Sibley Hall on a snowy morning in January with Cayuga Lake in the background.

March / April 2025

Find out what your fellow alums are up to—new jobs, marriages, and more—in the Class Notes!


We heard from Matt Karp, MPS ’22, grandson of George Karp, BA ’47, who wrote, “My grandfather began Cornell at just 16 in 1941. His studies were interrupted by WWII, where he served honorably. While assigned to the Class of 1945 to honor his original class date, he actually graduated in 1947 with a degree in economics.

“George celebrated his 100th birthday on January 20, 2025! At 100 years old, he continues to live a wonderful and active life. He has four sons, many grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. His Cornell legacy continues with me, his grandson—I earned an executive master’s from the ILR School in 2022.”

Frank Koebel, BS ’49, who turned 100 on November 20, was recently featured in a lengthy article in the Provincetown Independent titled “A Man of Habit and Adventure.” According to the story, which can be read in full here, “Koebel left for Cornell University when he was just 16, in 1941”—just like George!

He and his late wife, Natalie “Nonnie” Fox Koebel, met in 1944, “when Koebel was a Navy aviator stationed in Rhode Island, and Natalie was a sophomore at Vassar College. Koebel, who’d left Cornell to join the Navy at 18, was part of a night fighter squadron based on a carrier. One of his squadron mates knew a girl at Vassar—Natalie. ‘She was looking for a blind date for the sophomore prom,’ says Koebel. Natalie was on the swimming team and part of the flying club. ‘We seemed to like much of the same things,’ says Koebel. ‘Always did.’ After that first date, things progressed quickly. He was due on a carrier in Hawaii in May, so in April he and Natalie got engaged.

Almost 40 people were at Frank Koebel ’45, BS ’49’s 100th birthday party at the adult community center.

“Koebel spent much of the war in the Pacific. But the carrier was hit at Okinawa before he was deployed. Natalie graduated from Vassar in 1946, and the two were married two weeks later. The next year, their first daughter, Susan, was born. Koebel went back to Cornell and graduated with an engineering degree in 1949. They’d go on to have a son, David, in 1950, move to a suburb of Columbus, where Koebel got a job at Buckeye Steel Castings, and then have two more daughters, Molly and Cynthia.

“Koebel’s hands are folded in front of him. On one finger is a large gold band. ‘My fraternity ring,’ he says. ‘Chi Psi, at Cornell.’ He wore it in the Navy, and every time he landed his plane, he made sure the ring was right side up, adjusting it under his glove. ‘Talk about superstitious,’ he says.

“When the Korean War erupted, Koebel was ready to fly. He’d been training in Columbus one weekend a month. In 1952, his squadron was called up. But if you had four dependents, you didn’t go, and his daughter Molly had been born two weeks before. ‘She’s never said anything,’ he says, ‘but I bet in the back of her mind she’s saying, ‘Yeah, you owe me, big boy.’

“Travels were a big part of [his and Natalie’s] life together. Molly’s husband, François, used to work for Air France, a job that meant free flights for the family. ‘We probably went to Europe 40 times,’ says Koebel. ‘Sometimes we were in first class. Sometimes we were in jump seats.’ And they didn’t just go to Europe—they explored Asia, Greece, Morocco, and the Caribbean islands. For him, those trips were in part about flying itself. ‘I missed it.’

“His 13 great-grandchildren visit often. The oldest is only 10. A busy house doesn’t bother him, he says. Almost 40 people were at his 100th birthday party at the adult community center, including Molly and François, who live in France.” ❖ Class of 1945 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

We don’t have any news from these classes to report this round—but we hope that will change in the future! Has your family grown? Where are you living these days? What kind of impact did your time at Cornell have on your life? If you have a moment, please send an email to us. ❖ Classes of 1946–49 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.


Class president Jim Brandt writes, “In June of the coming year, we will be celebrating our 75th Reunion and we would like you to consider coming back to Ithaca and celebrating with us that wonderful event. Your Reunion chairman is planning events to make this a most interesting weekend for all of us who can return. We plan to have someone from high up in the administration talk about current projects, future plans, campus climate, and more.

“As we have done in the past, we will be covering most of our 1950 classmates’ expenses so that your major expense will be getting to Ithaca. And if you bring a guest like I did three years ago, we will cover a lot of that individual’s expenses as well. Headquarters will be at the Statler Hotel, and you can make a reservation by calling (607) 254-2500—just advise whomever you talk to that you are in the Class of 1950 and want to make a reservation.

“All of our meals will be at the Statler, and we will have transportation to and from the various events, such as the Glee Club concerts and Cornelliana Night at Bailey Hall. And the buses can handle wheelchairs so that no one should miss an event they want to attend.

“This is also true of college breakfasts or organizational visits you may want to make. Transportation can be easily arranged. Cornell is as vibrant as you will remember and most worthwhile to experience once again.” ❖ Class of 1950 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

While we don’t have any news from these classes to report at this time, we hope that you will read this and be inspired to send us a letter! Has your family grown? Have you read any good books lately? What kind of impact did your time at Cornell have on your life? If you have a moment, please write. ❖ Classes of 1951 & 1952 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Julian Aroesty recently recalled the “tortuous path” that led him to his final career as an associate professor and research cardiologist at Harvard Medical School. “I entered Cornell aiming toward a PhD in basic science,” he recalls, “but by graduation that changed to cancer research. During my U.S. Air Force service in Korea, I took one of my men to a MASH unit, where the surgeon induced me to change to medical oncology.

“Since I had never taken biology, my med school applications were rejected until I, along with about a thousand other applicants, took the all-day exam for a full-tuition New York State medical school scholarship. I was number five in New York State. I did my internship and residency at Sloan Kettering and the Cornell Division of Bellevue Hospital, where, in 1960, my mentors for six weeks were André Cournand and Dickinson Richards III, who had been awarded the Nobel prize for cardiac physiology just four years earlier. My contact with them changed my life. I decided to become an academic cardiologist.”

Bob Neff, JD ’56, reports that early this year on his way to the South Pacific, he stopped in Los Angeles. “A friend took me to the fire-damaged areas of Los Angeles, which was shocking. The reports on television couldn’t convey the severity or size of the destruction. There are thousands of homes and businesses that cannot make it back.”

Bob reminds travelers that his son’s entertaining movie, Peak Season, is currently featured on Delta Airlines. He and his partner, Caroline Kwan, both play supporting roles in the film, which is about an emotionally adrift young woman who forges an unexpected friendship with a wilderness guide when she and her fiancé take a summer holiday in Jackson Hole, WY.

Send your news to us: Caroline Mulford Owens (email Caroline) | Bob Neff, JD ’56 (email Bob) | John Nixon (email John) | Alumni Directory.

This is being written in Iowa at the end of November. You may be reading it anywhere (amazing!) in March. After an unseasonably warm fall, now we are plunged into unseasonably bitter cold. We will be resilient: after the cold winter, spring will emerge—which reminds me of wonderful spring days on our campus.

Now to catch up on some news you have shared. Jacquelyn “Jackie” Leather Mallery writes that she plays a lot of mahjong, plays instruments with two bands, rides her recumbent e-bike, does quilting, and participates in book groups. She was an adjunct at SUNY Delhi, where her husband, John Mallery ’52, MEd ’62, taught. She worked for the Migrant Education Program and the Delaware County Extension Service. In retirement she and John ran a bicycle tour company and organized outdoor workshops for the Appalachian Mountain Club. Jackie says that now, after John’s death, she spends winter months in Florida and summers at their home on Long Lake in the Adirondacks. Their five children, scattered in various states, visit often in both locations. In response to Cornell’s influence on her life, she notes that she met her husband at Cornell, made lifelong friends, and qualified for various jobs, including that of being a homemaker and mother.

William Kaplan is “enjoying life while it lasts, philanthropies, keeping up with science, helping Democrats, perfecting lobster rolls and chicken soup, etc.” That sounds like a great mix of interests. He writes, “Who would have thought our country would become so divided? How can we save it?” He and his wife, Arlene, who died after 56 years of marriage, had no kids but have enjoyed nieces and nephews and cousins. A science major, William taught science at the Brooklyn Tech High School. He earned an EdD degree and after teaching became an editor and author of The Student Scientist Explores Energy and Fuels (1976). William says that now his work is organizing doctor appointments; he is grateful his retirement financial plan is working well.

Jack Vail sends word from Florida that he lives in a retirement community. He has retired from class affairs after many years of serving as president and vice president and in various Reunion positions. Physical limitations prevented him from joining us for Reunion in 2024. His happy news is that, after the deaths of their spouses, he has reconnected with an old friend, Nancy Marx Thorpe ’56. They dated while at Cornell. Nancy lives in the Aspen, CO, area, but they manage to be in the same place now and then.

Mimi Cohen Levine ’54 wrote that she and her husband, Leonard, were planning their 70th anniversary with their four children, five grands, and two greats.

Allan Griff says he gets satisfaction from “getting phone spammers to listen to me, seeing others recognize rules of science, and promoting the idea and importance of cultural evolution.” That’s an intriguing list! Allan continues to think, write, do some tech consulting, and digitize his 300 poems and 30 proverbs. Maybe he’ll share a poem or two with us. His life partner of 30 years, 12 years younger, is moving to assisted living for the care Allan is unable to provide. His three children are “caring for themselves, as I encouraged.” His favorite memory of his time at Cornell: “Arrival in 1950 by overnight bus from NYC and walking uphill to campus. In 2004, I walked down the same hill to central Ithaca. Can’t do that now.”

Mimi Cohen Levine wrote in March 2024 that she and her husband, Leonard, were planning their 70th anniversary with their four children, five grands, and two greats. It was to take place in their synagogue and home. A wonderful occasion! Sondra Dreier Kozinn wrote in March 2024 to share that she has a total of 36 great-grandchildren. By Reunion she claimed 38!

Joanne Wilson Wietgrefe shared an undergraduate memory for classmates. “Remember the big aluminum cases in which men sent their laundry home to mother? The cases were expandable with straps to hold the shirts and underwear used in the week. Mom would get the package, do the laundry, and send the case back to campus. Before laundromats, this was how they got clean clothes. Women students, on the other hand, just hung a laundry bag outside their dorm door; it was returned washed and ironed a few days later.” Gee, reading that makes me feel very old. Joanne enjoys activities in her community and walking her dog. She creates art quilts and enjoys her family (five great-granddaughters). She believes that “Cornell opened the world for me.” A huge tribute to a fine education. Probably many of us agree with her.

I will close with another tribute—to Paul Joslin ’50. Maybe some of you have followed his class column, which he has written faithfully for 25 years. Paul and his wife, Erma, live three miles from me in Des Moines; I was honored to have them visit me a while ago. I admire his consistency and dedication to creating stimulating columns time after time. When the mail bag was empty, Paul managed to find inspiration with which to write yet again. He recognizes and accepts the inevitable tapering off of “news” from classmates of our age. Paul has retired with my congratulations and admiration for a job performed with real skill for a very long time.

Thanks to those of you who keep in touch and share your thoughts about life at our age and about memories of Cornell. We hope to keep the columns coming for as long as the Class of 1950 has. ❖ Ruth Carpenter Bailey (email Ruth) | Bill Waters, MBA ’55 (email Bill) | Class website | Alumni Directory.

Happy spring, Class of ’55! We hope this message finds you well. If any classmates are reading this, we hope you will take the time to write to us! Others from our time on the Hill would greatly enjoy reading what you’ve been up to since graduation. ❖ Class of 1955 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Ron Demer ’59 writes, “I communicate with many of my Cornell Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity brothers from the classes of 1956–60, when I was an undergrad. I heard today from Charles Morris, who lives in Spokane, WA. He became a U.S. Air Force pilot flying fighter planes after Cornell and then had a second career with Pan American Airlines after retiring from the military. He wrote, ‘Hi, Ron. Thanks for your email along with the pictures … brings back a lot of memories. I appreciate your efforts on my behalf. I am doing just fine, healthwise, and have stayed out of trouble in everything I can remember. Best regards to you and your family.’”

Dave Hugle writes from California: “My husband, Haggai, and I are actively involved here at the Tamalpais retirement community in Marin County, he with raising funds for scholarships for employees and their children here and in similar facilities throughout Marin, and I with heading the resident food services committee here—reminiscent of my spot as steward at SAE working with cooks Buster and Betty. I had a chance to hook up with my senior year roommate, Britt Stitt ’58, when his wife, Susie, a Wheaton College grad, ended up here in our skilled nursing facility for five weeks, recovering from multiple fractures in her leg. Among other things, we ended up wiling away the hours doing competing laps in the pool. I always win, despite my 90 years. Imagine—and he’s only 88.”

Barbara Travis Osgood, PhD ’80, just published her second book, Diary of a Cranky Old Feminist. She writes, “My advice to potential readers: if you are looking for great literature, go to your nearest library. If you are curious about the emanations from a 90-year-old woman’s brain, give my book a try!” She adds, “My undergraduate years in home economics in the 1950s no doubt laid the groundwork for my passion as a feminist in later life. It took me a while, but I gradually realized how badly we had been treated as women during that period of time. Fortunately, I returned to get my PhD in 1980, and Cornell was able to redeem itself.” Barbara finds the greatest satisfaction in life these days from her rescue Labs: “I just adopted my 25th!” ❖ Class of 1956 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

’Tis a tale from long ago. In October 1954, our sophomore year, there was a Friday night pep rally on the Arts Quad. My Sage Hall roommate, Anabel Stresino Leigh, dormmate Joyce Dudley McDowell, and I attended the rally and then went to a pub in Collegetown. I have forgotten the name of the pub, but I do remember Anabel and I were sitting on one side in a booth while Joyce sat opposite us. We were enjoying our beverages when an older male student asked to join us. He sat next to Joyce, introduced himself, and joined our conversation. Before long, he and Joyce were engrossed in their own conversation, discussing at a level far beyond the mundane.

Thence began the romance of Joyce and fifth-year chemical engineer Ed McDowell ’54. Joyce and Ed married in June 1955 and off they went to California. Ed earned his PhD at Caltech while Joyce became a 1957 graduate of UCLA, plus a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Of course, Joyce added to her academics as they lived in California until they moved to Hawaii, where they have resided for many decades. Their travels have taken them all over the world, as Joyce has continued her interests in snuff bottles as a member of the International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society. Ed writes that Joyce, using various magnifiers to aid her eyesight, had just finished reading Churchill’s five-volume The Second World War. They truly are lifelong scholars and marvel that their children have become senior citizens.

John Jenner, MBA ’59, writes from Kent, CT, of his continued connection with Cornell. He taught at Cornell as an engineering TA and later taught as an adjunct and guest lecturer from 1985 through 2005. He and his wife, Moira (Manhattanville ’63), have enjoyed a successful marriage and good health. In retirement, John has designed and built period-style furniture and designed and installed kitchens. Their son J. Michael ’82, BS ’83, is the CEO of a successful international tech company. Their daughter (Berkeley ’84) had her own financial services business before a brain tumor tragically claimed her life. One of their two grandsons is also a Cornell graduate.

Marilyn Hester Ridgley and husband Robert ’56 (Harvard LLB ’59) have lived in the Portland, OR, community since the early 1960s, when Bob became a partner in a law firm. They have remained true to their belief that it is “better to wear out than rust out.” Marilyn spent many years as a community leader in several organizations and still volunteers for some. Marilyn and Bob now enjoy four generations of family, including a new great-grandchild, living in the area. The beautiful Northwest life continues to bring them joy. Marilyn also treasures the wonderful people she met at Cornell who became lifelong friends.

After earning his Cornell degree with a major in chemistry, Peter Cortland shifted his focus to literature, earning his MA from Columbia in 1960 and his PhD from Syracuse in 1962. His academic career began at SUNY Fredonia as an assistant professor of English (1962–64), followed by two years at Ball State. His career at Quinnipiac began in 1966 when Quinnipiac opened its new campus in Hamden, CT. He continues to be associate professor of English there to this day. He has seen Quinnipiac grow into becoming a highly rated university and also a hockey rival of Cornell in the ECAC. Over the years, Peter has been active on numerous faculty committees, remaining dedicated to representing faculty interests in a progressive, contributing way. He has produced publications and has given many professional presentations. In 2016 his presentation for the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers was titled “Literature as History: Flaubert Eviscerates History.”

Two classmates were on campus in May and June last year. Susan Davidson Braun and her husband, Richard, an orthopedic surgeon, traveled from their longtime home in San Diego, CA, to attend the Cornell graduation of their grandson. Susan reports that Cornell was the perfect school for him and adds that he was extremely happy there throughout his entire time—even through the challenge of the first two years of COVID. Susan earned her MSW at Columbia University. Later, after her children began school, she was a social worker in San Diego.

Elinor Sager Grayzel ’57 attended the June 2024 Cornell Reunion as a guest of Jerry Hochberg ’54. Elinor and Jerry dated in 1953–54, when she was a freshman and he a senior.

Elinor Sager Grayzel attended the June 2024 Cornell Reunion as a guest of Jerry Hochberg ’54. Elinor and Jerry dated in 1953–54 when she was a freshman and he a senior. He graduated, they broke up, and both married others. Elinor later divorced. When Jerry’s wife passed away nine years ago, he looked up Elinor in the Alumni Directory and called her. When Elinor’s partner of 35 years passed in 2023, she and Jerry became a couple living apart “together.” Jerry lives in Naples, Truro, and D.C. while Elinor remains in Englewood, NJ.

Two more Reunion-type stories: When Edwin Mihm, MBA ’58, recalls favorite memories of Cornell, he rates our 65th Reunion in 2022 as one of them. Since that Reunion, he and wife Peggy relocated from San Francisco to Bethesda, MD, to be close to family, with both sons, their wives, and four grandchildren living nearby. Ed and Peggy have attended graduations at Tufts and Tulane and made trips to NYC, Long Island, Philadelphia, and Annapolis. While they found it tough to say goodbye to their wonderful friends in the Bay Area, they are quickly making new friends. Their well-located apartment building boasts a gym and a great trainer. They also attend classes at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University and enjoy various programs at D.C.’s museums and music venues.

Bob Staley, MBA ’59, writes of a different type of reunion. The championship 1957 Cornell crew members meet every year, as all were our classmates. Only Clayton Chapman, Carl Schwarz, and Bob are still with us, but the wives of passed crewmates also attend. They had a memorable gathering in Florida in 2023 and another in Michigan in 2024.

Jarmila “Jerry” Neuman Held Kovell writes from Austin, TX. Jerry remains quite active in retirement. As is common with so many of us 1957 women, she earned her MA after having children. Now enjoying spending time with family and friends, she plays bridge and pickleball. A planned trip to the Czech Republic is in the works, and she is going with three of her grandchildren, ages 19, 22, and 25. Karen Anderson Mahshi sends her notice of moving into an assisted living facility in Walnut Creek, CA. She is able to maintain her membership in several organizations and continues to enjoy retirement and gardening. Karen recalls that her Cornell experience reconfirmed her wishes to become a landscape architect.

Jo Anne Eastburn Cyprus and I might be the only two in our class who became school counselors (no longer titled “guidance” counselors). We both added advanced degrees after becoming moms. She married classmate Robert in August 1957, then Uncle Sam sent them to El Paso, TX. With his military service completed, Bob secured a position with Prudential and, enjoying his involvement on a polo team, the family remained in El Paso for 38 years. That, of course, followed his four-year dedication as a member of Cornell’s polo team.

With his retirement from Prudential, Bob and Jo Anne bought a farm near their daughter’s Nashville, TN, home. There, Bob could own and ride horses. Jo Anne became involved as the director of C.O.P.E., a thrift store and United Way helping agency. Sadly, in February 2024, Bob suffered a broken hip while feeding his horses in their barn. A stroke ensued and Bob never regained consciousness after his surgery. After Bob passed away, Jo Anne was able to sell the horses and now spends her time sitting on her porch, reading, and birdwatching. She continues to enjoy quilting and continues to give time to her volunteer activities. ❖ Connie Santagato Hosterman (email Connie) | Alumni Directory.

We have a bit of news from the end of 2024, with Fred Sherman writing from his home in Laguna Woods, CA, that his greatest satisfaction these days is “the fact that, at my age, I am still able to enjoy life and am still fully mobile, as well as physically and mentally fit.”

He expands: “I am active in youth soccer as an age group coordinator and referee mentor. I also enjoy gourmet dining, theater-going locally and in L.A., online university-level classes, being a spectator at grandkids’ soccer and flag football games, and international travel.” Fred’s son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren live less than two minutes away, so they interact often. Looking back, Fred feels that Cornell changed his life trajectory in that it was “a step in the journey to adulthood.”

A.C. Church Riley brings us up to date on her life these days: “I am a healthy senior citizen, living in senior housing in Saratoga Springs, NY, where I have lived for nine years. I have four adult children (three Cornellians), three adult stepchildren, 12 grandchildren (including two Cornellians, and four that are John ’55’s grandchildren), and three great-grandchildren. My family is spread across the country—Los Angeles, Hartford, CT, Seattle, Lake Placid, and South Hamilton, MA.

“I play mahjong and bridge and am secretary of the residents’ association at my residence. I remain an avid reader of the news, but am no longer directly involved in politics. I have loved my involvement with the President’s Council of Cornell Women and the Cornell Council, which keeps me interested and aware of what’s going on at Cornell.”

