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Grand Challenges Impact Competition winner protects rural artisans in India

The Grand Challenges Impact Competition on November 14 showcased community-engaged learning projects that build business for a better world. Top honors went to Team Kalamkari (Tara Bathaii ’25, Madison Leroy ’25, Grace Michalowski ’25, Ryan Porter ’26, and Sanjana Tarigopula ’24). Kalamkari is a traditional hand-rendered textile form produced in Andhra Pradesh, India. Fast-fashion imitations have been drawing customers away from authentic artisans, threatening their livelihoods. Tarigopula led the presentation with a personal story and then outlined the team’s work with the 1M1B Foundation, helping practitioners to augment their Kalamkari businesses by selling directly to international consumers through an e-commerce platform. The competition’s top prize of $10,000 will go directly to this effort through the 1M1B Foundation.

Source: Grand Challenges Impact Competition Winner Protects Rural Artisans in India