The Hidden Saint Mark Levenson ’78 In a fantasy novel described as “Fiddler on the Roof meets The Lord of the Rings,” Levenson marries real-life history with Jewish folklore. Set in Eastern Europe in the 18th century, it offers an origin story for his character of Rabbi Adam, a spiritual leader and family man who goes up against wizards, witches, and demons to protect his community. “The story is such a page-turner I read it in one night,” says a reviewer in the Jerusalem Post. “If I were a gambling man, I would bet my money that The Hidden Saint will be made into a film.” Also a puppeteer and a playwright, Levenson has had his Jewish-themed short fiction published in several magazines. More books by Cornellian authors Other stories You may like Cornelliana Hold Those Banners High! Celebrating the Seamstress Whose Talents Enhance Commencement Students Student-Run Food Magazine Celebrates a Festival of Flavors Campus & Beyond Pioneering Labor Reformer Honored, in Words and in Bronze