Several class officers will also try to keep up with “what’s going on at Cornell” at the annual Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference in February, this year in Philadelphia. Meyer Gross, class president, and Dick and Connie Case Haggard, Reunion co-chairs, plan to attend and may catch up with other classmates who make it. We will keep you posted via this column as the year moves along. Cheers for now. ❖ Dick Haggard (email Dick) | Barbara Avery, MA ’59 (email Barbara) | Alumni Directory.

“Unfortunately, I had to miss our Reunion last June; it conflicted with a medical meeting I attended in Poland,” says Rolf Barth. An emeritus professor of pathology at Ohio State, where he has been since 1979, Rolf continues to be involved in cancer research. “The primary focus of my research has been in the field of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for the treatment of malignant gliomas, one of the most malignant of human cancers. BNCT is a noninvasive modality for treating locally invasive tumors such as primary brain tumors and recurrent head and neck cancer.”

Rolf’s most recent publication on BNCT, co-authored with two other researchers, was published last year in Cancer Communications. “Over the course of my academic career I have mentored numerous students, but unquestionably the most important, together with my wife, Christine, have been our four children, all of whom have impressive careers in the sciences. In addition to our four children, we have 13 grandchildren ranging in age from 10 to 25, three of whom are now working and 10 of whom are still in school.”

Posted (and shared by a classmate) on Facebook: Diane Bishop Hanson’s photo of rocks that folks painted during her Christmas rock painting workshop at Sunnyside Retirement Community in Harrisonburg, VA. “We have some real artists here, and some folks who like to just fill in what I have already drawn onto rocks, and some who are so creative that I am not quite sure what they intended the result to be,” comments Diane. “I love the idea that this graduate of the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning is now known in her retirement community as ‘the rock lady.’ There are friends here who go fishing and find rocks for me on the banks of the Shenandoah. Some days I open my door and there’s a bag of rocks sitting there!

I love the idea that this graduate of the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning is now known in her retirement community as ‘the rock lady.’

Diane Bishop Hanson ’59

“My rock painting started innocently enough about 10 years ago when my younger daughter and her family brought along rocks and paints to entertain us on a camping trip. She introduced me to Pinterest, where every craft idea ever seems to be posted and available to copy.” Diane hasn’t limited her crafting to rocks; for example, she has also taught folks how to make pop-up cards, felt crafts, and advent wreaths. Now at Sunnyside for almost three years, she writes, “I have great joy in what I can do with and for so many others here.” And just for the record, she also edits and produces the community’s two monthly newsletters.

Also posted on Facebook, and accessible on YouTube: videos from some of the eight concerts a year performed by the COSMIC Symphony, an integral part of the arts culture in Maryland’s St. Mary’s and Calvert counties. Easily visible in the string section is Al Newhouse, who has been playing viola and violin with COSMIC for the past 24 years. “COSMIC has been instrumental in keeping quality classical music alive in a largely rural and maritime area,” notes Al. “I also sing in two choruses and play old-time and Québécois fiddle music several times a week via Zoom. A great way to stay alive as I age!”

“We’re still traveling quite a bit,” says Judy Brotman Cochran. “The past year included Madeira, a small ship tour around the British Isles, driving around Scotland, and a trip to Turkey and Greece that included visits to several Aegean Islands. With our small camper trailer, we’re ready to go on a moment’s notice anywhere in the U.S. and Canada.”

When not traveling, Judy continues to be active with the League of Women Voters and the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild, with crocheting and weaving her main areas of focus. She’s also a member of a monthly book club that started in the D.C. area about 15 years ago as a social group of Cornell alumnae from the classes ’58 to ’62. Lois Ullman Berkowitz also is a member. “It’s not an official Cornell group, and it’s very informal,” says Judy. “We meet in various restaurants or on Zoom when the weather is bad. For a while we were reading books by Cornell-related authors, either professors or alums, but currently members suggest books for the group to read and then we vote.” ❖ Jenny Tesar (email Jenny) | Alumni Directory.


Carol Roberts Blodgett enjoys eating good food, spending time with her son and his family, good books, and good TV. “I don’t generally watch sports, but I do love the Triple Crown races,” she shares. “After many careers and four master’s degrees, teaching both typical and emotionally disturbed children, being a school social worker and school psychologist, and having a private counseling practice, I now do travel agent work.” Carol adds that Cornell helped broaden her horizons. “It taught me critical thinking, rather than telling me what to believe.”

Judith Thompson Hamer shares, “I’m writing a memoir of my second marriage, working with an editor to revise the second draft. It was an interracial, loving, generous partnership until Bill died. I am currently looking for an agent or publisher. I live in a senior community much like Kendal at Ithaca, where I swim, walk, hike, go to exercise classes, and play pickleball (all slowly). Two of my three daughters have children, so I’m the grandmother of five young adults, ages 19–26, who I’m immensely proud of. I hope they will change the world.”

Judith adds, “Cornell completely changed me—I learned how to learn and that I could learn anything. After Cornell, earning a PhD at Columbia was hard but not daunting. I’m still following my instincts to learn as much about Black history and literature as I can, subjects never mentioned when I was on the Hill.”

Retired tax law attorney Robert Clark shares that he has a “large family life,” which includes 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Peter Saderholm, BCE ’62, MS ’63, states that he’s “happy to be functional” and enjoys his old friendships greatly. Cornell, he says, “taught me the value of education and how it might be hard work to complete.”

Laurence Dornstein writes, “Our 63rd anniversary and my 85th birthday were both in June 2024. My daughter Courtney got married last summer. She is now the senior marketing director for the Dallas Mavericks. My wife, Judith, is an entertainment lawyer and is still working with clients. Cornell changed my life in two major ways: first, it was at a Phi Sigma Delta party where I met my future wife; also, a professor influenced me to apply to law school, and I did become an attorney.”

Peter Rodgers, BEE ’62, shares that he’s “spending quality time with my wife, playing golf, cycling, doing some charity work, and watching grandkids get married. Granddaughter Kierston got married to her childhood sweetheart two years ago, grandson Eric got married in October 2023, and his older brother Adam was married in September 2024. I just got back from a river cruise on the Rhine and a visit to Paris.”

My husband of 63 years and I met on a blind date when he was a freshman and I a sophomore.

Penny Byrne Rieley ’60, MFS ’62

Carolyn Carlson Blake writes, “I enjoy singing in my church choir and spending time with family, including 12 grandchildren who are now all over 20 and starting to get married; this year, we will gather in Jackson Hole, WY, and last year in Acadia. I’m also keeping up with friends, serving as the VP of our local senior club, the Allendale XYZ Seniors, attending daily Mass and seminars on faith, visiting the sick, and swimming. I enjoy keeping up with all the activities of my grandchildren as they travel for skiing, hiking, and concerts. In between careers in finance, science, medical school, and nursing, their parents (my children) have done a good job! I met my husband, Robert ’58, now deceased, at Cornell. We have four children and 12 grandchildren.”

James Verna enjoys “being here, being alive, and being healthy! I’m staying active with everyday tasks and playing tennis, and I have great family relations.” James gets great satisfaction from traveling, “especially to Italy—I have Italian citizenship and family there.”

Cynthia Loring MacBain writes, “I am working with the Physicians for Social Responsibility on their Back from the Brink project. The aim is to bring legislation to have our leaders work with other nuclear countries to begin to eliminate the nuclear arsenals and invest the money and the best and brightest minds to combating climate change.” Cynthia, who is now a great-grandmother, adds that at Cornell, “I met another English major who became my best friend and later my husband. We shared the purpose of making positive change in the world.”

Peter Vail writes that he’s “still active with doing cattle,” which presumably means he is continuing to raise pedigreed dairy cattle and oversee his fertilizer business, CaroVail. Peter is enjoying time with his family, as well as the snowbird lifestyle; he’s in Florida for six months and New York for the other six.

Linda Miller Kelsey, MS ’65, is enjoying family, reading, and travel, including “a fall tour to the Northeast to see old friends and family, having lived in Horseheads, NY, for many years until coming to Wheaton, IL, to be near our youngest son and his wife. Another son is a close flight from San Francisco. We are now in the midst of moving from Wheaton to Carol Stream, IL.” Linda adds, “I obtained a BS and MS and married a Cornell graduate, Fred ’59, who became a United Methodist minister; my life has been a journey worth all the effort. On July 1 we celebrate our 64th wedding anniversary.”

Penny Byrne Rieley, MFS ’62, writes, “My husband of 63 years, Sheldon ’61, BME ’63, MS ’64, died on May 31. We met on a blind date when he was a freshman and I a sophomore. We had seven wonderful years in Ithaca before settling in Vermont, where we raised our three kids. We were boaters, sailing for 30 years, then on to power boating. We traveled the world. Couldn’t have lived a better life.”

Tune in to our next Class Notes column for news from Barry Weintrob, Logan Cheek, MS ’17, Robert Wulf, Kay Oppenheimer, and Bob Lawrence. ❖ Class of 1960 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Our class webmeister, Larry Wheeler, writes, “For the past 15 years, I have been a volunteer mediator at the Justice of the Peace Courts in Texas. I help others in my community resolve their disputes without having to go through costly and time-consuming litigation. I have been affiliated with the Dispute Resolution Center of Harris County and the Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center. I am also a member of the Texas Association of Mediators. I have mediated close to 400 disputes, with about 75% resulting in mutually agreed settlements.” Let me add that Larry has maintained our website since its inception, and we all thank him for keeping us up to date.

Weighing in from the Pacific Northwest, Karis Ricketts writes from Seattle. “My daughter, Erin McMonigal ’94, graduated from Cornell. I have twin grandchildren who might be interested in the Cornell Class of 2031, but right now they are both very involved in sports and school. Finn is very interested in math and has studied Mandarin at school for about three years. Riley is interested in science. They are both on the varsity tennis team and Riley is on the volleyball and basketball teams. They have played mixed doubles in tennis tournaments on occasion. We’ll see!”

Karis adds, “I made friends at Cornell with whom I’m still in touch: Fran Shapiro Ivker, Mary Ellen Bertoni Ried, and many others. I spent a number of years recruiting for Cornell in the Cornell Club of Western Washington and also played tennis for a while. Cornell changed the trajectory of my life by inspiring me to try different options. After Cornell, I was a typist in Denver; then a clerk typist for FAA in Alaska, where I also learned to fly a small airplane and received my private pilot’s license; then a French teacher at an Army post in Alaska; then accepted for graduate study in French at University of Washington; then later studied accounting at UW, was accepted in the MBA program at UW, and turned it down to take a job as a junior staff accountant at a local accounting firm; then went on to a second local accounting firm, finished my MST, and formed my own CPA firm and have continued to enjoy the work. I would never have tried accounting because I wasn’t interested in accounting until I had tried a number of other jobs. I found that all aspects of public accounting, especially tax work, are actually fun.”

David Waks is now residing in Florida and writes, “I learned to program computers as a freshman in 1957, and think I was the first ‘computer geek’ at Cornell. I have worked with digital technology and data my entire life since then. In 2004 when still living in New Jersey, I started volunteering to apply my IT skills to elections. After moving to Florida in 2013 I got involved in helping to elect Democrats in Lee County, and now chair a stateside organization. It all started at Cornell!”

I learned to program computers as a freshman in 1957, and think I was the first ‘computer geek’ at Cornell.

David Waks ’61

I received a short note from Gerold Yonas that he has a new book out called The Dragon’s Brain. I clicked through and read the teaser: “At the American research lab known as the birthplace of nuclear weapons, a scientific breakthrough sparks a mysterious disease. Devoted to his belief in the power of science, renowned physicist Dr. Alek Spray and his team scramble for a solution to this bizarre neurological pandemic. Unfortunately, the ‘cure’ they engineer could prove deadly in the wrong hands. As Alek battles a Chinese crime syndicate bent on world domination, he realizes that the ambiguous nature of scientific advancement holds the promise of both good and evil depending on its use. Now the woman he loves is in danger and the unintended consequences and misuse of Alek’s inventions could forever alter the course of humanity. Alek and his colleagues must find the solution before it’s too late.” Sounds like an interesting read.

Lastly, we received a lengthy note from Philip Bereano, MRP ’71, his first in almost 40 years. “I haven’t shared any news since our 25th Reunion when my essay about being busted for demonstrating against apartheid in South Africa was published as part of our Reunion ‘yearbook.’ After being fired from the Cornell faculty in 1975 due to my political activities, I was a professor at the University of Washington in Seattle for 30 years, in the subject area of the social relations of technology.

“During that time, I raised my son Josh as a single parent, and now have two teenage grandsons—Alec and Zach—who, fortunately, live nearby. We often have vacationed together, particularly in Spain, where I had an apartment on the sea outside of Barcelona for over 20 years. Like others of us, given our age, I have experienced some health issues—but in many ways, I am still able to continue with a host of social and civic activities.

“I was involved in the negotiation of two U.N. treaties dealing with genetically modified organisms (the U.S. is not a member, although over 160 other countries are), and as a participant in many international regulatory meetings on GMOs. Domestically, I was on the national board of the ACLU for 25 years (and voluntarily used my Columbia law degree to take a case up to the highest court in New York State). I have been a cofounder of many civic organizations, including ACT UP Seattle, which established the first large-city, on-the-street needle exchange. We saved lives! I am working on a curated oral history project, and already have had some oral history segments posted online by other organizations; for example, my civil liberties and AIDS activism can be found here. I join in a monthly Zoom chat with fraternity brother classmates Stu Bresnick, Joe Geller, Kent Gershengorn, Ira Mickenberg, Burt Neuborne, and Jerry Siegman.”

Keep the Class Notes flowing. We have had good submissions this past year. Not only does this make the column easier to write, but it keeps us connected. Remember us. ❖ Doug Fuss (email Doug) | Susan Williams Stevens (email Susan) | Alumni Directory.

It’s been a very slow day in the newsroom, with nothing to report. Now that spring is upon us, and everything is coming up afresh, let’s hear from you! Take a moment, please, to send along news and updates (and photos, too, for our class website!) of what’s happening with you and your family. And check out our class website for timelier information. Send your entries to: ❖ Judy Prenske Rich (email Judy) | Alumni Directory.

“Greetings from your class president, Paula Trested Laholt. Even though the holidays are long over, I wish you the best for the new year. As we move into spring and summer trips, I encourage you to keep in mind our beautiful Rockies and our national parks. These areas offer both challenging hiking and a more relaxing way to view the scenery. Be sure to fill in our correspondent, Nancy Bierds Icke, on your travels, whether near or far.”

Warren Icke ’62 and I had dinner a few weeks ago with Jim, MD ’69, and Christine Newton Dauber. I have mentioned before that they are in a nice bungalow in a retirement facility in Tucson. When they can, they spend time in Hillsboro, OR. They spent a few weeks there this summer and recently spent the holidays there. It’s always fun to see them, since we have known each other since the days at Cornell.

I saw in Cornellians that classmate Ed Hoerning passed away. He lived in Gastonia, NC, and was always at Reunions and corresponded with me on a regular basis.

Don Juran ’62 sent me the news of the passing of classmate Arthur Silver, whose death notice appeared in the Washington Post on December 1. Don wrote, “Art was a friend of mine, a brainy, gentle, very funny guy. Too late I learned that he lived in Bethesda, MD, a few miles from my Rockville residence. One May evening in 1962, Art and I were sitting next to each other in the Music Room in the Straight. He offered me a piece of candy, which I accepted. It was terrible, but I got it down. He offered me another; I declined. ‘Don, you don’t like the candy, do you?’ he said. I confessed I didn’t. ‘Don, if you don’t help me finish the candy I won’t give you any pistachio nuts.’ And for some insane reason, I just had to have pistachio nuts, so I forced down a second chunk of the hideous candy, and Art, as promised, poured me a handful of pistachios. For the next several days I lived on pistachios, but that’s another long story and has nothing to do with Art.”

I was reading the front page of our Tucson newspaper a month ago and saw a political article that was co-written by one of our classmates, Edith Lederer ’64, BS ’63. She has worked for the Associated Press for over 55 years as a war and political correspondent. It rang a bell as I saw her name at the head of the article.

Marjorie Walker Sayer ’63 had two of her paintings on display at the Women Contemporary Artists juried show that was at the ArtCenter Manatee in Bradenton, FL.

Marjorie Walker Sayer sent me photographs of two of her paintings that were on display at the Women Contemporary Artists juried show that was at the ArtCenter Manatee January 2 through February 28. It is located in Bradenton, FL.

Several months ago, Sandy Hackman Barkan contacted me from Washington, DC. She and her family planned a week’s stay in Tucson and Southern Arizona. She asked me for advice on things to do and see and places to stay, which I gave her. She sent me the following: “Just returned from a quite wonderful vacation in Southern Arizona. We thoroughly enjoyed the Desert Museum, climbing among the cacti in the national park, exploring downtown including a jazz concert at the Hotel Congress, and walking around the barrio areas.”

Sandy continued, “Moving south, we visited the Pima Air and Space Museum, the San Xavier mission, and Tubac. Near Tubac we stayed in a fixed-up historic ranch with character. Some of us hiked, others rode horses near the border. We even stumbled into a most unexpected Hanukkah lighting ceremony in the area. Further along there was wine tasting in the Elgin area (Upstate New York wine is better, but it was fun). A real highlight of the trip was the Casa de San Pedro B&B. We had been to a bird sanctuary before we got there, but it was just a delight walking near the B&B. We were treated to an exquisite sunset. The next day we explored Bisbee and ultimately made our way back up to Tucson on a different route. Meanwhile, I have put a small deposit down on a retirement facility in the Santa Monica area, near my daughter, but don’t plan to move there from D.C. for a couple of years.”

Warren and I have decided to move into a retirement facility in Oro Valley, on the northwest side of Tucson, in April. We have lived here 20 years, which is longer than we have lived anywhere. We are now ready to make life easier for ourselves and our children. I think there are a lot of us at our age that are doing this, are considering this, or have already done this. It will be a busy few months. Please send news. ❖ Nancy Bierds Icke (email Nancy) | 12350 E. Roger Rd., Tucson, AZ 85749 | Alumni Directory.

Here’s a belated New Year’s treat: your class column, still going strong after more than half a century, thanks to all your contributions.

Peter Stauder, who lives in Clermont, FL, writes, “I retired in 1995 from the U.S. Air Force after 30 years of service.” Peter otherwise has done genealogical research on his family and that of his wife’s. He also cooks for his family, church, and friends—plus he’s kept busy helping raise five grandchildren, ages 4 months to 6 years. Peter notes that he “will never grow older with them around.”

Janet Warren Fatherley, in Bradford, VT, reports she’s been retired since 2005 after a two-decade career at the Dartmouth Medical School, where she was the administrative assistant for the endocrinology division. She now spends time teaching a conversation course in German for a local library, but otherwise has a wide range of interests and activities, ranging from “maintaining my 1849 farmhouse and vegetable garden” to spending three days last March in Boston with daughter Marisa and grandchildren. She also likes to read Scandinavian thrillers.

Stephen Abramson is still working; he’s president of APS Pension & Financial Services in Melville, NY. Stephen otherwise is on the Family Service League board and the executive board of his Chatham, NY, synagogue. He enjoys playing tennis and pickleball, reading, and travel—recently on river voyages in France and the upper northwest’s Snake and Columbia rivers, following the Lewis and Clark Expedition route. The Abramsons live in Hauppauge, NY, and also have a country home in New Lebanon, NY.

Charles Oliver writes he is “retired part time.” Specifically, he has moved his tractor sales business to a new location run by his two sons that is “very attractive and very busy.” Charles, who lives in Canaseraga, NY, also enjoys living in a Fort Myers, FL, home five months of the year.

Stephen Abramson ’64 recently enjoyed a voyage on the upper northwest’s Snake and Columbia rivers, following the Lewis and Clark Expedition route.

Martin Seldman, of Berkeley, CA, writes, “I continue to work as an executive coach and organizational psychologist. Currently working on my ninth book, Everybody Gets a Coach.”

We end this column with the same classmate who began our last column: Australian resident Jane Rothman. Jane continues her story by noting, “I had a forced retirement from my qualitative market research consultancy in 2006, when I contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Within days I was paralyzed from the neck down. Fortunately, GBS is one of the ‘better’ neurological diseases to get. After a month in ICU and seven months in rehab, I could come home. What remains of the GBS is paralysis of my left/dominant hand, thus my retirement.

“My husband, Max, is an optometrist. He is very interested in the benefits of saffron for age-related macular degeneration. As a result, we divide our time between our home in Sydney, where he practices, and our farm in Greenwich Park, where he is cultivating saffron. I have two children, a son and a daughter—both in their 50s. Our son and daughter-in-law have provided us with and two very talented artistic teenage grandsons. Generally, life is good, and thankfully politics aren’t yet quite as crazy here.”

That’s it for now. Keep your news coming! Update me by email, regular mail, our class website, or our class Facebook page. ❖ Bev Johns Lamont (email Bev) | 720 Chestnut St., Deerfield, IL 60015 | Alumni Directory.

IT IS EASY! Google “Cornell Class of 1965,” click, and you’ll reach our class website with a host of information. Alternatively, you can use this link! (Many thanks to Steve Hand, our illustrious webmaster.)

