Event Details

Location: Tucson, AZ


Cordially Invites You To


Friday, November 1st


James Dalen, MD, MPH
Dean Emeritus, University of Arizona College of Medicine

Shaping Healthcare in Tucson

Did you know that a worldwide healthcare movement began right here in Tucson? It’s true! Since 1994, the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine has transformed how healthcare views healing and preventative care, and this month’s speaker, Dr. James E. Dalen—in partnership with world-famous Dr. Andrew Weil—helped develop and launch this movement as former Dean of the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine.

But that’s just one of Dr. Dalen’s many accomplishments—as Dean, and later as Vice President for UA Health Sciences, he also established the Arizona Telemedicine Program, and he laid the groundwork for new research facilities including the Children’s Research Center, the Sarver Heart Center, the Arizona Arthritis Center and a major expansion of the Arizona Cancer Center. His leadership has largely shaped the University of Arizona’s Health Sciences and the great work they continue today.

As a physician, Dr. Dalen is a world-renowned cardiologist, having served as President of the American College of Chest Physicians, President of the New England Cardiovascular Society, and Governor of the American College of Cardiology and the American College of Physicians. Today he continues his work at the UA as Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Public Health. He is also Executive Director of the Weil Foundation, where he works in partnership with Dr. Weil to support education in Integrative Medicine to physicians around the world.

Dr. Dalen will speak to us about The Epidemic of the 20th Century: Coronary Heart Disease. He will explain why coronary heart disease was uncommon at the beginning of the 20th century, and  how it increased to be the commonest cause of death in the US. It began to decrease in the 60s and 70s and Dr Dalen will provide some insight into the causes of the remarkable decrease. It is a story of how modern medicine created one of the marvels of the 20th century that transformed our lives. Dr Dalen not only understands deeply that exciting period but helped shape many of the events that were critical to it.

 2200 E Elm Street (between Campbell and Tucson Blvd)

Registration begins at 11:30 AM in The Arizona Inn (Tucson Room)

Lunch will be served at Noon

When you RSVP, please tell us if you would prefer the “Vegetarian/Vegan” selection. Since this is a plated-luncheon, the main course for the attendees (including rolls, salad, dessert and coffee or tea) will be the “Chef’s Choice.”

They promise it will be delicious!

Free parking is easy and convenient. It is across the street from the Main Entrance!

$30.00 at the door (cash or check)
Sorry, No Credit Cards

RSVP: To Cathy Anderson at yaleclub.arizona@gmail.com by November 29.

Dear Friend,   Please treat your Reservation as a commitment and notify us if you are unable to attend.  Lately, some of us have been failing to do this.  This is important for our continued good relations with The Arizona Inn and our budget since we make commitments to the Inn Based on RSVPs.