Event Details

International Location: Hong Kong

On behalf of Cornellians in Hong Kong, we would like to invite you to the Student Send-Off event on August 5th, as we send new Cornell students off to Ithaca with our best wishes. This will give us an opportunity to welcome new members of our community, and share our experiences.

Who: Incoming and current Cornell students, alumni, and their families

When: Saturday, August 5, 2017 | 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Where: Aberdeen Marina Club (Bowling Alley basement level), 8 Shum Wan Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Cost: Free for incoming students and parents, $150HKD/person for current Cornell students and alumni Pay at door.

Dress Code: Cornell casual

R.S.V.P. Deadline: July 28, 2017

Questions: Contact Michelle So at michelleso@gmail.com