Plans for our 60th Reunion in 2025 are well underway with Myron Jacobson and Liz Gordon at the helm; the dates will be June 5–8. You can view photos from our 50th and prior Reunions on the “Previous Reunions” page on the class website!

Class correspondents Joan Hens Johnson and Steve Appell welcome your news for Cornellians! Fill out the news form here.

Jeff Kass, our Reunion gift committee chairman, has warm words for the work of the gift committee: “Our legacy class gift, the Class of 1965 Student Mental Health Fund, paid for a very successful pilot of a new wellbeing coaching program. The feedback from participating students has been wonderful and our class continues to donate generously to the fund. Thanks to everyone who has supported this important program, and we appreciate your ongoing support!”

Jeff and his wife, Dee, joyfully report that their son got married and they have a wonderful daughter-in-law and, best of all, they live nearby! Celebrating the end of acute COVID, Jeff and Dee enjoyed several great trips to France in 2024.

Mike Duffy ’65 and Ann enjoyed a wonderful gathering for Christmas Eve—with 21 family members seated at three tables in the dining room.

Our class president, Jamil Sopher, ME ’66, writes, “My wife and I were visited by all three of the children and their full families. In addition to playing with the grandkids and exchanging gifts, my wife made a series of great meals!” Jamil looks forward to Reunion, “where we renew continuing friendship and experience Cornell’s leadership in timely research and management of student stress.”

Mike and Ann Duffy enjoyed a wonderful gathering for Christmas Eve—with 21 family members seated at three tables in the dining room. Mike comments, “Ann’s heritage is Italian, so we celebrated with pasta and fish, wine, and Christmas crackers. Our daughter, Kate ’01, and her husband were among the celebrants. On Christmas itself, our number dwindled to eight, as much of the crowd returned to their extended families. On New Year’s Eve, Ann and I were alone by the fireplace for the evening, which by then was just fine with us.”

A favorite holiday vacation resort for Judy Kellner Rushmore and Dave Koval is the Montage in Los Cabos, Mexico. Happy days passed quickly for Judy and Dave with her daughter, Cindy ’93, and her husband and family. All of us in South Florida are grateful that year after year, Judy organizes our Class of ’65 luncheon at Seasons 52 in Naples, FL.

Please send your news or thoughts of living in our PRIME TIME 80s to: ❖ Joan Hens Johnson (email Joan) | Stephen Appell (email Stephen) | Alumni Directory.

As the temperatures start to rise, we send you warm (or at least warmer) greetings! Isn’t it great to realize that in just a little over a year from now, many of us will return to Cornell/Ithaca to celebrate our 60th Reunion? Other leaders in our class have started to make plans for that event, and we hope that you will join us. Living a significant distance from Ithaca, I plan to fly to a nearby airport and rent a car there!

Bob Feldman, PhD ’75, wrote a news-filled note after a visit back to Ithaca: “Greetings! I have been living in Framingham, MA, since 2000, near my daughter and her family (two grandsons). I visited Ithaca for a week in August, where, as an alumnus chimesmaster, I was able to play four evening concerts on the Cornell Chimes. It was a bit strange, because the tower was encased in scaffolding for roof repairs, and it was closed to visitors. But how wonderful it was to play the bells once again!

“Because my wife and I lived in Ithaca from 1979–2000, I also visited old haunts, such as Collegetown, Ithaca Falls, Taughannock Falls, the Ithaca Commons, the Ithaca Farmers Market, Stewart Park, the Antlers, Simeon’s, and Cascadilla Creek. Although many of the buildings have changed, the gorges have not! Nor has the panoramic view from the top of the bell tower.

“I am retired but keep busy volunteering in the Cornell Club of Boston, local math tutoring, and the Wellesley community choir. Although I miss the Cornell bells, I get much satisfaction from playing two church chimes near me, one in Newton and the other in Lowell. Since 2007, I have organized a summer concert series at the Newton chime, usually including other Cornell alumni chimesmasters.”

Stan Sterenberg’s wife, Laura Schisgall, shared the news that “Stan passed away on August 1 after a brief illness. Before his passing, he was a retired math teacher. He kept in close touch with Cornell friends, including Steve Wartman, Don Asch, and Ivan Wolff. He had two wonderful children, Lillian and Michael, and me, Laura, who all miss him dearly. Stan was an active golfer, bridge player, and crossword puzzler in his later years. He had a keen wit, boundless patience, and sharp intelligence. We got a dog during the pandemic, and Stan and Cody enjoyed hanging out in Central Park and talking to friends. He was loved by many and changed the lives of countless students.”

I visited Ithaca for a week in August, where, as an alumnus chimesmaster, I was able to play four evening concerts on the Cornell Chimes.

Bob Feldman ’66, PhD ’75

Roger Emerson, MAT ’69, wrote from Stanley, NY, that he taught biology and earth science at Geneva High School but is now retired. He is active in his church and performs local food distribution on a regular basis. He enjoys gardening and landscaping, caring for his home and lake property, and keeping up with his grandchildren! Two of them are now students at Cornell. He and his wife have traveled to Europe, including a Norway genealogy trip (for his wife’s family) and a trip to Italy. He has also driven cross-country in the U.S. several times with his kids, and later without them. He writes, “I live near LOTS of family (both sides), so we enjoy many family events on a regular basis.”

We received the news from the sister of Valerie Zborowski that Valerie passed away on November 29, 2023. Jeanne Brown Sander reflected on memories of being Kappa Delta sorority sisters and “of walking together many Sunday mornings to Mass at Anabel Taylor.”

Now for a bit of “What’s up with some of our ’66 class officers?”: Class co-president John Monroe, PhD ’70, reports that in August, he and his wife, Meg (Warne), MS ’68, “took their British grandsons (ages 11 and 8) to Legoland in Denmark for a weekend. The weekend was followed by a visit to London, where the whole family gathered to see grandson James’s prize-winning artwork at the Royal Academy. The visit was followed by a celebratory trip for ice cream at Fortnum & Mason across the street. A month later the grandsons came to New York to celebrate Meg’s milestone birthday.”

Rolf Frantz, ME ’67, class co-president, and his wife, Nancy (Nystrom) ’68, continue to enjoy cruising: “Another year, another cruise—or two, or three, or four. But who’s counting? We definitely enjoy these vacations, and we know the time will come when we’ll no longer be able to travel like this, so we’ll keep taking advantage of the opportunities while we can. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been in this house for over 12 years; it seems like only yesterday that we went through the stress of moving. One thing I have found: I turned 80 in June, and some of the things I could do easily around here when we first moved now take a lot longer—or get passed on to the younger generations.”

An early January 2025 letter brought news from ’66 class correspondent / coordinator Susan Rockford Bittker that she and Donald celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary on December 28. This year it coincided with Susan’s annual siblings and family holiday week get-together. “It is always a great visit.” As well as being one of the ’66 class correspondents, Susan coordinates a monthly lunch gathering for Westchester County, NY, Cornell alums and parents of students, along with interested friends and family members.

And I end by adding a personal, happy note: Chuck Lerner and Pete Salinger met for lunch in Bethesda, MD. They hadn’t seen one another for decades, so it was a great reunion. They met in high school, both were in Boy Scouts, and at Cornell they were both in the ILR School. ❖ Pete Salinger, MBA ’68 (email Pete) | Susan Rockford Bittker (email Susan) | Alumni Directory.

Elaine Kamhi Greenwald, BS ’66 (Plainview, NY) observes: “Playing bridge brings me the most satisfaction these days. Above all else, I love being with my three daughters—all of whom have studied on the Hill for at least some time while pursuing their careers—my sons-in-law, and my seven loving grandchildren, who are studying at top universities including Cornell.

“Recently, I spent a weekend with Phyllis Steinberg Wilson, one of my roommates. I keep up with as many girlfriends as possible from Cornell: Linda Chesman Byard ’68, BS ’70, Linda Olshina Lavine, PhD ’71, Jane Natter Stravinski, Jane Littman Simon, and Phyllis Bell Jonas. My beloved husband, Bob, died in my arms on our living room floor after 55 years of marriage. I keep busy playing golf and tennis, even though I am not at all as good as in the old days. I also love to swim.

Urie Bronfenbrenner ’38 changed the trajectory of my life,” Elaine notes. “He taught us to think, question results, and pursue answers for ourselves. It is because of him that I became a psychologist!”

Toby Tucker Hecht (Bethesda, MD) reports: “I am still working at the National Cancer Institute, where I am the deputy director of the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, and have no current plans to retire. This is an incredible time to be in cancer research. Progress is steady, but there is so much more we need to tackle, especially the rise in early onset cancers and health disparities.

“Yes, Cornell did change the trajectory of my life after a course in molecular biology in the Ag College. My husband, Barry Hecht, and I celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary this past summer. We have two sons and three grandsons. Life is generally good, but I am worried about the future of the world.”

Donald New passed away last September at his home in Canastota, NY. He grew up as one of nine children on a large dairy farm. Don is remembered at Cornell as a standout on the great Big Red championship wrestling teams of the ’60s and was recognized as a NCAA Division 1 All-American wrestler. After earning an MBA at Syracuse University, he taught economics and business at Mohawk Valley Community College; he then dedicated his professional life to teaching before retiring in 2002.

I am still working at the National Cancer Institute, where I am the deputy director of the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis.

Toby Tucker Hecht ’67

Don was a mentor, served as a Future Farmers of America (FFA) advisor, and was a coach for wrestling, football, Babe Ruth baseball, and track in the Canastota school district. He was co-owner of Wesmarnine Farms and worked with FarmNet and Cornell Cooperative Extension, supporting the agricultural community. Don and wife Debbie had five children and 17 grandchildren.

Les Glick, JD ’70 (Germantown, MD), an attorney and shareholder based in the Washington, DC, office of the Butzel law firm, was a featured presenter during the American Bar Association’s International Law Section’s 2024 Fall Conference last November in London. He participated in a panel discussion on economic sanctions.

Les is chair of Butzel’s international trade and customs specialty team, bringing extensive experience in the areas of international trade and customs law. He’s handled major international trade cases before the U.S. International Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and the Court of International Trade.

He’s also been active in developing customs compliance programs for many U.S. corporations and is the author of books on customs law, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and, most recently, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. He’s been consulted by companies and trade associations regarding U.S./Mexico/Canada legal questions involving imports, exports, investment, and transportation.

Despite Cornell’s football team enabling Columbia to gain a third of the Ivy football championship in November by winning the season’s final game over the Big Red 11, Cornell’s basketball team left New York City on January 11 with a win over a highly touted Columbia five. They coasted to a 94-83 win in both teams’ Ivy League opener at the Lions’ Schiller Court in Levien Gymnasium. The Red cagers, after taking a 20-point lead by halftime, shot a blistering 63.3% from the floor and were 14-of-27 (51.9%) from three-point range.

Eileen Barkas Hoffman ’69 and I enjoyed what’s become an annual get-together in New York, at Bombay Chowk, with Peter and Elaine Buchsbaum, Larry and Karen Sharf, and Marty Gold and Mary Byrne. While several of those attending continue to teach or lecture, this may have been the first year when everyone was more or less retired. And so it goes, with a nod to Kurt Vonnegut ’44. ❖ Richard Hoffman (email Richard) | 2925 28th St. NW, Washington, DC 20008 | Alumni Directory.

I have news to share with our classmates! We always need more news and updates from you, so please let us know where you are and what you are doing, or share your reflections on your years at Cornell with our classmates!

Ron Kopicki, MA ’71, writes, “I have had the good fortune to see up close a great deal of the world during a time of global transformation. For the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N., I worked to effect pro-market reforms in more than 60 developing countries. In both working environments, I made significant contributions to poverty alleviation and to economic welfare enhancement.

“Importantly, in both institutional settings, I made many interesting, dynamic, and dedicated friends, many of whom remain friends today, even as they have scattered across the globe. Another part of my good fortune has been to learn through personal immersion about the cultures, histories, politics, and cuisines of several of the world’s most vibrant cities, including Rome, Washington, and Beijing. I worked and lived in all three.”

Ron has authored a dozen or so books on various topics, including economic development, pro-market policy reform, state-owned enterprise restructuring, and product and transport market refinement. He also is the recipient of many awards, including the President’s Award at the World Bank for designing uniquely effective poverty alleviation projects. He and his wife, Ann, are enjoying their four energetic granddaughters, “standing with them as they spread their little wings and discover themselves, what personal goals are worth achieving, and how best to achieve those goals.”

Ron is also enjoying retirement as a student and teacher participating in adult education on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay, where they live. Looking back at his years at Cornell, he cites Prof. Frederick Marcham, PhD 1926—then the chair of the history department, who was a faculty member at Cornell for 69 years—as his primary inspiration and guide.

Jay Waks ’68, JD ’71, and Harriet participated in an architectural tour of an ancient mosque via a virtual reality experience at the Johnson Museum of Art.

Jay Waks, JD ’71, writes that on one of their trips to Cornell this past fall, he and Harriet participated in an architectural tour of an ancient mosque via a virtual reality experience at the Johnson Museum of Art. “This was a first for us, being fitted with VR goggles and helmet; a terrific experience, especially in being guided by two very enthusiastic undergraduates.” Jay and Harriet celebrated the wedding of their daughter, Allison ’08, earlier in the year, along with many of her Cornell classmates as well as many from Michigan Law School, where she met her husband, Josh.

In the 1970s through 2001, Nancy Nichols Harvey taught health and sciences in Endicott and Binghamton, NY. After retiring, she and husband James sailed and motored their sailboat all the way from Cayuga Lake through the Erie Canal, down the Hudson River, through New York Harbor, and on to Maryland, where they lived on the Eastern Shore for 20 years, sailing most of the year in a climate a bit more temperate than Cayuga Lake’s! Now Nancy has moved back to the Endicott/Binghamton area, where she grew up and where their children and grandchildren live, to spend more time with them.

Ira “Chip” Lupu retired from full-time law teaching at George Washington University Law School in 2013, where he is the F. Elwood and Eleanor Davis Professor Emeritus of Law. He has continued to write about constitutional law and has published more than 70 articles. His latest works, both forthcoming in 2025, include an article about the Louisiana law requiring public schools to post the Ten Commandments, and another about parents’ rights to provide gender-affirming care for transgender children. He presented the parents’ rights piece at New York University Law School in March 2024. Classmate Joel Negrin attended, and Chip says he even listened!

Chip has been married to Nancy Altman for 41 years, and they have lived in Bethesda, MD, since 1989. Nancy is the president of Social Security Works, a highly effective nonprofit advocacy group that works to protect and expand Social Security. Chip writes, “We have four wonderful children and four splendid grandchildren.”

I look forward to receiving more news and updates from all of you! Please email me about you and your family with news you would like to share with our classmates. ❖ Steve Weinberg, MBA ’70, JD ’71 (email Steve) | Alumni Directory.

As this is being written in early December, Upstate New York is experiencing extreme winter weather. Sound familiar?

The theme of this Class Notes column appears to be retirement … or lack thereof. We don’t seem to want to go off to a recliner and hot chocolate yet.

Suzanne Sacks writes, “I am a docent at the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, FL. I also serve on the Docent Advisory Council and as a mentor for new docent candidates. The Norton is the largest art museum in Florida, with six collections ranging from the 14th century to artworks created in 2023. In addition to leading tours is the constant learning—always new exhibits, artists, and media to be researched and tours to be created. I love being a perennial student!”

Phyllis Wilson Wilhelm reports that she and husband Alexander are nearing completion of their travel bucket list, having spent two weeks in Antarctica in January 2023. The extra week was a result of the return plane not being able to get in! She also managed to do a polar plunge in both the Southern and Arctic oceans, having cruised the Northwest Passage in late summer.

TV/film writer Lawrence Levy of Porter Ranch, CA, is enjoying his 4-year-old and 11-month-old grandsons and keeping busy writing novels. “Random House published my fourth book in a historical fiction/mystery series about a young woman who was hired to sleuth a high-profile murder in the late 19th century in Brooklyn when there were no policewomen. The series, called The Mary Handley Mysteries, is based on a true story. I’ve just completed a new book, based on another true story, about a Jewish teacher in 1939 Texas who is accused of murder. It involves American Nazis, the KKK, romance, and murder.”

Yet another one of us that refuses to retire, Jane Plitt writes, “It’s never too late to make a difference. After becoming the National Organization for Women’s first national executive director (in the 1970s), becoming an award-winning small business owner and arbitrator, and spending six years piecing together the buried story of Martha Matilda Harper (the 19th-century servant girl who launched modern retail franchising with 500+ shops), at age 76 I founded the National Center of Women’s Innovations. Within one year, it has a vibrant base of supporters whose vision is to mainstream the recognition of forgotten women innovators who have changed the world and to use that recognition and hands-on STEM programs to inspire young girls to be innovative like their foremothers. It was founded on the principle articulated by former IBM CEO Ginni Rometty: ‘To be it you must see it.’”

Timothy Savage writes, “As a volunteer, I planted American chestnut trees at the Queens County Farm Museum, the site of the oldest continually farmed area in New York State. I have been involved with the New York State chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation for a number of years. In 2019 I had a number of American chestnuts sprouted from nuts that I had received from the NYS chapter. In looking for a suitable place to plant the trees, I was guided by NYC Parks to the farm. The farm site is a few miles from my apartment in northeastern Queens and was very receptive to my planting initiative. My involvement initiated a working relationship between the farm and the Chestnut Research & Restoration Project at the SUNY Forestry school in Syracuse. The farm is a perfect place to have a chestnut demonstration orchard, as thousands of schoolchildren tour each year. It currently has seven American chestnuts growing in a demonstration orchard.”

Michael Ian writes, “I serve on the board of directors for, and also tutor at, the Mercy Learning Center in Bridgeport, CT. MLC provides basic literacy and life skills training to women with low income using a holistic approach within a compassionate, supportive environment. All women are welcome without regard to race, religion, color, creed, sexual orientation, or national origin.”

Phyllis Wilson Wilhelm ’69 has done a polar plunge in both the Southern and Arctic oceans.

Anita LaRaia, MA ’71, mentions what she has been doing “since retiring,” but her activities sound pretty busy to me! She has created six new YouTube videos for her Wine Groceries channel, having had her own wine school for 33 years. She’s also concentrated on sales marketing and inspiring people with a new book about “succeeding in life and romance by avoiding pitfalls and negative people.” All of that while maintaining her Atlanta suburban acre as a nature preserve.

Merrie Nickerson Krisl and husband Eric are enjoying their son’s four children, aged 9–17, as they participate in football, soccer, dance, and art. Merrie retired from volunteering at the Sonoma County Juvenile Justice Center after 21 years, having established a library there and “encouraging the kids to read.”

Alan Fein reports he is still working as a pulmonary critical care doctor and enjoying grandchildren. He applauds the “fabulous education” he obtained at Cornell and the great friends and connections he established there.

Don Verdiani, ME ’71, of Westtown, PA, is enjoying community service, travel, and his family. He is the president of an ambulance company and an EMT.

Kenneth LaPensee is enjoying fiction writing and landscaping in Hampton, NJ, and volunteering for the County Medical Reserve Corps. He would like “some part-time employment in pharma or public health,” and he says he’s enjoying the granddaughter his daughter adopted from China.

Marsha Gold is still living in D.C. and says she retired in 2013 and now loves to travel and spend time with friends.

Philip Kyle, a member of Toastmasters International, reports having taught anatomy and physiology and biology in high school and is now volunteering at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History and the Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. He’s been leading birding trips for the Cape Cod Birding Group, and in April 2024 had a nine-day bike tour in Portugal.

Claire Scully DeLauro of San Antonio, TX, says she gets the most satisfaction from “living with and loving my best friend of 58 years,” Albert, who she met at Cornell. They travel a lot! This year they have been to Denver, Los Cabos, Big Bend National Park, Morocco, Wisconsin, and Galveston, plus they enjoyed a Rhine Christmas cruise. (She says they are fortunate to have an excellent cat sitter and house sitter.) Claire retired from their HOA board of directors after seven years and they both are active in Ferrari and Corvette car clubs.

Ann and I, Robert Tallo, are splitting time between Greenville, NC, and our second home in Sea Pines (Hilton Head Island) and are getting ready to enjoy our annual Spring Training excursion in March (Go Yankees!) and the Heritage Golf Tournament in April. I just finished officiating the high school and college volleyball season and have already started my 46th high school basketball season—and I’ll be at the AAU Junior National Volleyball Tournament in Orlando again this June. (Who doesn’t enjoy verbal abuse?) Once again, our class doesn’t seem to understand the concept of retirement! ❖ Robert Tallo (email Robert) | Alumni Directory.


Another Saturday afternoon is being devoted to the writing of our class column. Of possible interest is that it is the Saturday between Christmas and New Year’s as I write, when all the college football initial championship games begin. And yes, I’m proud that our alma mater is not part of this mad rush to accumulate dollars. In fact, I’m more proud of the infamous 1940 “Fifth Down” game, when #2 Cornell, playing for a second straight national championship, scored a winning touchdown to defeat Dartmouth on what turned out to be a fifth down. Cornell voluntarily forfeited the game. Enough said.

The other different characteristics of this weekend are about the unusual weather. In a Chicago holiday weekend, which for all the years I have been here has truly been a winter wonderland, the current temperature is 49°, with hazy sunlight and only small, dirty piles of snow remaining. Even more amazing is that Ithaca weather is following suit. A recent article in one of the many Cornell emails I receive talked about how the change in weather can actually be an advantage for the wineries in the area, as warmer temperatures make for changes in the grapes grown and the popularity of the various wines they can foster.

