA fighter
Books Your January 2023 Reads This month’s featured titles include novels, a prof’s nonfiction book on truckers, and a collaboration with the late, great Stan Lee
Chime In Remembering David McCullough, a ‘Tour Guide to the Past’ As a visiting professor on the Hill in the ’80s, the eminent historian greatly influenced the way I look at the world