We have a big story to tell
Help us celebrate all the good Cornellians can do! Tell us about the areas and organizations you support in your community. ❤️🐻
Share your storyCornellians participate in more than 100 clubs and associations around the world with more than 1,000 Cornellians serving on the boards! The resources below include everything you need to know about managing a successful club or association. Updates to this page are frequent, so please check back regularly.
Check out the international club leader toolkit here.
Cornell University invites all alumni, parents, and friends to participate in the worldwide university community!
Consistent with the core values of community, education, and service, the initiatives of each club will provide alumni, parents, and friends with meaningful opportunities to:
As a Cornellian, you are part of a lifelong connection. We are here to facilitate this connection, providing you with a lifetime of opportunities to engage with the university and with other alumni, parents, and friends. No matter where you live, what stage of life you are in, or what your goals include, the Office of Alumni Affairs can guide you towards the events, groups, and networks that will benefit you professionally, intellectually, and socially, and help you give back to the university’s many communities.
By volunteering, you make a significant impact on current students and fellow alumni, fostering a strong network and lifelong connections. In your role as an alumni volunteer leader, you are tasked with fostering a strong network between Cornell alumni and their home community. This guide will help answer basic questions you may come across.
To assist your group in planning, the Alumni Affairs staff developed guidelines that ensure the health and safety of our alumni community. Please work with your Regional staff contact and submit all events through the event detail form.
The event coordinator must submit an Event Detail Form for each event hosted or sponsored by a Cornell Club or Association. The information on this form is required for insurance purposes and inclusion on the events calendar.
Many clubs may choose to offer online events. When planning an online event, please keep these event guidelines in mind.
The event coordinator must submit an Event Detail Form for each event hosted or sponsored by a Cornell Club or Association. The information on this form is required for insurance purposes and inclusion on the events calendar.
All board members should have an active NetID.
Sample Club Constitution and By-Laws (PDF, 300 KB)
Club Officer's Position Descriptions (PDF, 188 KB)
Reimbursements - Before you can receive a reimbursement, you must complete paperwork called PaymentWorks. This paperwork will come from the Business Office once a reimbursement is submitted.
To remain an active club and/or association, groups must plan a minimum of two events per year. In addition to your local programming, please consider the following:
Summer Student Send-Off (August)
The International Spirit of Zinck's Night (October)
Cornell Cares (January & July)
Welcome to Your City (August - October)
Training is important in the life of an alumni volunteer leader. Check out these opportunities and resources to help you on your journey.
Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference
Join the Conversation
Cornell Regional Engagement Blog
Additional training resources are available to our alumni volunteer leaders. This folder contains Onboarding to Annual Planning click the link to explore the latest training sessions.
Find additional resources and websites available to you to help make your time as a volunteer leader enjoyable and rewarding and help lead your club to success:
Awards and Nominations
Cornell University Alumni Volunteering CUVolunteer
Cornell University Athletics
Cornell University Athletics in your Backyard
Cornell University Council Ambassador Program
Cornell University News
Regional Programs Club Guide
Office of Alumni Affairs
Connect with and give feedback about any of these tools by emailing your regional staff liaison or regionalprograms@cornell.edu.