In my last column, I mentioned the arrival of the refrigerator magnet reminder for our upcoming 55th Reunion, June 5–8, 2025. As it is our 55th Reunion, and the first formal chance to all gather in person since 2015 due to COVID during what would have been our 50th, I urge all classmates reading this to strongly consider attending. A recent email from Reunion chair Donald Noveau to class officers outlines some of the plans. An even more recent mailer to most of you notes that our Reunion headquarters is the quite new Toni Morrison Hall (on North Campus, so no Slope climbing!). Donald asks for volunteers to help. If interested, find him in the Alumni Directory.

Jim Collins, MBA ’71 (Shrewsbury, MA) finds his satisfaction these days with some work, some travel, some golf, and time with his son and daughter. Golf has included playing with Cornellians Steve Hirst, Ian Orr, Dennis Lubozynski ’71, MBA ’75, and Brian McCutcheon ’71. He’s still working part time on investment matters, including the George I. Alden Trust, a charitable endowment supporting higher education in the Worcester, MA, community. Travel and family appear to be combined with his son Patrick in Jackson, WY, and daughter Catherine, working at Disney Films in Los Angeles.

Janet Seelbach Lawrence-Nelson (Spring City, PA) loves volunteering, primarily through her Presbyterian church, where she is an elder and a deacon. From her time working in long-term care, she is helping a woman settle into a local nursing home. She also works for her daughter, Heather, who owns a drapery design firm that creates window treatments for furniture designers. Janet’s granddaughter is currently a junior at Northeastern University, majoring in environmental science. In response to the question of whether attending Cornell changed the trajectory of her life, her response was, “It sure did!” After completing a major in child development and human relationships, Janet worked for two years at George Junior Republic, a residential treatment center for adolescents, and then went on to the University of Chicago School of Social Services Administration for her PhD, and worked in healthcare for most of her career.

Michael Turell, MS ’72 (Frederick, MD) and his wife, Barbara (Fuchs) ’69, recently took a Danube River cruise, which they described as fascinating and amazing. They enjoy working with youth (Scouts and 4-H) to help them learn to work well together and to become better citizens. This effort included being the lead for the Cricket Café at the World Scout Jamboree, where they helped explain about alternative sources of protein and managed to get 10,000 Scouts from around the world to sample flavored crickets and mealworms.

While at USDA, Trish Pringle Britten ’70 helped write four editions of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Michael finds it hard to believe he has now been retired for more than eight years. However, he still travels internationally to work on diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, with trips to Ecuador, Kenya, Mexico, Costa Rica, and China since he retired. Michael hopes to be back at Cornell in October to give a few presentations on mosquitoes and viruses to members of the entomology department.

Trish Pringle Britten (Castle Rock, CO) worked in the field of nutrition education at the University of Hawaii and nutrition policy at USDA. She then retired and moved to Colorado to be close to her son and his family. While at USDA, she helped write four editions of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. She now spends her days volunteering at the local senior center in their garden and meal program, while also helping teach her teenage granddaughter how to drive. While she loves living in Colorado, Trish says she occasionally misses living on the East Coast.

Toby Marion (Tiburon, CA) published this past year Afghanistan: Crossroads and Kingdoms: My 1970s Peace Corps Service and Recent Afghan History. Toby writes, “The U.S. August 2021 withdrawal spurred me to research what really happened in the 50 years since my time there and made me realize that there were things I needed to say. It was also a terrific experience writing the book and connecting with many people. In July, wife Eileen and I took our son, daughter, spouses, and four grandchildren (including an 11-month-old) on a safari and sightseeing trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe, an experience of a lifetime.”

Since the pandemic, Art Schwope has organized a quarterly Zoom call of seven ChemEs (now chemical and biomolecular engineering) from our class: John Boepple, Charlie De George, Dick Hayes, ME ’71, Dave Jones, MS ’73, Paul Rowe, ME ’71, Art, and Toby. Very enjoyable and illuminating!

Max Chow ’71 (Austin, TX) finds the most satisfaction in his life from being with his family. He works at keeping up with the news and recently moved from Puerto Rico to Texas. Attending Cornell changed the trajectory of his life in two ways: he became an architect, and met his wife, our classmate Constance Wheater, who passed away in 2012.

Again, by the time this column appears, our 55th Reunion will be close—yet it shouldn’t be too late to make arrangements in order to return to campus. Since we had no onsite 50th Reunion due to COVID, the upcoming one may be the largest and best we may ever have! Hope to see many of you in June 2025!

As always, you may contact me directly (see below) or you may use the University’s standard online news form. ❖ John Cecilia, MBA ’79 (email John) | Alumni Directory.

John Dubeck and Susan Hotine, JD ’73, one of many married Cornell couples, remain “lovingly compatible” with each other after 51 years of marriage. After Cornell, John attended Georgetown University Law Center and then practiced environmental law in the Washington, DC, area. John and Sue each retired from their respective law firms at the end of 2018, which expanded John’s opportunities to ski, bike ride, and play ice hockey twice a week (mid-day!) with the GeriHatricks.

Hockey is a sport John has enjoyed since he began playing during his time at Cornell. John says, “That was during the years that Cornell won the NCAA hockey championship, so everyone on campus played intramural hockey—fraternities, clubs, even the student newspaper had a hockey team. The fact that I already knew how to skate gave me a tremendous advantage.” He quickly caught the hockey bug and, after graduating, played in several different leagues over the years. “I used to play wing, but as I got older I moved to defense,” he says.

“When I started playing with the GeriHatricks after I retired, I was one of the younger players, so I was immediately told I was a center.” GeriHatricks games are no-check—meaning little or minimal contact—so injuries are few. Their pick-up games last about two hours. “The range of talent there is extraordinary,” says John. (For a fuller discussion of John’s hockey participation, see this article.)

After 37 years of filling up a large home in Arlington, VA, the Dubecks are downsizing in preparation for a move to the Mather, an upscale continuing-care retirement community at nearby Tysons Corner. John and Sue are close to their two children (both also lawyers), who they visit often in Brooklyn, NY, and South Pasadena, CA; the family also collectively holidays at Deer Valley. Each of their kids has two kids that are age matched at 12 and 10 and have been skiing since they were 3.

Like Bill, Rodo Sofranac continues a lifelong commitment to community service. Most recently, Rodo volunteered with other Phoenix Cornellians at Helping Hands for Single Moms. Rodo traces his involvement in outreach efforts to his junior year at Cornell. “I saw a posting for being a Big Brother and tutor for a sixth grader at one of Ithaca’s elementary schools. This opened my eyes not only to community needs but my motivation. The rest, as they say, is not only history, but a continuing journey of sharing gratitude.”

Nancy Garrison Jenn is an expat savoring life in London for the past 25 years. Prior to moving to England, Nancy and her French husband resided in Paris for 10 years, where Nancy’s three children were born (two went to Yale; one to Georgetown). Her husband is an executive chair of an Indian company in the renewables space. Nancy and her family have a home on the island of Palma, Mallorca, which they try to visit every month.

Nancy also has two grandchildren, Hugo Henri, 18 months, and Alicia, 1 month, and she is expecting more in the future. On a professional level, Nancy works as an expert advisor on headhunters and as a leadership coach. She loves her work and cannot imagine retiring—but she is trying to slow down so she can spend more time with her growing family.

John Dubeck ’71 plays ice hockey twice a week with the GeriHatricks.

After retiring from a 50-year career in the hospitality industry, David Benton and his wife, Ilyce, moved from Philadelphia to Newport Beach to be closer to one of their daughters and twin grandchildren. David joined the Oasis Senior Center’s Sailing Club there and is delightfully sailing on the Pacific. He enjoys California’s superb weather, being challenged at the bridge table, playing tennis year-round, and walking the beaches. He adds, “Most importantly, I have become a docent at the holocaust museum in Newport Beach, a most meaningful experience educating thousands of Orange County students who visit the museum. I am able to tell my mother’s story during the tour; she escaped Germany in 1938, traveling on the Kindertransport.”

David recently visited family in England and a second daughter in Seattle. David adds, “I do remember that every Saturday night, Dennis Lombardi ’70, my college friend, and I, would cook and serve in the Rathskeller to hungry professors. I was fortunate to recently have dinner with another college pal, Peter Yesawich ’72, PhD ’76 (Boca Raton, FL), who was visiting Newport Beach. I have not been back to Cornell since graduating from the School of Hotel Administration, but I have fond memories of that great experience.”

Have you read Richard Price’s latest novel, Lazarus Man? I’m enjoying every page. Published by Macmillan Publishers on November 12 to rave reviews, Lazarus Man “creates intertwining portraits of a group of compelling and singular characters whose lives are permanently impacted by [a building collapse disaster in Harlem].” Richard “is the author of several novels—including Clockers and Lush Life—all of which have won universal praise for their vividly etched portrayals of urban America. He has written for television dramas (including ‘The Night Of,’ ‘The Deuce,’ and ‘The Wire’) as well as numerous screenplays, including Sea of Love, Ransom, and The Color of Money, directed by Martin Scorsese, for which he received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.”

Richard’s friend Mike Kubin writes, “Lazarus Man was published in early November to thumpingly great reviews and a rousing interview by Terry Gross on NPR’s ‘Fresh Air.’ My wife, Nancy, and I attended the publication party along with Rich’s wife, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Lorraine Adams.”

Speaking of books, of interest to the many of you who either had the good fortune and privilege of taking a class taught by revered professor Walter LaFeber or enjoyed one of his lectures: this past October, Cornell Press published the long-awaited tribute to LaFeber, Thinking Otherwise: How Walter LaFeber Explained the History of U.S. Foreign Relations, edited by classmate and historian Richard Immerman, among others.

David Hillmann and his wife, Mary, live in a wonderful house in Altamont, NY, where they grow flowers and vegetables to sell at their roadside stand. Despite some heath issues that have slowed him down a bit, now that he is retired David is enjoying time with his four children and six grandchildren. David credits Cornell and college friends for sending him on his way to develop a rewarding 31-year career in 4-H youth development.

Enjoy the beginning of spring and keep us apprised of your adventures! ❖ Cara Nash Iason (email Cara) | Elisabeth Kaplan Boas (email Elisabeth) | Alumni Directory.

Fellow classmates, this is Wes Schulz, ME ’73, one of the three class correspondents who produce this column. We appreciate your input.

From Palm Springs, CA, Dan Fast reports that he has had a private practice in psychiatry for 45 years. He enjoys gardening, mahjong, bicycling, hiking, world travel, and buying and selling mid-century arts and crafts. He takes satisfaction in work (three and a half days a week), his garden, and his friends, most of whom live in the Palm Springs area. His partner is Tom O’Brien. Dan’s mother is a bright, enthusiastic 104-year-old. Dan related that Cornell gave him the knowledge that anything is possible with effort, persistence, and a bit of grace.

David Harding, BA ’71, PhD ’83, is celebrating retirement and his first grandchild. His whole work career was at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago for nearly 47 years. Most of his effort over the years was focused on designing, building, testing, and maintaining the magnets used in the Fermilab particle accelerators. He worked with many Cornell alumni and his former professors over the years. Outreach activities included giving talks, leading tours, and visiting schools to explain the Fermilab magnets or the physics of sports.

Dave’s granddaughter was born in June 2024 and lives in Anchorage, AK, where her mother, Betsy Harding ’06, has been a family physician with the Alaska Native Medical Center since 2016. Betsy attributes a Cornell connection to triggering her interest in Alaska. Dave and his wife, Pauline, had taken a Cornell’s Adult University tour of the state with Prof. Verne Rockcastle, PhD ’55, in 2005. That trip was the one they talked about the most. Dave’s other daughter is a professional home organizer in Denver.

Dave and Pauline love contra dancing and attend the weekly dance in Chicago and at least half a dozen dance weekends each year, mostly around the Midwest. They have danced in 20 states and one province, from New Hampshire to California, Florida to Alaska. Another consuming interest for Dave has been genealogy. One retirement project has been the organizing, reading, and scanning of several thousand letters that his grandparents wrote to each other over 100 years ago.

One retirement project for David Harding ’72, BA ’71, PhD ’83, has been the organizing, reading, and scanning of several thousand letters that his grandparents wrote to each other over 100 years ago.

Dave has also been active in the community. He served 16 years as an elected commissioner of the local park district (an independent taxing body), with much of that time as president through a period of explosive growth. He now has a park named for him. He served seven years on the board of directors of the local Girl Scout council. He has over 30 years’ experience on the organizing committees of local folk music festivals.

Dave enjoyed promoting Cornell to high school students for 20 years as a volunteer for the Cornell Alumni Admissions Ambassador Network. He also enjoys Cornell Club of Chicago events, especially when seeing the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity brothers who live in the area. He has organized a few events himself. Dave happily joined the regular Cornell Global Mixers that Tony Chen ’12 established early in the pandemic, where he often encounters classmate Eli Savada. He also uses Zoom to get together regularly with his sister, Betsy Harding, JD ’77, and brother Bob Harding ’77, MBA ’84.

Even though Dave broke his leg hiking in Cascadilla Gorge the Friday afternoon of our 50th Reunion, he still thinks that everyone should attend as many Reunions as possible. I agree and am glad that he appears completely recovered, as evidenced by his dance activities.

Last summer my wife, Debbie, and I took a vacation trip to the Northeast. We spent a few days with Bill Trommer and partner Ann Edwards in central Maine. They were great hosts and served us many items from their garden. They also made sure we had the lobster rolls at the harbor café. When we were not eating like kings, we did cardio exercise—hiking and pickleball. Our initial attempt at pickleball was deemed a success since there were no major physical injuries nor any damages to the facility.

Thank you to all who have written in. Keep the news coming! As always, you may contact one of us directly, or use the University’s standard online news form. ❖ Wes Schulz, ME ’73 (email Wes) | Frank Dawson (email Frank) | Susan Farber Straus (email Susan) | Alumni Directory.

The time finally came for me to retire from broadcasting. On December 19, 2024, I signed off for the last time after 47 years at KIRO Radio. There was a brief ripple of fame (TV, the Seattle Times, even the EastLake News), plus proclamations from the mayor of Seattle and the King County executive, assuring me that I was “beloved”—despite the recent polling on journalists. Then there was a company lunch, and it was over. Phew!

As I write this, I’m now about five weeks into this post-career journey, and in that time—in addition to removing the emergency Jameson from my office desk—I have mostly cleared out the home studio, taken down the amateur theater glamour shots, and started a box-by-box move into our retirement home, which happens to share a driveway with the house where our daughter and her husband live. (They’d just bought their house when the one next door went up for sale, and she said, “Dad, suppose you and Mom …”)

It’s suspiciously like the premise of “Everybody Loves Raymond,” and I have no idea how it will work out, but you only retire once, so why not live it out as a sitcom?

The actual goal is to reduce the amount of driving I’ll have to do in my old age, since we’re not only right next to our oldest daughter, but also less than two miles from a gigantic Home Depot. Which is easy to find because it’s across the street from the Costco.

You only retire once, so why not live it out as a sitcom?

Dave Ross ’73

That’s important because I’m now the general contractor for the remodel, and I’ve had to repair bathroom fans, sink drains, and plaster divots. And as it’s important to maintain a list of goals in retirement, I hope to at some point earn a YouTube degree in refrigerator ice-dispenser repair as well. My wife thinks we can live without dispensed ice, but is that really living? To have an appliance feature staring you in the face every day, daring you to make it work?

So the Big Downsize is underway. This morning I made the commitment official by transplanting a spontaneous spruce seedling from our old yard to a place of prominence in our new yard. The ceremony involved a selfie—which I plan to re-stage in 20 years in front of what by then will be a neighborhood landmark.

Downsizing is not easy. I feel like that seedling must feel—suddenly uprooted from its cozy spot next to the recycling bin and plopped among a bunch of strange shrubs. The kids don’t seem to understand why I would save my old Gilbert & Sullivan scores! (So I can re-live the brilliant stage business I came up with.)

And, of course, the recordings. So many air checks of talk shows from the ’90s, when I predicted everything that’s happened since. What’s disturbing is that listening back to them now, I find that my confidence comes across as arrogance and I have to turn it off. Even if I was totally right, I find that I don’t like the 20-years-ago-me lecturing the current me.

But alas, what’s done is done; according to the signals will arrive at Gliese 667 Cc in two years. Too late to change it now. Grow spruce, grow! ❖ Dave Ross (email Dave) | Phyllis Haight Grummon (email Phyllis) | Pam Meyers (email Pam) | Alumni Directory.

A recent Cornell Alumni Association tour to Japan included classmates Lou and Roberta Bandel Walcer from Ithaca, Alan and Gerry Bronstein Ertel from Lexington, MA, and Larry Erwich and Sarah Crystal-Erwich ’75 from Cheshire, CT. Although they didn’t know each other at Cornell or when signing up, the trip provided opportunities to reminisce and enjoy a new adventure together.

Esteban and Rosa Rosas were at the 50th Reunion, which was a blast. They met Esteban’s ChemE friends Bob Hoff, Randy Newman, Bob Wuest, and Tom Vaughan. All have less hair now, but more enthusiasm! Esteban played sax with the Red Stray Cats at the Redstock concert. He also borrowed a guitar and sang with his friend Shu at dinner.

50 years after graduation, Sandy Sears earned her PhD in educational psychology/special ed from the University of Connecticut. She is now teaching in the Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates at UConn. This program teaches aspiring special educators. Not to be outdone, Sandy’s son Dan Prindle received his PhD in music theory from UMass the prior year. ❖ Linda Meyers Geyer (email Linda) | Betsy Moore (email Betsy) | Perry Jacobs (email Perry) | Alumni Directory.

The mail bag (do these things even exist anymore?) brings news from Kathryn Gabinet-Kroo, who lives in Québec. She and her husband, Ira, have four grandchildren. She still paints and has participated in group shows. In addition, she now competes in ballroom dancing—and she still has time for literary translations, specifically centering on Indigenous literature, translating from French to English.

We hear from Kathleen Mongan Thies, who earned her BS in nursing and then completed a PhD at Boston College. She lives in Bedford, NH. Also from the New England area is Christine Rowland Copeland, from Northfield, MA. She has published children’s books about life in the deciduous forests in the Amazon Northeast. You can learn more at her website. She has also had her paintings exhibited; a recent work was “Summer in the Forest.” It comes then as no surprise that what gives her the most satisfaction these days is painting in her studio, which overlooks the woods.

Helen Wekstein LeBrecht, JD ’81, lives in Waccabuc, NY, where she is an attorney, providing assistance to animals, including wild animals, animals in zoos, and homeless animals. She lives her principles as a vegan. Helen volunteers her time for the NYS Bar Association’s Committee on Animals and the Law, where she has worked on charity events supporting African elephants and snow leopards.

Also living in the Empire State is Mike Tannenbaum, in Oneonta. He is now working on improving his culinary and mixology skills, after having retired in 2019. His favorite memory at Cornell was spending time with his Pi Lambda Phi fraternity brothers. Jim Seeley, JD ’79, lives in Marcellus, NY, where he is striving to improve his deer hunting skills. The Cornell 150s and his DU brothers dominate his recollections about Cornell.

Jeff Weinberger shares news about his children. His son is married, working as a South Carolina Highway Patrol officer. Jeff’s daughter is a practicing attorney in Los Angeles, specializing in the area of tenants’ rights and the homeless. His favorite recollection at Cornell was having Walter LaFeber as an advisor and professor. Jeff serves as the house doctor at the Mohonk Mountain Resort, located in the Hudson Valley. He also maintains his medical practice, now in its 42nd year, specializing in internal medicine in Greenwich, CT. He underscores the following: “I have no plans to retire!”

Helen Wekstein LeBrecht ’75, JD ’81, volunteers for the NYS Bar’s Committee on Animals and the Law, where she has supported African elephants and snow leopards.

Fellow Delta Gamma sister, Julie Loeb Aurigemma, has retired as a superior court judge after 32 years. One son is a cardiologist with the U.S. Navy and the other is a former Marine, who now works for the V.A. Being with her children and grandchildren gives her the most satisfaction these days. Julie recollects playing field hockey at Cornell and being with her DG sorority sisters.

Bill Hoffman is in Philadelphia, now retired, and spends time watching the Phillies. He recalls how four DU brothers were photographed during the “mass streak”! He also enjoyed going to the reservoir with his friends. Nearby in Wynnewood, PA, lives Michael Spear. He has taught small group classes of medical students at Drexel and has also served on the board of directors at Peter’s Place, a bone treatment center for children. He always looked forward to the 9 p.m. study break at Willard Straight Hall and the active social scene.

Laura Higgins Palmer hails from the Windy City, where she and her husband, Douglas ’76, live. What gives her pleasure these days is playing the piano. Also living in Illinois is Steve Joehl. “Good health brings me the most satisfaction these days,” Steve writes. He owns a hobby farm and also spends time consulting in the area of agriculture technology.

News came in from two ILRie classmates: Richard Miller resides in Niskayuna, NY, where he practices law. Joel Helmrich, MBA ’76, and his wife, Barb, have moved from Pittsburgh to Sarasota, FL. He enjoys spending time with his two grandchildren.

