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Cornell Law group assists Afghans at risk

Law student volunteers (L to R) Amy Godshall ’23, Jason Steuerwald ’23, Ethan Taveras ’23, and Matt Nelson ’23 mail the cases they filed during the first week of October.

A group of about 50 Cornell Law students and two professors are volunteering their time to help Afghans seeking humanitarian parole in the United States. Many of the cases involve Afghans who formerly assisted the U.S. military, government contractors, or Western aid groups.

Amy Godshall ’23, Victoria (Tori) Staley ’23 Jason Steuerwald ’23, and Ethan Taveras ’23 are spearheading the project, which includes training more than three dozen law student volunteers. So far, the students have worked to gather paperwork from the families and file more than 70 applications with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Law professors Stephen Yale-Loehr, director of the Asylum and Convention Against Torture Clinic, and Beth Lyon, associate dean for experiential education and clinical program director, are overseeing the effort.