Changes to Cornell Google storage

Cornell will no longer be able to offer unlimited Gmail storage to alumni. This is a result of recent changes to Google’s pricing structure: Google no longer offers free unlimited storage to universities.

But don’t worry! You can keep your current Gmail account, and there are steps you can take now to prepare for this change and not lose any of your important data.

Here are the basics:

What we’re asking you to do before 2025

Check how much Google storage you’re using now. Go to the Drive Storage section of your Cornell Google account to see your current storage amount. (You’ll need to sign in with your Cornell NetID and password.)

See tips to help you get started with moving your data or saving it elsewhere. For moving larger storage, we recommend using the tool VaultMe.

Cornell Microsoft 365 email accounts

If you prefer to switch to Microsoft 365, you can request an account here. You’ll need to log in with your Net ID to complete the process. Only alumni who graduated prior to December 2021 need to fill out a request form.

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