We hope to see all of you at Reunion! Please take a few minutes to send us highlights of your life after Cornell, college friends you’ve seen, and memorable moments on campus, and we’ll share the news in our upcoming columns. ❖ Karen DeMarco Boroff (email Karen) | Mitch Frank (email Mitch) | Joan Pease (email Joan) | Deb Gellman, MBA ’82 (email Deb) | Alumni Directory.

Altagracia Rodríguez Coleman writes that she has been affiliated with Literacy Connections of the Hudson Valley for over 25 years. The agency engages volunteers comprising retired teachers and other retirees who share the passion for adult literacy. The mission of the agency is to teach individuals to read, write, and reach their potential. She has had the privilege of serving the agency as a board member, as president of the board, and on numerous committees. They have an adult/high school student annual spelling bee (2024 will be their 30th anniversary), which is the only fundraising event held at Marist College in the spring every year.

Altagracia is on the spelling bee committee in the effort to engage businesses in the community to sponsor a spelling team. She has been instrumental in bringing in people as tutors and board members who become lifetime supporters of this agency—whose great cause is literacy, serving Dutchess, Orange, Columbia, and Greene counties. Her commitment to this agency is unwavering and she plans on continuing her support to this great cause.

Bill North recently “retired” from hotel operations after 50 years as a general manager in the hotel industry, now having created his consulting company (NorthStar Consulting LLC) to give back and pay forward to the industry that has been very good to his family. Bill is consulting with corporate businesses to assist them with coordinating and booking events for their executive members and board of directors to exceptional destinations, where they are assured to have excellent services and accommodations.

As a U.S. Army veteran, Bill now serves on the board of directors for Honor Flight–Top of Virginia hub, where they take WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans to their memorials in Washington, DC. Bill says it is the most rewarding experience, to see these veterans finally get their “welcome home.” Bill has six grandchildren and one great-grandchild, which keeps him busy. He adds, “The School of Hotel Administration provided the path, where my career would span 50 years.”

Jeffrey Studley reports that he’s structuring a buyout by employees so he can be “carefree by 75—not that the first grandchild, Gemma, doesn’t require some care!” Jeff is happy to see his Manhattan Assistant District Attorney daughter and U.S. Air Force captain son both like what they are doing—but scheduling a dive trip with them together is hard. He shares that his Hotel School roots are stirred when he gets to work with clients like Marriott HQ and José Andrés.

Lynda Gavigan Halttunen ’76 spent six glorious days exploring the natural wonders in Iceland—topped off with a helicopter ride over an active volcano.

Lynda Gavigan Halttunen wrote that she is back from a week in Fort Lauderdale, FL, with Steven Leigh ’73, BS ’75. Then she spent a week in Troy, NY, with family, including brother-in-law Tom Wagner ’73, after which Lynda spent 13 days touring Ireland and Northern Ireland. While enjoying Irish culture and tourist attractions, she was able to find some Gavigan relatives. After Ireland, another six glorious days were spent exploring the natural wonders in Iceland—topped off with a helicopter ride over an active volcano.

Susan Chang Saridakis is ABD (“all but dissertation”) on her Doctor of Letters from Drew University in writing arts and religious studies. She celebrated her 70th with her husband, George, by visiting family in London and then Dublin. Susan had a private research appointment at the Chester Beatty Library to view their papyrus copy of the Gospel of Mark that dates to the third century. “It was a thrill to be hands on (it is under glass) with something so old and so significant,” she says. Then they drove around southwestern Ireland, particularly enjoying the Dingle Peninsula. “It was wonderful!”

A lot of outdoor activities keep Bill Rolfe, MBA ’79, busy. About half of the year he’s in Sedona, AZ, where he mostly hikes with a local hiking group, but Bill also goes mountain biking on the Cockscomb and Outer Limits trails while his wife, Margery Pruessner, hikes Doe Mountain. In Colorado he also hikes and bikes, and in the winter he downhill skis at the epic resorts there (Breckenridge, Beaver Creek, and Vail, mostly). Keeping two houses maintained fills a lot of the rest of his time.

Bill writes that Cornell changed the trajectory of his life when many of his classmates went on to get a PhD or law or med school degrees. When he graduated, he didn’t want to do those things, and hadn’t really paid attention to the career center. Bill and a couple of folks from the Sun started the SandPaper, a weekly newspaper near where he lived then. It was a lot of work, but he notes that it was kind of like being an undergrad. Then he transitioned to a windsurfing business in St. John, USVI, before moving—to the opposite of the tropical heat—to Colorado, where he has lived since. This trajectory, he notes, was “all sort of related to not going to grad school.”

Thank you all for your news. It helps us stay connected after all these years! ❖ Lisa Diamant (email Lisa) | Pat Relf Hanavan (email Pat) | Alumni Directory.

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and have started a variety of adventures in 2025, including lots of time with friends and family. Let us know how you celebrated and what plans you have for the coming year. We’d love to hear what’s happening.

Brian Dunn, MBA ’81, recently got in touch. He and his wife, Kathy, live in Hampton Bays, NY, and are making time for travel and reconnecting with Cornell friends. Brian writes, “We have prioritized the more adventurous travel while we still can. Our latest trip was to Iceland, where we enjoyed the Northern Lights, rode Icelandic horses into the mountains, climbed a glacier, went snorkeling in 38° water, and soaked in the Blue Lagoon.”

Brian and Kathy went with a group of friends, many of whom had a Cornell connection, including Eileen McGrath ’78, Sheree Levitsky, Carl Forsythe, MBA ’82, and Ray Everett, a lecturer in the ILR School. Brian noted that Jon, MBA ’81, and Susan Bleckman Beyman ’80 planned to join the group but had to cancel due to COVID. Brian sends a shout-out to classmate Andy Heller. They connected through the magic of Facebook while they were both in Iceland. Brian notes, “Unfortunately, we missed being in Reykjavík at the same time by just a few hours.”

We enjoy hearing from you and having the opportunity to share your stories with our fellow classmates. Please keep all of your news and views coming in via the online news form. ❖ Mary Flynn (email Mary) | Howie Eisen (email Howie) | Alumni Directory.

Thanks to all who’ve gotten on the digital track by submitting news updates to us online. (It makes your correspondents’ job easier too!) Retirement, travel, and grandchildren seem to be the main themes in this column. Let’s start with those still working and/or giving back.

After majoring in English at Cornell, Donna Yankner Michelson turned to medicine as a cardiologist and internist, practicing for many years in the Boston area. She can tell you best what came next: “I faced the challenge of trying to find a way of transitioning what I loved doing in my medical practice—i.e., helping patients to improve their health—over to my new retirement life. I found it! As a physician, I formed a new chapter of a national nonprofit organization called Walk with a Doc in Brookline, MA. The aim of these health walks is to get everyone more physically active to help improve health, decrease the ravages of chronic disease, decrease social isolation and loneliness, and improve mental well-being. At the start of each walk event, I give a short, proactive health talk, sharing exciting and relevant medical news. Humor is also worked into that talk! Since June, we have had over 200 walkers join us, and our listserv is growing steadily. Many friendships have formed among the walkers. So rewarding to see this!”

Pam Marrone started a new company called the Invasive Species Corporation, her fourth startup dedicated to finding and commercializing natural products from microorganisms and plants to control pests. Her latest one targets control of top 10 invasive species, such as zebra mussels and Asian carp. The company is also focusing on finding biologicals for control of weeds in water and on land. Pam and husband Mick Rogers met at Cornell. Mick is still an adjunct faculty (field faculty advisor) at the Smith College School for Social Work, supervising students in Northern California placements. They recently celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary.

Lewis Wirshba reports that he and Richard Ellenson just finished teaching a first-year English class at CUNY’s Baruch College in Manhattan. “We hung our writing assignments on the ever-provocative topic: ‘For Love and Money.’ The students were diverse (reflecting NYC’s population), engaged, and truly engaging as they wrestled with a difficult trade-off facing each of them. We had a great time paying it forward to Gen Z and, a bit selfishly, returning to college ourselves, albeit not quite as if we were living on Eddy Street. It was a fun, demanding, and inspiring semester for us both—aside from the hours grading papers. You should all try teaching!” says Lewis.

John McDonald, BArch ’82, credits Cornell with his ability to start “an enjoyable and fulfilling career in architecture.” A resident of Massachusetts, he also enjoys hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, spending time with his wife and daughter, and traveling.

Our son challenged me to try my first triathlon when I turned 60; this summer (if the body holds up) I should compete in my 40th race.

Mike Gallup ’78

Mark Rust started his music career in Ithaca, and although he moved away decades ago, he still loves getting back to town to perform. Each December for the past few years he has returned to Ithaca to combine his passion with a gift to the community: a benefit concert for the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. Mark writes: “I’m happy to say that, along with my special guests John Simon, Dee Specker, and Russell Posegate, we have raised thousands of dollars for the Food Bank. They serve hundreds of food-compromised families throughout several counties in the region. So in addition to having a wonderful night of music, we’re helping needy families to make the holidays a little brighter.”

Volunteering also keeps Pat Reilly involved, working with AARP as a tax-aide counselor to prepare tax returns in the local library. She also volunteers with a social outreach committee of her local Democratic club, preparing meals periodically at a local lunch program, and participating in fundraisers benefitting organizations that support the homeless, the food insecure, teen suicide prevention, and a local restaurant that trains the developmentally challenged.

Mike Gallup writes from Houston, TX: “Our son challenged me to try my first triathlon when I turned 60; this summer (if the body holds up) I should compete in my 40th race. Key lessons learned: triathlons provide great motivation to exercise; the biggest challenge isn’t the triathlon, it’s the Texas heat and humidity; and it’s a wonderful opportunity to make friends with some really nice and supportive people.”

Though Jeff and Suzanne Tougas Snedeker enjoyed their travels to Svalbard, Norway, Japan, New Zealand, and Lyon, France, over the last year, their best trip was to Washington, DC, to welcome their granddaughter, Ava Lynn, born on June 20, 2024, on the summer solstice.

Debbie Messuri Wilson had a month full of seeing Cornellians last June! First, she met up with Kathy Riedman Griswold, Vanessa Tassone, and Dave and Elaine Tannenbaum Hatch for lunch in Providence, RI. Next up were John ’79 and Judi McDuffie Churchill ’79, Tom Manning ’79, Barb Polan ’79, John Bleuer ’79, MBA ’80, and Steve Caldara ’77, who gathered for a great weekend in Falmouth, MA. Lastly there was a wedding in Ridgefield, CT, where she saw Brian Fox ’79, Pete Ferrante ’79, and Danny Mirda ’79. When not meeting up with other alums, Debbie is keeping busy with nine grandchildren! Seven live close by and the other two just moved back to the East Coast from California. “I love being a grandmother!” she exclaims.

Retirement has allowed Kathleen Raynor Meschisen time to do those things that bring her joy: spend time with her children, have fun with her friends, and play some good rounds of golf!

Tell us what you’ve been up to lately. Submit online or email either of us. ❖ Ilene Shub Lefland (email Ilene) | Cindy Fuller, PhD ’92 (email Cindy) | Alumni Directory.

As I, Larry Bunis, sit down to write this column, I’m listening to weather reports of early season snowstorms. My thoughts revolve around the recently completed holidays and the past year, in which I first became involved in class activities, including serving as the registration chairman for our amazing 45th Reunion. With this being my first column as one of your class correspondents, I thought it would be good to share my story.

My life has always revolved around Cornell, as part of three generations of Cornellians, including my parents, Morton ’53, JD ’55, and Anita Brown Bunis, GR ’53–54, my sisters, Vicki Bunis Rosenthal ’81 and Linda Bunis Haller ’84, and my son, Dan ’12. Dan now lives in Delaware and works as a biological data scientist after obtaining his PhD in immunology. My other son, Rob, is a real estate broker in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, and lives 10 minutes away from us in Southern New Jersey.

After a 40-year career as an attorney, mostly as a partner in a large Philadelphia-based law firm, I retired and am currently staying busy as a realtor, and very much enjoy working with my son. My wife, Gayle, and I are also enjoying our new granddaughter, who is 6 months old. I have always loved to ski, and now enjoy reading, listening to music, cooking, and working out at the gym. Mostly, however, my retirement has allowed me the time to do those things that I never had time for, including taking an active role in class activities. For those of you considering a change in their work life, this retirement thing is pretty cool. I would love to reconnect with my friends from Cornell and ask them to let me know what they have been up to. Enough of me—on to news from our classmates!

Cindy Green reports that, over the summer, her son, Ben Cohen, MBA ’23, married Olivia Arnow in NYC. Cindy’s daughters, Claudia Cohen ’09 and Aliza Cohen ’18, were bridesmaids, and the ring bearer was her 3-year-old grandson, Dax. Daryl Rothman Malter, Michael Malter, and Jeff Dunetz ’80, JD ’83, attended, and Marjory Appel made this special occasion particularly heartwarming and outstanding by officiating the wedding!

Judi Greif reports that she recently retired from being a nurse practitioner and is now enjoying time swimming, going to the theater, and traveling, including a cruise on the Danube River in Europe with her husband, Joe Pedreiro, and a trip to New England with her daughter. She also fondly recalls her lifelong friends from Donlon Hall fourth floor.

Debi Lacey McDonald, MArch ’93, reports, “I continue to enjoy my work as an architect, and spending time with my husband and daughter.” She attributes her success and satisfaction as an architect to her graduating from Cornell’s architecture program. She also enjoys traveling and hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Bill Minnock ’79, MBA ’83, recently purchased—along with other Cornell alumni—La Tourelle Hotel and Spa, a mainstay of the Ithaca and Finger Lakes region.

Elizabeth Gnau Robinson, MEd ’86, advises that she and her husband, Oscar, have a new address in DeRuyter, NY, and that they just celebrated their granddaughter’s first birthday. While she has retired from a rewarding career teaching agriculture, she gets most satisfaction from “still having a small, viable Brown Swiss dairy farm and having all our children nearby.” Otherwise, they enjoy taking a week at a cabin in the Adirondacks and exploring a different part of the U.S. each year. This past year was the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI.

Michelle Kay Garvey, MBA ’81, writes that she and her husband, Luke, MBA ’82, “are thrilled to announce their first grandchild, Lucy Michelle Garvey.” Both Luke and Michelle continue to work part time, having found full retirement to be a bit premature. Michelle consults in the consumer/retail space and Luke sees clients in his therapy practice, as well as volunteer and board work. They have a new address in Norwalk, CT, and feel fortunate to live within 15 minutes of both of their kids. They enjoy traveling, including skiing in Colorado, and attended the Frozen Apple hockey game in New York again this year for an exciting game, which the Big Red won in a shootout! At the game, Michelle was able to catch up with her freshman year roommate Peggy Smith, as well as fellow RAs Lon and Lisa Barsanti Hoyt.

’79ers in the news include Bill Minnock, MBA ’83, who, according to an article by the College of Business, recently purchased—along with other Cornell alumni—La Tourelle Hotel and Spa, a mainstay of the Ithaca and Finger Lakes region hospitality scene since its founding in 1986. “It’s a great location with lots of land,” said Bill. “[We will] need to bring more cutting-edge ways of operating a hotel, reposition the operation, deeply understand the customer, and renovate to meet the customer needs.”

And, as reported in the Cornell Chronicle, classmate Fisk Johnson, ME ’80, MBA ’84, PhD ’86, spoke at the Cornell Trustee Council Annual Meeting in October about the dangers of plastic pollution to planet, animal, and human health, and his thoughts on how to tackle this increasingly urgent situation. In that regard, he cited a treaty now being negotiated among 175 countries in the United Nations that he believes to be “an extraordinarily important step forward in solving this issue.”

Please send updates on your travels, jobs, retirements, and other personal and family news via the Share Your News form, the online news form, or emails sent directly to any of our class correspondents: ❖ Larry Bunis (email Larry) | Cynthia Ahlgren Shea (email Cynthia) | Linda Moses (email Linda) | Alumni Directory.


“After teaching for 31 years at Szent László Gimnázium in Budapest, Hungary, I recently retired,” writes Willard Dickerson, PhD ’92. “We are in the process of relocating to North Carolina in order to help my mother-in-law. I love spending time with family—especially with children and grandchildren—and travel (especially within Europe) when circumstances allow, plus reading and writing.”

Will published a book in 2021 called The Fingerprint of God: Reflections on Love and Its Practice. According to Kirkus, “The book’s strength lies in its nuanced understanding of Christianity itself. With a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton and a doctoral degree in medieval history from Cornell, the author provides knowledgeable and thoughtful analysis of Christian theology and history.”

Will writes, “I matriculated at Cornell thinking I would be an engineer, and I started off in the College of Engineering. I finished in the College of Arts and Sciences. Then I went to Hungary and became an English teacher. I very much appreciate the wonderful teachers I had at Cornell!”

Barry Kublin writes, “My career led to the areas of employee benefit and trust administration services. Lots of ERISA and IRS stuff. These days I’m mostly retired and living in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Our daughter went to Cornell and joined a sorority, Alpha Xi Delta. Turns out the sorority was located in the old DPE house at the Knoll. She became president of that chapter only to find that it was financially stressed. So I joined the housing corp. and nursed it back to health, including accumulating enough capital to buy a better property (40 Ridgewood Road). I was involved with the chapter for eight years. We have two synagogues here in the D.R. with an interesting history of support. So 45 years after ILR, I found my life balance and happy place in the Caribbean.”

We received a wonderfully long update from Tamara Teague Watson, who writes, “After pursuing my first career (based on my Cornell undergrad degree in theatre arts) in San Francisco Bay Area stage managing and designing costumes for five years, I married Whit—whom I met at Cornell when he was working on an MFA in theatre design. I then ended up moving back to St. Louis, where I was raised for a couple of years. Then on to Davenport, IA, to work in philanthropy/fundraising for five years. We had our first house and first son there, and I moved on to my third career—supply chain management for manufacturing for a defense contractor.

“When Whit moved to the Missouri History Museum in 1992, we returned to St. Louis for 20 years! There, I continued to work in supply chain for an aerospace company and we had our second son. Not long after his diagnosis with autism and a huge reset of our parenting skills, and JUST before the 2008 crash, I left that line of work for good—not a moment too soon. I did not and do not miss the pressure and frustrations of the field, but I had learned a lot.

“A period of personal soul-searching led to returning to graduate school at age 48 to pursue a master’s in special education, specifically autism, at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Mighty big leap from the papers I wrote at CU, on a manual typewriter, using the card catalog and index cards—to learning to write in APA style, pass statistics, and use PubMed and other online references! But it was fabulously challenging and reinvigorating to return to a college campus and be among so many top scholars, professors, and committed cohort members.

What knucklehead decides to take up farming in their late 50s?

Tamara Teague Watson ’80

“Funny story: One icy night as I headed across the quad at Mizzou, I heard a familiar tune played out from some faux carillon. It was the tune to ‘Far Above Cayuga’s Waters.’ Man oh man, was I confused and outraged! Why were they playing our alma mater?! Well, guess what? Mizzou actually used the tune first by several years! And of course with different lyrics. Whatcha gonna do?

“After completing this degree, I began working in autism research at Washington University in St. Louis, under a chap I had known through the Cornell Club in St. Louis. John Constantino ’84 was already a much-published and influential researcher in the field, and I was lucky to be able to join his lab. I worked on a few different studies, one of which established the prevalence rates of autism nationally, in conjunction with the CDC and other sites around the U.S.

“When we decided to move to North Carolina for family reasons and for better educational opportunities for our son, I was very fortunate to be hired onto the same study at UNC Chapel Hill and stayed there for almost seven years. When UNC lost that grant, it was already time for another reset and to pursue my final career.

“All of these experiences and learning have culminated in our current project of developing a Social Care Farm, which supports the engagement, growth, and safe/affordable housing for individuals with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. We bought the land, with basically nothing on it, in 2017, and have made so much progress and forged many crucial connections. Our community is rich with big dreamers and tenacious do-ers.

“I love seeing the seasons change and learning to steward this land we have taken on. Wildlife, flora, waterways, mycelium, livestock, crops … never a dull moment. But mostly, I enjoy seeing someone try a new vegetable because they grew it or overcome their antipathy towards bees, helping a student who has not communicated with me directly before designing a floral wreath by handing me the flowers he wants to use and showing me where to place them, selling at farmers’ markets, and telling our story to an ever-widening net of supporters and collaborators.

“Retirement? What’s that? What knucklehead decides to take up farming in their late 50s? But it keeps me out of trouble and helped me power through having both hips replaced in 2023. I don’t have time to give in to aging just yet, so I just had to heal and rebound as fast as possible. I have even taken up horseback riding again—a childhood love.

“Looking back, from Cornell to Mizzou to UNC and all the careers in between, the common thread has been the study of human nature and a continual learning to understand myself/my behavior and help others thrive as best I can. I used to say that my four years in Ithaca was the time I felt most alive and challenged. I can see now, it was really just the beginning of a very complex journey to what I was meant to be doing.” ❖ Leona Barsky, MS ’81 (email Leona) | Dik Saalfeld (email Dik) | Chas Horvath, ME ’81 (email Chas) | David Durfee (email David) | Alumni Directory.

