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Ozan Varol ’03 delivers Olin Lecture at Reunion 2023

Ozan Varol '03

Ozan Varol '03, a rocket scientist turned law professor and #1 bestselling author, delivered the 2023 Olin Lecture during Reunion.

Varol—who also celebrated his own 20th Reunion this year—shared his personal journey, and touched on central points made in his latest book Awaken Your Genius. He encouraged the audience to try new things and embrace what makes each person unique. Varol talked about the importance of play and curiosity, and used personal examples from his time at Cornell to illustrate his ideas. He also took questions from the audience.

"No one can compete with you at being you," Varol said. "You are the first and the last time that you'll ever happen."

Missed this event? Watch the recording.