Recipe for Survival Dana Ellis Hunnes ’03 “Hunnes, a professor at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health, makes a convincing case for a greener diet in her comprehensive debut,” Publishers Weekly says of this volume from Cambridge University Press, subtitled What You Can Do to Live a Healthier and More Environmentally Friendly Life. A dietician and HumEc alum who holds a doctorate in public health from UCLA, Hunnes has been quoted as an expert in a variety of national media. Here, she advocates for a diet that benefits not only the individual but the planet—one that’s low in meat and dairy products and that emphasizes vegetables and organic foods. She also makes lifestyle recommendations like avoiding plastic packaging, which can not only be harmful to the environment but to humans. “We have only one home, our Earth, just as we have only one body, our own,” she writes in the preface. “Just like we want doctors, dietitians, and nurses to do everything they can to help us when we are sick, we must do everything possible to save our Earth, for she is sick.” More books by Cornellian authors