Well, hello one and all! I have just completed seven years with Hadassah. It has been an amazing ride and I’m so glad I am able to fundraise for such an amazing hospital in Israel. Ella has finished her first semester at University of Florida in Gainesville and Brayden is halfway through his sophomore year at Dreyfoos School of the Arts. I am thrilled to say that Delray Beach, FL, has been treating us well; please, when you are around the area, do let me know. I would love to see you!

In other news, Dave, ME ’82, and Lorraine DeLorenzo Treacy were recently featured in a Cornellians story about their work running a Wild Birds Unlimited gift shop at the Lab of Ornithology. From the article: “In addition to top-of-the-line supplies for bird aficionados, the store carries the usual mementos like T-shirts, hats, water bottles, and coffee mugs with the Lab’s logo. Among the many avian-themed items on offer: puzzles, jewelry, home décor, and stuffed animals—including ones that, when squeezed, play a scientifically accurate song (supplied by the Lab’s Macaulay Library, the world’s largest archive of natural sounds and video).

“‘Visitors come to the Lab, and they’re excited,’ says Dave, who majored in mechanical engineering on the Hill. ‘They do the bird walks, see the Discovery Lab, go to the media center—and then what do they do? Our little store lets you manifest your interest and excitement past your trip.’

Dave ’81, ME ’82, and Lorraine DeLorenzo Treacy ’81 jumped at the chance to run a shop at Cornell. It was, after all, the place that had brought them together.

“Recently retired from long careers at the materials firm Corning Inc., they jumped at the chance to run the shop at Cornell. It was, after all, the place that had brought them together: the couple met in their North Campus dorm as freshmen and dated for five years before marrying in Anabel Taylor Chapel. ‘When we were in school, the Lab of Ornithology was a much smaller facility,’ notes Lorraine, a former chemical engineering major. ‘It’s fun to return to where we’d been so many years ago and see how it has changed. It’s a full-circle moment.’”

On a sad note, our classmate Michael Hoard, MBA ’82, passed away on November 30. His company had a memorial service for him on January 8. Although Michael resided in Rehoboth Beach, DE, and spent more time working remotely in the past few years, he would still enjoy making the three-hour drive to his work facility in Washington, NJ, for special meetings and events. He was a remarkable professional and a generous and compassionate person who truly had a love for Cornell. He will be sorely missed.

Guess what? We are already thinking about our Reunion in 2026. So if you have ideas, please do let us know. Fill out the pre-Reunion survey when you get it—we want to make sure all of you want to attend and have fun! And please do send me news! ❖ Betsy Silverfine (email Betsy) | Alumni Directory.

It is hard to believe that our next class Reunion is only two years away. Please reserve June 10–13, 2027 on your calendar for what will be another fantastic weekend on the Hill with friends and family. More details on amazing activities and events will be forthcoming.

We have had another great beginning to the year. I have enjoyed reading news of developments on campus and in the Ithaca community. Always good to see hockey victories (by men’s and women’s teams) over our friends from Cambridge. Please remember to drop us a note with your news and connections. We want to share class information as much as possible.

One piece of our class news actually comes from my daughter, Abigail Skalka ’20, who met three members of our class at an event in Ann Arbor, MI (where she attends graduate school), this past fall. Judith Rubashkin, Marge Rosenblatt, and Naomi Goodman Press attended the event together and shared some great Cornell stories with Abigail. Judith has three children and resides with her husband in Maplewood, NJ.

We received news from Roland Pinkney, an anesthesiologist living in Atlanta with his wife, Lisa. Roland noted that he and his wife “recently vacationed on Martha’s Vineyard with classmate Terry Jordan and his wife, Linda. We also had great times in Atlanta with Joe Holland ’78 and his wife, Jacquie, who were visiting.” Roland’s son, Evan, has been accepted to Cornell (Arts and Sciences) for the fall semester. Evan will represent the fourth generation of the Pinkney family at Cornell! Roland also noted that “I met lifelong friends that I still maintain today. I communicate daily with Terry Jordan and fraternity brothers Michael Allen ’81 and Gary Gauthier ’81.”

One of our many class authors, Henry Herz, has reported that his fantasy/alternative history anthology, Combat Monsters: Untold Tales of World War II, has been published by Blackstone Publishing. Henry notes that the book “includes stories from eight bestselling authors.” Check out his website for more info.

Enjoy the spring and please keep in touch with us so that we can share your recent news and life events. ❖ Doug Skalka (email Doug) | Mark Fernau (email Mark) | Nina Kondo (email Nina) | Alumni Directory.

Hi, everyone! We need a lot more news from our classmates or you will be stuck with a skinny column full of musings as I recover from a broken ankle. This is Alyssa Bickler, one of your correspondents. I have been living in Venice, FL, since 2004, and am still working as an executive recruiter. I recently bought into the firm I have been working at since 2014. I live with my fiancé, Mike, and his two youngest daughters, 13 and 14. Middle school the second time around is even less fun!

I took up motorcycling in 2017 and have really enjoyed it. We went for a ride on December 6 to Mike’s company’s holiday dinner. On the ride home I misjudged a turn, went off the road, and completely dislocated my ankle and fractured 17 bones in my ankle and lower leg in the resulting wreck. Of course, it could have been a lot worse! Surgery was December 16. It seems to be healing well, and I hope to be back on my feet by mid-February. Two months of non-weightbearing is no fun! I hope you all had a more enjoyable Christmas than I did.

On a brighter note, I have been able to volunteer with a Sarasota-based organization called Embracing Our Differences. They sponsor a “reading day” a couple of times a year, where you read to a preschool or elementary school classroom. The book themes are all about kindness and respect. The kids are adorable, and it is a great experience.

We did get a note from Steve Ingham, PhD ’88, who is enjoying his fourth year of retirement in Madison, WI, after a career as a food science professor (LSU, University of Saskatchewan, University of Wisconsin, Madison) and then a food safety regulator (Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection). He’s been enjoying volunteering as an assistant in a first-grade classroom and helping coach Edgewood High School cross country and track. As many others have said, Steve reflects, “I don’t know how I once had time to fit in paid work.”

Happy 2025! Please reach out to any of us, your class correspondents, with news about what you are up to. ❖ Alyssa Bickler (email Alyssa) | Jon Felice (email Jon) | Nancy Korn Freeman (email Nancy) | Stewart Glickman (email Stewart) | Alumni Directory.

Hey, classmates! It’s Mike again. I trust that everyone recovered from our Reunion and the holiday season.

Here are notes from a couple of classmates. Diane Matyas ’83, BFA ’84, MFA ’89, has created a public art project about the marine life of New York Harbor, called “Submerged.” It opened at the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School on Governors Island on October 10, 2024 and runs through October 31, 2025. An outdoor installation on the school’s third-floor balconies, the series is visible from the main entrance building plaza, and includes art in the interior lobby of the school as well.

The drawings were installed on the school’s historic iron railings, celebrating the pivotal theme of the Harbor School’s marine- and environmental science-based curriculum. The dramatic enlargements on aluminum (originally pastel and watercolor on paper) depict marine creatures like black sea bass, sea robin, cownose ray, horseshoe crab, and menhaden.

“Ocean art is a powerful tool to inform audiences about the threats facing our oceans as well as the treasures hidden beneath the waves,” said the school’s principal. “Our students appreciate the reality that earth and land are one cohesive, living ecosystem, and they will find further inspiration for their conservation efforts in Diane Matyas’s beautiful artworks.” Diane finds the most satisfaction in making art and open-water swimming. Her kids are setting sail as adults, finishing their degrees.

Thomas Fric writes that after a 32-year career with GE, he retired back in 2022. In 2024, Thomas fulfilled a “bucket list” item to start his own company by turning a car hobby into his own business, Catch This Car LLC. Thomas plans to help clients find and also photograph cars for art/marketing purposes. He’s keeping busy with this new venture, traveling, and family time.

I stay in touch with Rick Betsch, Mike Seagram, and John Demitroff, all from Ag ’84 and the baseball team. It’s amazing how hard we can laugh together 40 years after our time in Ithaca.

Please keep those updates coming! ❖ Michael Held (email Michael) | Charles Oppenheim (email Charles) | Alumni Directory.

Michael Weinstein, director of investments with Oppenheimer & Co. in Jericho, NY, recently published Essential Torah Words, Names, and Phrases. He writes, “The book is an extensive glossary of words and phrases found in the Torah, the Jewish bible. Intended for everyone from everywhere, it provides clear, concise definitions, which can be used as a springboard for further learning. It can be used anytime as a quick reference guide. Also included are listings of Torah-related websites and a bibliography of more than 80 related books.”

J. James Lewis writes, “My aunt Ruth Lucas and uncle William Lucas established Lucas Winery in 1980 and co-founded the Cayuga Lake Wine Trail, the first wine trail in the U.S. During my four years at Cornell (1981–85), they gave informational lectures on campus. My aunt passed away on January 26, 2025, and was predeceased by my uncle. However, Lucas Winery remains open and is still run by family members Stephanie Lucas Houck, Jeff Houck, Ruth Marie Crawford, and others who continue to work there to this day.” ❖ Class of 1985 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

News has slowed to a trickle from the Class of ’86, but we were happy to hear from Aruna Inalsingh, who has a service to help people start, grow, or understand their businesses. People can spend as much or as little as they like for a real-time videochat with Aruna to provide advice, training, check-ins, or implementations. Check out her website for more info!

Please send any news you would like to share with us and we will happily include it in a future Class Notes column. ❖ Lori Spydell Wagner (email Lori) | Michael Wagner (email Michael) | Toby Goldsmith (email Toby) | Alumni Directory.

David Schreiner retired from the New York State Department of Labor after serving as a labor services representative for the agency for 32 years. He wrote that he is recovering from a concussion and brain bleed that he suffered in January 2023.

David spends his free time singing in a barbershop chorus, swimming, gardening, and attending church. He says now that he has retired, he plans on resuming being a church lector. He is a big fan of the Buffalo Bills and Cornell basketball.

David also says that the Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations prepared him for a career in public service. David is not entirely certain what his course of action in the future will be, but he says he will discover it “one day at a time.”

Allison Fennell, DVM ’91, writes that she is still the full owner of Colonial Animal Hospital in Springfield, VA, but is “toying with the idea of retirement.” Allison’s father celebrated his 99th birthday in July. Her son is a Virginia Tech graduate who works for the Vanguard Group in Scottsdale, AZ. Allison says, “Graduating from Cornell made me stronger and taught me to deal with life’s ups and downs by surviving and thriving despite the racism I endured. As my mother always said, ‘What does not kill you makes you stronger!’ And she was correct. I am able to deal with what comes my way.”

I, Liz Brown, took a trip to Northern California in early January. I spent my birthday at one of my favorite places on Earth—the Monterey Bay Aquarium. During my stay I had brunch with Amy Benigno Fothergill and her husband in Half Moon Bay. Amy treated me and my husband to a bunch of her gluten-free cookies. They were delicious! My husband and I hosted a get-together at a restaurant in San Mateo, our former hometown. During the event I got to catch up with David Nixon ’88.

Please do not hesitate to send us your news! While we happily share news of new jobs, promotions, books being published, and more, your news does not have to be of that nature in order for it to appear in the class column. ❖ Liz Brown, JD ’90 (email Liz) | Whitney Weinstein Goodman (email Whitney) | Alumni Directory.

Greetings, Class of ’88. Here’s a bit of a late recap from the men’s Frozen Apple hockey game at Madison Square Garden, a historic arena in the heart of New York City, where many of our classmates cheered our team to victory. Thank you to Doug Ringel, who coordinated a block of tickets for our class. Jill Fields joined Melissa Hodes Friedenberg ’87 and Debra Stern ’87 for dinner before the big game. Others attended pregame parties and pep band rallies, where Cornellians from over the years gathered together to cheer. Some of our classmates in attendance were: Jay Dubowsky, Julie Dawson, Mike Moore, Lisa Reisacher Astor, and Katherine Jung Cousineau, to name just a few. (The list is too long to include all the ’88ers who attended.) Go Big Red!

In the music scene, Chris Haldopoulos Staffin, MBA ’92, from New Jersey, performed in an a cappella music concert in central New Jersey last fall, alongside several other Cornell alumni. Perhaps she should perform at our next Reunion.

Anne Chow, ME ’89, MBA ’90, from the Dallas/Fort Worth area, the former chief executive officer of AT&T Business, wrote a book, Lead Bigger: The Transformative Power of Inclusion, in which she shares her ideas about how to create an inclusive environment that engages all employees within a company and with those who they want to interact with in the workplace while adapting to our changing society. Anne was the first woman of color to hold the position of CEO in AT&T’s history.

Lastly, Robert Rosenberg, a New York attorney and legal consultant, and a former Showtime executive, was a guest on the Entertainment Business Podcast. In his discussion with the host, they touched on many topics in entertainment, media, and tech. They also discussed how AI is influencing Hollywood. Rob is also the founder of Telluride Legal Strategies, a consulting firm based in New York, and he is married to Pat Cook ’89.

Stay in touch with your classmates. Join the Class of ’88 Facebook page. That’s all for now. Please keep sending your news to me. I love hearing from our classmates, both near and far. ❖ Pamela Darer Anderson (email Pam) | Alumni Directory.

Hi classmates, family, and friends of the Class of ’89! Thanks to our robust rotation of class correspondents (thanks, Kris Borovicka Gerig, Stephanie Bloom Avidon, and Lauren Kidder McGarry for re-upping for the next five years!), I’m writing my first column since Reunion. I loved catching up with so many of you there and had so much fun in Ithaca that I’m thinking of going back this summer for Cornell’s Adult University. I did it several times when my kids were young. (There are fun summer day camps for your kiddos or grandkids! And you can stay in the dorms or the Statler!) I have great memories (and a few skills) from my weeklong classes in rowing, golf, massage, architecture, and wines. Some intriguing new classes are on the schedule for this year’s two weeks, July 6–12 and 13–19. Check it out here—and maybe see you there!

It was a Class of ’89 U-Hall 4 reunion at the September wedding of Amherst alums Silvia Sotolongo and Jake May, son of Jon ’88 and Juliana Kelly May. Guests who reminisced about attending Juliana and Jon’s wedding at the same Connecticut venue 34 years ago included Cynthia Charatz Deculus, Adam ’88 and Stephanie Gebel Silverstein, Beth Pearlmutter Rifkin, Len and Christine Hollands Tokish, Michelle Langas Woodley, Dave Ohrenstein ’88, Jeff Greenberg ’88, and Jon Haas ’88.

Also enjoying the fabulous celebration were Stephanie and Adam’s daughter, Sarah Silverstein ’19, and her boyfriend, Dan Beagen ’19. It was a beautiful weekend, filled with love, laughter, and great memories. The May eldest was the first of the next generation of this group to get married; they are gearing up for many more joyous celebrations and therefore many more reunions in the coming years!

Many of us were missing departed friends when we gathered in June for our 35th Reunion. Sushil Singh wrote this fall, “My dear classmate Jeffrey Alan Thomas, ME ’92 (engineering) sadly passed away suddenly in his sleep the week before Reunion this year. We had planned to meet up, but I received the sad news from Cindy Buck-Griffin ’90 just a few days prior to Reunion (he never missed a single one as far as I can recall). Perhaps most ironic is that I specialize in sudden death prevention as a healthcare professional. I am a cardiac electrophysiologist in practice in the Boston area since 2004. My field has advanced incredibly over the years, and I look forward to new horizons every day.”

I had the honor to work in the Carl Sagan lab as an undergrad. Carl inspired me to never stop asking tough, crazy-sounding questions!

Sushil Singh ’89

Sushil wrote that he gets joy these days from hearing his 8-year-old son play Thelonious Monk tunes on the piano and from taking walks in the local Audubon preserve with his wife on Saturday mornings. In other news, he added, “My dear Mom turns 92 in January 2025.” And he shared, “I decided on November 6, 2024, to no longer consume U.S.-based mass media. I have knowingly restricted my view of the world to audiobooks, TED talks, the Economist, and the BBC. I keep in close touch with fellow Cornellian Arjun Gururaj ’91—we are in the same field of medical practice.”

Sushil also answered the Class Notes form question, “Did attending Cornell change the trajectory of your life? How so?” His response: “I had the honor to work in the Carl Sagan lab as an undergrad. Carl inspired me to never stop asking tough, crazy-sounding questions—I think this has served me well!” In case you missed it, classmates, Sagan was celebrated on what would have been his 90th birthday last fall; read about it here. And write us, too: how did Cornell change your life?

Cornell is an ongoing part of our classmate Katherine Jackson Saufley’s life. She wrote recently, “I am enjoying very much having my son James ’28 at Cornell as a freshman this year, joining the daughter of my dear friend Jill Kasprowitz Pinnola Vizza! He was convinced to apply by Frederick, the son of my brother Joel Jackson, who is attending Cornell Law School—oh, and by the sheer beauty of the campus when we visited Fred last year. I am enjoying helping him with Italian, which I took at Cornell, then becoming fluent after years of living in Italy; I even dug out my notebooks from my Italian classes nearly 40 years ago! Divertente!

Also inspired by her child, Marianne Schnall wrote What Will It Take to Make a Woman President? Conversations About Women, Leadership and Power, which sparked a movement to dissect preconceived notions about women in politics. The idea of this book came to her when Marianne’s 8-year-old daughter asked her, “Why haven’t we ever had a woman president?” In addition to her work as an author, activist, and ForbesWomen contributor, last fall Marianne launched a special 2024 election season of her podcast, ShiftMakers, featuring new interviews with high-profile individuals, including Nancy Pelosi, Anita Hill, Gloria Steinem, Jasmine Crockett, and many other thought leaders, as well as a special “History of Women in Politics” episode.

Thanks to those of you who shared your news. We’d love to hear from more classmates! Simply fill out an online news form or email one of us. ❖ Anne Czaplinski Treadwell (email Anne) | Lauren Kidder McGarry (email Lauren) | Stephanie Bloom Avidon (email Stephanie) | Kris Borovicka Gerig (email Kris) | Alumni Directory.


Normally, this is the time of year that your humble class correspondents experience what those in the broadcast news business used to refer to as “slow news days.” The holidays have wrapped up and New Year’s resolutions have been quietly abandoned. We slip back into routine, and as a general rule at this point, fewer classmates write in with updates about their goings on. It’s a period of business as usual.

Yet this year, as I prepare this column, it is instead a period of frenetic activity. Our lives and situations are changing so rapidly that several of the reports in this column could easily require an update by the time you read this.

For example, our classmate Steve Bunnell, associate professor at Tufts Medical School’s Department of Immunology, currently heads up a cancer research lab trying to determine “how T cells decide what’s you and what’s not you.” These are the basic mechanisms researchers tweak for cancer treatments like immunotherapy. “We’re using imaging techniques to watch immune cells make decisions in real time.”

Steve is also running graduate student admissions once again this year and is the graduate student adviser for his department. However, this year, uncertainties about how federal funding will function is drastically changing the work environment. For example, many grad students are concerned about their careers no longer being viable. In some cases, they’re worried about even being able to stay in the country to pursue their research.

“The federal government canceled study sections that evaluate grants. Without them, grants aren’t awarded,” Steve says. The numbers he provided are sobering. As of this writing, a third of the budget opportunities for grant-seeking research labs have so far been closed off. But it’s not just future research that is currently at risk. “Clinical trials are still on hold for new enrollments, so people about to go on new therapies have to wait without treatment.” As a result, this uncertainty with federal funding and how student visas are being handled are fundamentally changing the landscape of cancer and other biomedical research.

On a brighter, personal note, Steve visited Cornell this past October for the first time in years. He was surprised not to find any students there, however. “Apparently they now give the students an extra study break before Thanksgiving!”

I am celebrating the three-year anniversary of XpertPatient, a seven-times award-winning, mission-based startup educating and empowering cancer patients and caregivers.

Risa Arin ’90

Meanwhile, our very own Cindy Herr Buck-Griffin alleges that her life in Columbia, MO, is completely boring. “I still work for the USDA in food safety, as I have for 33 years.” The specter of budget cuts is currently a little less daunting for her department. “My side deals with exports, which is a multi-billion-dollar industry. And right now, the law states we have to be there every day they operate. It’s very different from the FDA, which only goes in once every three to five years.”

Cindy reports that she and her husband are empty nesters, with their son having left the house less than a year before COVID hit—although he lives only a couple of miles away. “He is talking about moving back home this summer until he figures out when he is moving to St. Louis.”

For our last update from the public sector (for this column, anyway), David Cohen dropped us a line. David had left his tech career to serve on the City Council in San Jose. “I represent a district of over 100,000 in one of the nation’s largest cities, working with residents to solve neighborhood issues. I’ve also led initiatives to build more housing, protect our environment, and build more parks. As a councilmember, I partner with nonprofit agencies to deliver services to the homeless, feed families in need, preserve open space, and plant trees.”

That certainly sounds like fulfilling work to me, as does the work that Risa Arin is engaged in. Writing to us via the online news form from Chatham, NJ, Risa has some encouraging words to share: “To all of my fellow entrepreneurs and dreamers, in collaboration with many Cornell alumni, I am celebrating the three-year anniversary of XpertPatient, now a seven-times award-winning, mission-based startup better educating and empowering cancer patients and caregivers. Fellow alumni, if you have a passion, ignore the naysayers and go for it! Anything is possible—especially with the Cornell community behind you.” Congratulations, Risa!

