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September 12, 2023  |  329 million birds are expected to migrate through the eastern US after sunset on Thursday, September 14. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Colorado State University produce these forecasts using data from the past 23 years of bird movements in the atmosphere, as detected by the US NEXRAD weather surveillance radar network.  |  Source: BirdCast | Bird migration forecast maps  |  Photo: Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Colorado State University PHOTOGRAPH 

“We know that our students are going to work and live in an AI-enabled world. If we do not integrate generative AI into our teaching, and continue with business as usual, we will not be setting up our students for success in the future.”

September 5, 2023  |  Roger Payne's PhD ’61 recordings of whale songs inspired a global movement to save the whales. Shortly before his death in June 2023, Payne wrote, "If we could communicate with animals, ask them questions and receive answers—no matter how simple those questions and answers might turn out to be—the world might soon be moved enough to at least start the process of halting our runaway destruction of life." Payne served as principal advisor to Project CETI, which is working to understand what he called WhaleSpeak, the language of whales.  |  Source: Project CETI  |  Photo: Project CETI PHOTOGRAPH 
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