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“There’s something very nostalgic about [Reunion]. Just sitting in the halls and listening to some of the professors give their lectures… It reminds you what this little special part of the world can be like.”

June 10, 2024  |  Source: Cornell Reunion QUOTE 
June 10, 2024  |  A live DJ plus wine and beer tastings brought alumni together in Willard Straight Hall Friday evening. Attendees enjoyed interactive activities—like networking bingo—and food while making new friends.  |  Source: Cornell Reunion  |  Photo: Grant Cowan PHOTOGRAPH 

"Whenever I come back, it’s like coming home."

June 8, 2024  |  Source: Cornell Reunion Short Piece 
June 7, 2024  |  Alumni celebrating Reunions with the Cornell Asian Alumni Association (CAAA), Cornell Latino Alumni Association (CLAA), and Cornell Pride came together for a welcome reception Thursday evening—complete with campfires and s’mores!  |  Source: Cornell Reunion  |  Photo: Rachel Philipson PHOTOGRAPH 
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