On the other side of the country, I had the pleasure recently of catching up with Julie Cormier-Moran, who started a family practice clinic and urgent care in Deer Park, WA, and retired after 25 years. “Now, I’m out of retirement, working as a medical director in three nursing homes in downtown Spokane. In the past 10 years, I’ve raced in 68 triathlons, 18 Half Ironman races, and one full Ironman. I’ve completed the 250K ultramarathon trail runs—and then I got hit by a car, and so now I’m re-evaluating my life choices.”

In closing, Reunion is coming up, June 5–8, 2025! And if you’d like to help out in any way, please do. The more volunteers we have to help plan and make those plans a reality, the lighter the workload and the more amazing the experience. It’s not too late to reach out to our Reunion committee and other class officers via e-mail at

Do you have any news about a classmate or yourself that you’d like to share? Please feel free to drop us a line for the class column. ❖ Allan Rousselle (email Allan) | Rose Tanasugarn (email Rose) | Nancy Solomon Weiss (email Nancy) | Class Facebook page | Alumni Directory.

Johanna Sagarin writes, “Along with a colleague, I authored a book that was released in November 2024, titled Working with Parents in Child Psychotherapy. It is intended for mental health clinicians who work with children and families.”

According to the book’s blurb: “Grounded in decades of clinical experience, this empathic, practical book presents a research-informed framework for delivering parent guidance as a stand-alone intervention or adjunct to child therapy. Elisa Bronfman and Johanna Sagarin delineate flexible coaching strategies to enhance family relationships and parenting skills and find new solutions to struggles around discipline, homework, bedtime, meals, screen time, and other daily routines. The approach can be tailored for parents dealing with any child mental health concern or behavioral challenge. Assessment, treatment planning, clinical decision making, and progress monitoring are all discussed in step-by-step detail. Packed with illustrative case material, the book features 34 reproducible clinical tools that can be photocopied or downloaded.”

“Cheesecake mogul” Alan Rosen was recently featured in a Cornellians story. “Rosen is the third-generation owner of Junior’s, the NYC diner-and-dessert institution most famous for what has long been lauded—by media outlets, celebrities, tourists, and local regulars alike—as the exemplar of New York-style cheesecake. ‘At the end of the day, most of our customers want the basics,’ Rosen says. ‘When you have a good recipe, you don’t want to get too crazy.’

Alan Rosen ’91 is the third-generation owner of Junior’s, the NYC diner-and-dessert institution.

“Junior’s sells tens of millions of slices and whole cheesecakes each year through its restaurants; on the home-shopping channel QVC; at Costco; wholesale; and through online orders. Its bakery goes through 6 million pounds of cream cheese a year. And while the company has grown significantly in the past quarter-century with Rosen at the helm, he says Junior’s success is rooted in tradition: its basic cheesecake recipe is the same one that his grandfather, Harry Rosen, used when he opened Junior’s original location on Flatbush and DeKalb avenues in Downtown Brooklyn in 1950.

“‘We’re still mixing the cream cheese, the eggs, the sugar, the heavy cream exactly the same way—we’re just doing it millions more times,’ he says. ‘I had a piece last week, and I’ll have one today, and it’ll make me smile just like it did the first time I had it. How many things haven’t changed in 74 years?’ Also famous for its ample deli sandwiches, Junior’s has long been an NYC stalwart with a devoted clientele.” ❖ Wendy Milks Coburn (email Wendy) | Joe Marraccino (email Joe) | Evelyn Achuck Yue (email Evelyn) | Susie Curtis Schneider (email Susie) | Ruby Wang Pizzini (email Ruby) | Alumni Directory.

My husband, Todd Kantorczyk, recently enjoyed a weekend in Ohio with five of his Alpha Sigma Phi (Rockledge) fraternity brothers including classmate Chris Hove. In November, we took our family to the Frozen Apple hockey game at Madison Square Garden in New York City. This has become an annual tradition for us and it’s fun for Todd and me, and our two Cornellian kids, to see friends and classmates while cheering on the men’s hockey team. Even our non-Cornellian kid gets decked out in CU gear and cheers on the Big Red!

In November, Goldman Sachs named 95 partners to the 2024 class, including three alumni of Cornell and one classmate of ours. Marc Boheim is now a partner in the external investing group within Goldman Sachs Asset Management, leading the group’s private equity activities in Europe. Goldman Sachs says these individuals were selected based on their commercial effectiveness, leadership, and impact on firm culture. Congratulations, Marc!

In other business news, John Wu is the president of Ava Labs, a successful blockchain startup founded, led, and staffed by Cornellians. Founded by former computer science professor Emin Gun Sirer and two of his PhD students, Ava Labs has hired more than 70 Cornell-affiliated students and alumni. John is a graduate of the Dyson School, and the company is currently incubated at the Praxis Center for Venture Development. This summer, California’s Department of Motor Vehicles used Ava Labs’ blockchain technology to digitize 42 million car titles.

Please share your news with us via email or use the online news form. Be well, and take good care. ❖ Jean Kintisch (email Jean) | Sarah Ballow Clauss (email Sarah) | Wilma Ann Thomas Anderson (email Wilma Ann) | Alumni Directory.

Happy spring, all! With the new season we bring you the latest successes and updates from our classmates.

Eduardo Adam-Rabel is the proud dad of his first-grade daughter and is currently an art teacher at South Dade Senior High School in Homestead, FL. Eduardo also enjoys drawing and playing conga drums in his free time. As he looks back fondly on his time at Cornell, he is struck by the wonderful New Yorkers he met, and the diversity of thought and cultural perspectives at Cornell. He says his Cornell experience led him to fearlessly pursue his master’s degree in NYC and stay there for 17 years!

Sunita Sohoni Desai reports that six years after working in engineering, she made a career shift and obtained her master’s degree in journalism. This turned out to be “the best career move of my life!” Sunita has been working at NBC News/MSNBC since 2000 during the Bush/Gore election. From there, she has covered the 9/11 attacks, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama’s election, natural disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic, and countless other impactful, newsworthy events. These days, Sunita slows down just a bit to take care of herself and her two daughters who are about to head off to college. She cherishes her walks and talks with friends, and she is grateful to Cornell for opening doors to science and engineering—and introducing her to her three closest friends.

Jill West Maher and her husband, Sean ’94, have co-authored a book published by Morgan James called The Greatest Gift. The book shares principles and wisdom about transferring generational wealth and avoiding pitfalls in order to simultaneously preserve family harmony. All of the proceeds from the book sales are being donated to mental health charities.

As for me, at the holidays I had the chance to reconnect with my former roommate and sorority sister, Ann Wang, along with my friend Jessica Lifland ’91, BFA ’92. At Cornell the three of us were up all night; fast forward to this year, we went to dinner at 6:00 p.m. to ensure we would not stay out past our bedtimes.

Please keep in touch and drop any of us a line. We look forward to hearing from you! ❖ Mia Blackler (email Mia) | Melissa Hart Moss, JD ’97 (email Melissa) | Theresa Flores (email Theresa) | Alumni Directory.

Sean and Jill West Maher ’93 co-authored a book that was published on January 15 by Morgan James, called The Greatest Gift. “Everyone knows a story of an inheritance gone wrong. Unfortunately, they may have experienced it themselves, or perhaps they simply observed it, maybe through a friend or family member. It may be a story about when someone was cheated out of their rightful share to a family inheritance or a family heirloom. Consider this book an easy preventative maintenance guide, so inheritors are not at war with each other—or worse—after the death of their parents.” Sean adds that “100% of proceeds from book sales are being donated to mental health charities.”

Leslie Abner is the author of Renovation: A Novel, published last November by Atmosphere Press. “Renovation tells the story of Skylar, a talented interior designer with big dreams, who leaves her toxic job for a fresh start in the competitive NYC design scene. The book is about the delicate balancing act of personal and professional growth. Skylar’s journey of self-discovery is marked by the tension between following her passion and maintaining her relationships. The novel speaks to anyone grappling with finding their voice in a world that often demands compromise.”

“Since retiring,” writes Joling Mew, “I’ve found myself pursuing creative outlets and other aspirations long set aside. I recently published Ninety Peaks: Exploring the San Francisco Bay Area Through Its Summits, a guidebook that explores the peaks on the Sierra Club’s ‘Nifty Ninety’ list. The book is based on my own experience reaching each one. I want to inspire and help others discover the area we all call home through these high points.”

Joling adds, “Combining my long-held passion for travel with my newfound writing bug, I’ve been dipping my toes into the world of blogging. Check out my amateur website. In addition to hiking and writing, I’m learning Italian (my fourth language) and am in the early stages of planning a multi-month (possibly multi-year) overlanding journey on the Pan-American Highway. I hope to see you on the trail or on one of my next adventures!”

Monica Flores writes, “I’m celebrating my fifth year in technical project management as an employee-owner at Lullabot, a strategy, design, and development agency with an international team distributed across North and South America and Europe. For my current project, our site ranks in the top 1% of all .gov websites in the country. I’m finishing up a two-year term as the elected community representative to the Drupal Association board of directors and maintain my designation as a Certified ScrumMaster. I also received the Certified Professionals in Accessibility Core Competencies certification in 2023.” ❖ Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik (email Dineen) | Jennifer Rabin Marchant (email Jennifer) | Dika Lam (email Dika) | Alumni Directory.

I have a few news items to share in this installment. But the BIGGEST news is that our 30th Reunion is only a few months away! Have you registered? Visit our Reunion webpage to learn more.

Also, if you haven’t had a chance yet to check it out, we have a new blog that began in November and runs through June as a countdown to Reunion. This is an updated version of the Cornell ’95 Faces that we created for the 20th Reunion, with a modern design and look. We are excited to highlight 30+ alumni, to follow their paths from graduation until today. Check it out.

Classmate Indy Mukerji, ME ’96, sends an update from Washington, DC, that he recently joined Covington & Burling LLP as a partner in the patent litigation group, after serving as the chair of tech patent litigation at Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, and 15 years at Fish & Richardson PC before that. He will continue to represent the world’s most recognizable companies in high-stakes intellectual property litigation. He and his spouse, Kerstin (Johnson) ’97, MS ’98, also celebrated 25 years of marriage with a bucket-list trip to Egypt!

Chris Cox, director of marketing and communications for the Pittsburgh Opera, was interviewed in November by Table Magazine about ways Pittsburgh’s cultural institutions are building audiences. You can read the article here.

Indy ’95, ME ’96, and Kerstin Johnson Mukerji ’97, MS ’98, celebrated 25 years of marriage with a bucket-list trip to Egypt!

Scott Klein lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Michelle. While a New Yorker always, he has been in “La La Land” for over 20 years. He has two daughters: Naomi, 16, and Isabel, 12. Scott has worked at Sony Pictures Entertainment for seven years and has recently been promoted to VP, IT Financial systems. He and Michelle are typically found chauffeuring the girls to gymnastics, fencing, theater, and various other activities as far from a screen as possible. They also enjoy experiencing cuisine at different restaurants, going to musicals and concerts, and not shoveling snow. Scott hopes this update finds everyone doing well and would love to meet up with fellow Cornellians—whether living in L.A. or passing through town!

Lastly, I wanted to share some information about a special award honoring classmate Maribel Garcia, who passed away not long after graduation, as shared by Kavitha Chetty Ness: “For 18 years, the Maribel Garcia Community Spirit Award has been honoring those who make a remarkable contribution to the spirit of humanity in Ithaca and across the globe. Past winners’ initiatives include: on-campus student sober housing; COVID pandemic Mandarin-language mental health support; leadership in the Men of Color Council; sustainable globalization partnership with Cornell and Ecuador; the Writer’s Bloc prison inmate literary magazine; elephant conservation fieldwork for girls in the Central African Republic; child epilepsy awareness; cooking classes for underserved kids in Ithaca; support for STEM education in Angola; the creation of the Cornell Disability Services team; and so much more.

“This award honors the legacy of dearly missed Cornell classmate Maribel Garcia, who spent her life inspiring all around her with creative, humble service to her community and a bright, smiling spirit of joy and adventure. This year, we’re going 30 for 30: raising $30,000 in Maribel’s 30th Reunion year to keep this important award alive into the future. You can learn more here.”

Until next time—stay connected and safe, classmates. ❖ Alison Torrillo French (email Alison) | Class website | Class Facebook page | Class Instagram page | Alumni Directory.

Laurie Woolever writes, “On March 11, 2025, my memoir, Care and Feeding, will be published by Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins. It is a story that begins shortly after my graduation from Cornell and follows me through culinary school, work with chefs Mario Batali and Anthony Bourdain, international travels and adventures in media, marriage, and parenthood, and navigating the worlds of celebrity and excess. It’s garnered a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly.”

Laurie will soon head out for a book tour that includes stops in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, D.C., Pennsylvania, Connecticut, California, and Canada.

Actor Dan Chen was featured in the official music video for “16 Miles”—a chart-topping hit off country music singer Jessica Lynn’s new album, All I Own (release date: January 17, 2025). ❖ Class of 1996 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

I hope everyone had a lovely start to 2025. Please keep your news and notes coming! What is new in your life these days? ❖ Class of 1997 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Happy 2025, fellow members of the Class of 1998! I hope the new year has already brought you happy surprises and new adventures.

Congratulations to Mary Clare Kukoda Reilley on her new role as chief of staff and senior vice president for marketing, communications, and progress at Iona University. In a recent statement, she shared, “I am honored to take on this new role, especially as the university continues to grow in important ways. It is both a joy and a privilege to work alongside such a dedicated team.” At Iona since 2018, Mary has worked tirelessly to elevate the institution’s communications and branding.

Let us know what you have been up to and what you are looking forward to in 2025! You can email me or fill out the online news form. ❖ Uthica Jinvit Utano (email Uthica) | Alumni Directory.

Matt and Julie Heim Jackson met on move-in day at the old Sperry Hall in August of 1995. Matt writes, “Now, almost exactly 30 years later, we will be dropping off our daughter, Annabel, to join the Cornell Class of 2029! She will be studying public policy at the Brooks School. We are so excited for her, but we’re also dreading being on the other side of drop-off.”

Sara Best Monaco was recently elected vice president of the American Society of Cytopathology; she will serve as president-elect next year, then as president in the 2026–27 year. After completing her pre-med coursework as part of the College of Human Ecology and being a member of Cornell women’s rowing, she went on to medical school at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, where she stayed for pathology residency.

Sara spent most of her career practicing anatomic pathology and cytopathology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and now is the system director of cytopathology at Geisinger Medical Center. She resides in central Pennsylvania with her husband and three kids, with her oldest child now in the Class of 2028 at Cornell. ❖ Class of 1999 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.


Hello out there. I hope everyone is doing well, wherever you are. I’d love to hear about what you’re getting up to, so feel free to send me an email or fill out an online news form! ❖ Denise Williams (email Denise) | Alumni Directory.

Hope everyone’s year is off to a great start and you’re enjoying the beginning of spring (in the Northern Hemisphere at least). It’s always exciting to see light (literally) at the end of the winter tunnel. In the meantime, our 25th Reunion is inching closer. Save the dates of June 4–7, 2026 for a fun summer weekend in Ithaca. Christobel Lorie Gutow and I can’t wait to drive up to Cornell to relive old memories and catch up with classmates. We’re planning a trial run this summer, as we’ve been delinquent in bringing our kids to campus so far. College tours for our oldest son have always seemed miles away, but we’re getting close to that time, and a visit to Cornell will feed two birds with one scone.

Did anyone else make it to the Frozen Apple (Cornell men’s ice hockey) at Madison Square Garden on November 30? Cornell tied a very strong Quinnipiac hockey team 3-3. The game even went to overtime, but the Big Red won in a shootout. It was a great time, as always, seeing the Garden packed with a sea of red-and-white-adorned Cornell fans. I know I’m biased, but my rough math indicated we outnumbered Quinnipiac fans 5 to 1.

Chris and I brought our three kids into New York and met up with Ari ’02 and Meredith Silverman Fontecchio ’02 (and their three kids) and Jonathan ’98 and Renee Sekino Wolfe ’98 (and their three kids) for dinner before the game. It was a lot of fun catching up and rehashing Cornell memories and trading stories about classmates we’ve seen recently. We all sat together at the game, but our youngest children all expired in the third period, so we skipped out on overtime (we wouldn’t have back when we were unencumbered hockey fans).

Now an update from Kathryn Winstanley Tuttle, who has built a successful career as a marketing executive and advisor for purpose-driven consumer brands. After graduation, she started with household names like Snapple and Meow Mix before focusing on the natural and organic space. As a founding executive and vice president of marketing at Freshpet, the first fresh pet food company, Kathryn helped pioneer a new category in the industry. Her journey then took her to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, where she served as chief commercial officer at Farmer Focus, a mission-driven organic poultry company.

Erica Chatfield Roberts ’01 climbed to Annapurna Base Camp in the Himalayas—and has plans to climb Kilimanjaro next.

Now, Kathryn runs her own consulting practice, KT Advisors, partnering with purpose-driven founders to help translate their expertise and passion into category-disrupting brands and household names. When not working, Kathryn can be found chasing her 6-year-old twin girls or tackling lung-cracking steep hikes with her husband, Jeremy, a Coast Guard veteran. The Tuttles enjoy exploring the beautiful landscapes of their Virginia home.

One of our classmates was featured in an article in Cornellians recently! Alison Gilmore Carr and her sister Abigail Gilmore Anderson ’04 grew up helping harvest cranberries on their family’s farm in Rochester, MA, near Cape Cod. Both sisters majored in agricultural business management in CALS (known as the ARME major when we were all students!) and moved to New York City initially after graduation. Alison worked in food product marketing and Abigail worked for law and architecture firms. Their love of the farm and the growing process brought them back, and they have been running the operation for the past 10 years. Their harvested cranberries are used in Ocean Spray juices, sauces, craisins, and of course baked goods and Thanksgiving cranberry sauce. The Cornell Club of Boston was welcomed for a tour of the farm last summer and members said it was fascinating!

Congratulations to class co-VP Malinda Lovic Lesko on reaching 10 years of working for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts last August! Malinda shares: “Since my agency doesn’t recognize work anniversaries, I decided to honor my pension eligibility by crocheting myself a vest. Yay, adulting!” We look forward to future updates from Malinda.

Anyone who has been following our Class Notes columns is aware that Erica Chatfield Roberts loves adventure and physical challenges. From running marathons on all seven continents (not a box most will ever check) to bike tours through Guatemala City, Erica has done a lot of athletic-tourism (I just made up that term, but it sounds about right). She most recently climbed to Annapurna Base Camp in the Himalayas. Apparently this was just a warm up, as she has plans to climb Kilimanjaro next. More to come in a future update!

To share news or a memory and get back in touch with classmates in 2025, please email either of us, visit our website, like the Class of 2001 Facebook page, join our Class of 2001 Classmates Facebook group, and check out our Class of 2001 Instagram page for great photos and stories. ❖ James Gutow (email James) | Nicole Neroulias Gupte (email Nicole) | Alumni Directory.

Hello, Class of ’02! We hope this message finds you well. If any classmates are reading this, we hope you will take the time to write to us! Others from our time on the Hill would greatly enjoy reading what you’ve been up to since graduation. ❖ Class of 2002 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Greetings and happy spring! This month, we heard that Caitlin Ramsey Pollak, MBA ’09, was named partner at Goldman Sachs. She is a member of the mergers and acquisitions group and is now a partner in the healthcare investment banking group. Congratulations, Caitlin!

We would love to hear from you. Please let us know what you’ve been up to! Until next time. ❖ Candace Lee Chow, PhD ’14 (email Candace) | Jon Schoenberg, ME ’03, PhD ’11 (email Jon) | Alumni Directory.

Zachary Jacobs has joined law firm Haynes Boone as a mergers and acquisitions partner in the firm’s New York office. He is the latest addition to the firm’s award-winning business transactions department.

Zachary brings 18 years of experience advising private equity firms, public companies, and private businesses in mergers and acquisitions, dispositions, complex investments, joint ventures, and other strategic transactions. His practice encompasses a wide variety of industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, defense contracting, technology, education, transportation, renewable energy, staffing, and more. ❖ Class of 2004 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Mark your calendars for our upcoming 20th Reunion, June 5–8, 2025! It’s hard to believe we’re old enough for a 20-year Reunion, but we’re looking forward to seeing our classmates back in Ithaca this June.

Brian Levine, MS ’08, Jen Tran, and Jenn Shloming cheered alongside family members at Madison Square Garden for the Frozen Apple. The kids present especially enjoyed watching Cornell win in a shootout and staying up late!

Erica Healey-Kagan reports that she recently joined the law firm Filippatos PLLC as a partner. The firm represents employees in disputes with their current or former employers, including discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination.

Melinda Hung Brooks, Belinda Haerum, Laura Diaz Mullen, Wenni Lee, Kate Kastenbaum Holsapple, and Paul Cady, along with additional family members, gathered outside Philadelphia in late October to welcome Belinda back to the States on a visit from her new home of Norway. Lots of wine was consumed as they shared updates on families and careers and reminisced on fond memories from Cornell. They hope to see everyone again, including Brian Ranade and Chris Mullen, at the Reunion in June! ❖ Jessica Rosenthal Chod (email Jessica) | Hilary Johnson King (email Hilary) | Alumni Directory.

In November 2002, Kevin Skinner-Spain ’03 and Aaron Skinner-Spain met at an LGBT-inclusive house party in Collegetown. Since then, they have been partners in life and were married in November 2011. Last November, they celebrated 13 years of marriage.

Now, the pair are also partners in work! Together, they run a mental health business that Aaron created, NYC Affirmative Psychotherapy, a remote group psychotherapy practice that sees folks in New York State.

Aaron and Kevin get the most satisfaction these days by going on morning walks with coffee at Hudson River Park and rooting for the Spurs on weekend mornings. ❖ Class of 2006 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Hello, Class of 2007! I’m very excited to share some updates from you all—thank you so much for your contributions!

This past November, I returned to one of my favorite annual pastimes: watching Cornell men’s hockey at Madison Square Garden. Overtime and a shootout! It’s always great to see a Big Red victory at the Garden—and with both of my kids in tow! I was so excited to run into Omar Gonzalez-Pagan as well!

Benjamin Massarsky is an attorney at a litigation boutique representing corporate policyholders in insurance coverage disputes. He was recently selected by Law360, the LexisNexis national legal publication, for its Rising Stars of 2024 as one of the “Top Attorneys Under 40” for insurance law. He was one of only five attorneys nationwide selected for this honor.

Kelly Lee is the creator of the Little Economists series, which she started four years ago to make financial literacy accessible and fun for young kids ages 4–8 through cute, easy-to-understand stories. With titles like What Is Money?, What Is Inflation?, What Is a Credit Card?, and more, her books aim to spark curiosity about money and help kids see how things like supply and demand connect to everyday life. The books are now in many elementary schools in the U.S. An education company in Korea has incorporated them into their curriculum to teach Korean children both English and financial literacy. Additionally, a Taiwanese publisher has acquired the translation rights for Traditional Chinese, with plans to distribute the books throughout Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau in 2026.

Lastly, Marie Schell serves as the executive director of the Conflict Resolution Center of Baltimore County. She played an integral role in developing programming and federal funding for a statewide school violence reduction program that will provide on-premises support to at-risk middle and high school students. The program includes one-on-one coaching for the students that will equip them with tools to manage conflicts productively, boosting self-esteem and social skills. This sounds like an amazing program—congratulations, Marie!

Looking forward to sharing more exciting stories with everyone! Have more updates to share? Please feel free to reach out to me or submit online! ❖ Samantha Feibush Wolf (email Samantha) | Alumni Directory.

In fall 2024, Lorraine Gregory Singer and Michele Annibal Hoffman, ME ’09, completed a triathlon together, marking their first race together since their Ironman triathlon 10 years (and five kids between the two of them) prior. Surely trekking up and down the hills of Ithaca was a bit of an early training!

Kamilla Rodrigues has been promoted to partner in the real estate department of New York law firm Herrick Feinstein LLP. At Herrick, Kamilla focuses her practice on real estate finance law and represents private and institutional lenders, including domestic and international lenders, in connection with bilateral and syndicated acquisition loans, permanent loans, construction loans, mezzanine loans, revolving credit facilities, corporate financing, and intercreditor agreements. ❖ Class of 2008 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Happy spring, Class of ’09! If any classmates are reading this, we hope you will take the time to write to us! We’d love to know what you’ve been up to since graduation. ❖ Class of 2009 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.


As I write this, we are ringing in 2025, the year that marks our 15th Reunion. Could time have flown so quickly? We look forward to seeing you back on the Hill.

After a career in engineering, Brenton Clamor, ME ’10, founded the Modern High School Playbook Company, which supports the 80% of middle and high school students who lack adequate academic and career counseling. Through his self-published book, social media, and public speaking events, his company shares motivational goal-setting and road map techniques, the latest skills used by successful students, and tips for well-being. This year he plans to go on tour and reach out to students, educators, and parents at book festivals around the U.S. You can learn more and support his venture by following his Instagram account, @TheModernHighSchoolPlaybook.

As we look forward to Reunion, please send your updates to: ❖ Michelle Sun (email Michelle) | Alumni Directory.

Mac Bishop is the founder and CEO of Wool & Prince and wool&, which both make apparel—from dress shirts to dresses to underwear—out of fine merino wool. According to a recent Cornellians story, “Wool & Prince, founded in 2013, made a splash with a Kickstarter campaign that went viral, in large part because of Bishop’s unorthodox one-man field test. He wore a merino button-down for 100 days straight without washing it, periodically asking strangers on the streets of New York to give it a sniff test. (It passed.)

“The sartorial stunt got people talking; both Leno and Letterman cracked jokes about it, and Bishop did interviews with media as far away as Australia. The Kickstarter raised nearly $315,000—it would likely have gone higher, but he closed it to ensure he could fill the orders—and enabled him to start the company, which he eventually relocated to his native Portland, OR.

“‘I have to admit, there were some nights when I went to bed thinking I’m not sure I can wear that shirt tomorrow,’ recalls Bishop, who’d even don the garment to bike home drenched with sweat after playing basketball. ‘But the beauty of wool is that it’s incredibly breathable, and it airs out really well.’

I wanted to design 100% merino shirts that no one would notice were wool.

Mac Bishop ’11

“Bishop knows his material. As Sheep Industry News noted, he’s ‘essentially royalty in the American wool industry’—a sixth-generation member of the family behind Portland-based Pendleton Woolen Mills, which traces its roots to 1863. His father, C. Morton Bishop III ’74, retired as company president in 2017; the shirt Bishop wore in his 100-day test was a custom-tailored garment from the Sir Pendleton line.

“In launching Wool & Prince, Bishop aimed to create a no-hassle alternative to the business-casual button-downs long sported by male office workers—garb from purveyors like Brooks Brothers and J.Crew that can generally be worn only once or twice between launderings. ‘There was a huge gap in the marketplace,’ Bishop explains. ‘Merino wool was becoming increasingly popular with the outdoor community—people would take one pair of merino long johns on a weeklong ski trip—but no one was focusing on merino for everyday apparel. I wanted to design 100% merino shirts that no one would notice were wool.’

“In 2018, Bishop launched the sister company wool& to offer merino apparel for women. Its loyal customer base includes the more than 8,000 who’ve done its ‘100-day challenge’: in an echo of the founder’s original viral stunt, they document themselves wearing the same wool& dress daily for some 14 weeks. (Yes, they’re allowed to wash it—and at the end, they earn a $100 gift card.)” ❖ Class of 2011 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Sheela George and Owen Amadasun welcomed their first baby, George Amadasun, in early October. The new parents are loving watching Georgie grow and can’t wait to bring their little red bundle of love to Cornell soon!

Kalisha Dessources Figures, a New York native, is an impact strategist who works to advance gender and racial equity and strengthen civic engagement and leadership. Kalisha served in President Obama’s Administration as a policy advisor to its White House Council on Women and Girls and now runs a social impact firm. She recently celebrated the election of her husband, Shomari Figures, as the newest Congressman from Alabama! Rep. Figures made history when he won a seat in Congress in a battle that went all the way to the Supreme Court. Congratulations! ❖ Peggy Ramin (email Peggy) | Alumni Directory.

I hope everyone had a lovely start to 2025. Please keep your news and notes coming! What is new in your life these days? ❖ Rachael Schuman Fassler (email Rachael) | Alumni Directory.

Hello, Class of 2014! Congratulations to Emily Greenberg, who published her debut collection of short stories, Alternative Facts, earlier this year, on January 28, 2025, with Kallisto Gaia Press. Her book was the runner up for the Acacia Fiction Prize and BOA Editions Short Fiction Prize, as well as a finalist for the Katherine Anne Porter Prize and Iron Horse First Book Prize. You can read more about Emily’s new book and other accomplishments on her website.

A mini Cornell reunion happened on April 27, 2024 as Elissa Prout Skeim and Calvin tied the knot in Troy, NY. Many Cornellians were in attendance to celebrate their marriage including classmates Rachel Roberts, Emily Ruggeri, Melanie Jorgensen Wigsten, and Bridgette Wunder, as well as other alumni, including Jim Prout ’83, Dave Watros ’83, Carole Zacharek Conlan ’83, Nancy Spickofsky ’83, Bill Johnson ’83, DVM ’86, and Lisa Wierzbicki Johnson ’83, DVM ’86, Olivia Prout Plunkett ’12, and Alysia Radak Tessler ’13.

Please send your news for future columns to: ❖ Samantha Lapehn Young (email Samantha) | Alumni Directory.

Happy spring, Class of ’15! If any classmates are reading this, we hope you will take the time to write to us! We’d love to know what you’ve been up to since graduation. ❖ Caroline Flax (email Caroline) | Alumni Directory.

“My name is Kevin Kay, and I’m a graduate of Cornell’s Class of 2016. My brother, Harrison, and I recently launched To Go Green, a shared network of reusable, returnable packaging for food to go.

“To Go Green V1 is a zero-waste restaurant delivery service. Through our integration with Uber, customers can order pickup or delivery directly through our online platform and will receive their orders in reusable containers designed to withstand at least 1,000 uses. Customers have three weeks to return their containers, either at their door or in person to any of our restaurant partners, for cleaning and reuse.

“To Go Green was awarded a Ditch the Disposables grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust, D.C. Department of Energy and Environment, and D.C. Mayor’s Office to support restaurants as the government seeks bans on all single-use foodware (including compostables), as set forth in the Zero Waste DC Plan.” ❖ Class of 2016 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Hello, Class of ’17! We hope this message finds you well. If any classmates are reading this, we hope you will take the time to write to us! Others from our time on the Hill would greatly enjoy reading what you’ve been up to since graduation. ❖ Class of 2017 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Shelby Holland and her sister, Laura Holland ’22, co-host a podcast called Sisters Who Watch. According to their website, the podcast is “THE entertainment review podcast to listen to for hot takes, thoughtful reviews, and diverse perspectives on content.

“Everyone thinks we are twins (despite our age gap), but we practically act like twins anyway. We do everything together: attend the same schools, move to the same state, braid each other’s hair, travel the world, but mostly watch content!

“Born and raised in New York, we now call California home. Shelby moved to Los Angeles and is pursuing her dream at the intersection of business and entertainment. Laura moved to San Francisco and is kickstarting her career in the legal field. Outside of work, you can catch us attending sporting events, losing our voices at concerts, sighting celebrities at movie premieres, and tasting the best California wine at local vineyards.​

“We are passionate about spreading joy and hope our podcast can not only give content recommendations, but bring people together over storytelling.” ❖ Class of 2018 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Happy spring, Class of ’19! If any classmates are reading this, we hope you will take the time to write to us! We’d love to know what you’ve been up to since graduation. ❖ Class of 2019 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.


We don’t have any news from these classes to report this round—but we hope that will change in the future! What have you been up to these days? What are you doing for work or fun? What kind of impact did your time at Cornell have on your life? If you have a moment, please send an email to us. ❖ Classes of 2020 & 2021 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

One of our classmates, Hunter Nourzad, made it to the Super Bowl this year as a center for the Kansas City Chiefs! According to a recent Cornellians story, “Nourzad joined the Chiefs in 2024, selected in Round 5 of the NFL draft as the 159th overall pick.

“Nourzad, an offensive lineman, was a two-time All American during his collegiate career—including during the 2021 season, when he was the lone Ivy player to receive the honor. In his senior season on the Hill, he was an All-Ivy first-teamer and was named the league’s Offensive Lineman of the Year.

“After graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering, Nourzad—whose Cornell career was curtailed by the COVID pandemic—still had two years of eligibility. He used them at Penn State while earning an MBA, helping the Nittany Lions to a 21-5 overall record, including two appearances at New Year’s Six bowl games.

“In his first NFL season, Nourzad has primarily served on the Chiefs’ special teams—for the uninitiated, those are players who are only on the field during kicking plays—as an offensive lineman, playing in all 17 regular season games.” ❖ Class of 2022 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Three cheers for Super Bowl champion Jalyx Hunt, who helped the Philadelphia Eagles defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 40-22! Notably, Jalyx sacked the Chiefs’ quarterback Patrick Mahomes in the second quarter.

According to a recent Cornellians story, “Hunt (who played two seasons for the Big Red but transferred out before earning a degree) was drafted by the Eagles in Round 3 of 2024, as the 94th overall pick.

“Hunt studied in Cornell’s Dyson School and began his collegiate football career with the Big Red in 2019. He started off as a safety, but later transitioned to the defensive line after a growth spurt. After the 2020 season was canceled due to COVID, he suited up for the Big Red again in 2021 before transferring to Houston Christian University, where he was voted the Southland Conference Defensive Player of the Year in 2023—eventually earning an invitation to the 2024 NFL Scouting Combine.

“In Hunt’s NFL rookie season, the Eagles utilized him as an outside linebacker; he played in 16 out of 17 regular season games, recording 21 tackles and forcing two fumbles. He has played in every game of the playoffs, contributing eight tackles.” ❖ Class of 2023 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.

Hello, Class of ’24! We hope this message finds you well. If any classmates are reading this, we hope you will take the time to write to us! Others from our time on the Hill would greatly enjoy reading what you’ve been up to since graduation. ❖ Class of 2024 (email c/o Alexandra Bond ’12) | Alumni Directory.


Joe Compagni, MPS ’91, is the senior director for Olympic sports at HydraPatch and also serves as the vice president and head coach for the Shore Athletic Club. After 24 years as the director/head coach for track and field and cross country at Monmouth University, he is now also the head coach/advisor for the track and field club on campus. In addition, Joe is an announcer for the Penn Relays and other meets; works as a consultant and meet director for four different collegiate conferences; serves on the Cross Country Council for USA Track & Field; and is a member of the board of trustees for the Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex.

Wylin Dassie Wilson, MS ’98, has released her latest book, Womanist Bioethics: Social Justice, Spirituality, and Black Women’s Health, which offers a bold approach to address the failings of bioethics concerning Black women. The book, published by NYU Press, critiques mainstream bioethics for its white, male-dominated perspective by arguing that it inadequately engages with issues affecting vulnerable populations, particularly Black women. Wylin developed the first womanist form of bioethics, which centers on Black women’s experiences and voices in healthcare discourse and practice.

John Kleinsmith, MPS ’03, is pleased to report the successful completion of the creation of an academic program for a nonprofit foundation in Virginia, where John is a senior engineer. The program enables students to pursue professional degrees and certifications (including nursing, paralegal, technical writing, and business) in one of seven universities or colleges. The program, John notes, represents a synthesis of liberal academic and industry-led professional apprenticeship study. Creating this academic program required over 10 years of coordination and collaboration with faculty and administration leaders, as well as securing funding resources​. The work was made possible through the graduate research John conducted at Cornell, which included investigating professional “dual-system” curricula in Switzerland for three years. While in Switzerland, he was able to design and teach a course in computer network theory to JD students at the Cornell Law School. “While employed at the law school I published research findings in an international engineering journal and garnered the support of Microsoft’s AATP national certification program,” he writes. “The program would not have come about if not for the plethora of academic mentoring gained during my years at Cornell.”

Alan Singer, MFA ’74, taught at the Rochester Institute of Technology for 32 years and notes that his career is based on teaching others to express themselves through their skill sets. He gives back to his community by supporting the visual arts and also exhibits his artwork and writes a blog with over 400 postings and over 100,000 views. Alan is a published author and illustrator, including books that he started while still on the Hill.

Miles Garrett, MA ’09, wrote a book, Executive Leadership: A Warfighter’s Perspective, told from the perspective of a submarine officer and former U.S. Marine with 25 years of military experience in both the Navy and Marine Corps. The book explores the principles and practice of leadership, sources of motivation, professional trust, and the pursuit of excellence. In it, Miles analyzes the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, underscoring the clear benefits of the former. He also explains the importance of character and competence and explores the pursuit of excellence throughout the book. Miles says his years at Cornell were essential to his development, and he continues to wear his Cornell affiliation with pride.

Lizzy Ashley Bews, MA ’18, co-edited a book, Roman Bioarchaeology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Life and Death in the Roman World, about how bioarchaeology can illuminate the lived experiences of people in the Roman Empire. According to the publisher, “Research on the Roman Empire has long focused on Rome’s legendary leaders, culture, and conquest. But at the empire’s peak, tens of millions of ordinary people coexisted in its territories—people who built the structures, wrote the literature, and transformed the landscapes we study today. In Roman Bioarchaeology, researchers use human skeletal remains recovered from throughout the Roman world to portray how individuals lived and died, spanning the empire’s vast geography and 1,000 years of ancient history. This volume brings together scholarship from archaeological sites in Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean, and Africa, featuring new and advanced scientific approaches including DNA studies, stable isotope analysis, paleoparasitology, paleopathology, biodistance, and more. Throughout, contributors prioritize the ethical treatment of the deceased by highlighting individual narratives and working with local descendants where possible. From rural homes in Britannia to bustling cities in Phoenicia, these essays showcase the diversity of Roman lives and illuminate the experiences of the most vulnerable in these societies. This book demonstrates how bioarchaeology can enrich our understanding of many facets of life in the Roman world.”

John Norris, JD ’71, MBA ’73, writes, “My family, friends, co-workers, board members, and I have invested significant cash, time, and energy over two years to develop and release an infectious disease safety program—which is similar to the now ubiquitous worldwide fire safety program.” The aim is to save lives in the U.S. and worldwide from current and future pathogens, whether nature-made or human-manufactured, such as COVID-19, the flu, and RSV. John says, “Infectious disease spread is often the number-three killer worldwide, after heart disease and cancer. In some countries, it is number one. I created the vision and strategies for this program while I was COO of the U.S. FDA and a Harvard faculty member, and while I obtained law and business degrees at Cornell. Many others helped take the ball from there.”

Cynthia Wilson Massarsky, MBA ’81, runs Making-It-Home, a nonprofit program in Bergen County, NJ, that works with a professional moving company to collect gently used furniture from residents and bring it to formerly homeless individuals and families moving from emergency shelters to new, unfurnished apartments.

Almost 10 years ago, Merit Tukiainen Kuusniemi, MPS ’91, moved back to her native Finland after 27 years in the U.S. She is now an angel investor, board professional, volunteer mentor, and advisor and says, “It is my way to pay back to the Finnish society that gave me a great primary, secondary, and university education. Private foundations also supported my graduate studies at the Hotel School. Most of the board work I do with beginning-stage startups is unpaid and it is thrilling to share my network and governance, marketing, and strategic planning expertise with young entrepreneurs—who I can in turn learn a lot from.” Merit also enjoys spending time with three “bonus grandchildren” and shares that her son, who was born while she was a student at Cornell, just announced his engagement.

John Hui, MBA ’15, co-founded his healthcare IT startup company, Twiage, in 2015. Acquired by TigerConnect in November 2024, Twiage provides an award-winning communication solution enabling hospitals and EMS to accelerate emergency care. It also powers all prehospital emergency communication for Cayuga Medical Center and Bangs Ambulance in Tompkins County. TigerConnect is owned by the Cornellian billionaire investor Robert Smith ’85’s Vista Equity Partners. John will continue as the general manager of Twiage.

Brian Balduzzi, MBA ’18, was honored by his law school alma mater, Boston University, with the Young Lawyer’s Chair. This honor is presented each year to an alumnus whose performance and commitment, in 10 years or less since graduation, reflects greatly on the law school. Brian is an associate at Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP. He helps families plan and protect their legacies through conscientious client service and a collaborative approach. He is knowledgeable in financial regulations, trusts, estates, tax, and investment management.

Gregg Gecale, MBA ’21, welcomed a baby with his wife on New Year’s Day of 2024. Her name is Remi Noelle. Now more than a year old, she is smiling non-stop and crawling all over the place. Over the past year, the family enjoyed a trip to Disney World in the summer. In October, Gregg started a new role as director of manufacturing at Mana Products, a cosmetics private label prestige beauty contract manufacturer and incubator in New York City.

Douglas McCabe, PhD ’77, recently retired as a professor emeritus after serving for 45 years as a professor of management at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business in Washington, DC. He would love to hear from former ILR students when he was the teaching assistant for Prof. Milton Konvitz, PhD ’33, from 1973–74. Email Douglas here.


I’ve got just two tidbits this time around. In September, Alexander Brose ’98 became the Michael & Sonja Koerner President & CEO of the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) following a successful year-long transition with the former president of 33 years. You can read more here.

Prior to this appointment, Alex was the inaugural executive director and CEO of the Tianjin Juilliard School in China, the Juilliard School in New York City’s first and only branch campus. There, he worked closely with colleagues in both Tianjin and New York to create an inclusive and supportive institutional culture that upheld the educational and artistic excellence of Juilliard and respected the surrounding influences of China. Prior to that, he was the vice president for development at the Aspen Music Festival and School (AMFS) in Colorado, where he was responsible for all fundraising and strategic relationship-building activities, raising $75 million as part of a capital campaign, and working with AMFS leadership to create a new strategic vision for the organization.

In December, Sue den Outer ’94 was nominated on Broadway World Philadelphia for Best Music Direction and Orchestra Performance for SpongeBob and 9 to 5. By the time this column runs, we will know the results.

That’s all I’ve got. Want to read some longer columns? Send me news! Your updates are music to my ears. Hope to see you at Reunion! ❖ Alison Torrillo French ’95 (email Alison) | Alumni Directory.

Top image: Photo by Ryan Young / Cornell University

Published March 1, 2025