Event Details

Location: Lakewood, OH

RSVP early!

UChicago Alumni Association

cordially invites CCNEO to its annual
Clifton Club Beach Party

Join both Cornell and University of Chicago’s students and alumni for a fun summer evening on Lake Erie.

Cornellians, we’re invited! Meet UChicago Summer on the Cuyahoga Metcalf Interns and mingle with other alumni, parents, and friends at one of Cleveland’s finest beaches, the private Clifton Beach and Beach House.

Bring your swimwear if desired; or join us for the food and camaraderie. The Clifton Club offers one of the best sunset views in the area.

Space is limited, so sign up early! Special thanks to UChicago alumna Laura, MBA’88, and David Sangree, for hosting the group. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

All guests are asked and encouraged to bring a dish to share and your own beverages. Tableware will be provided. Visit Chicago’s SignUpGenius.com potluck link to check off what you will bring. Please register to the event using the “RSVP NOW” link at the bottom of this form.

Monday, July 18th, 6:00 – 9:30 pm
Clifton Beach
17884 Lake Road
Lakewood, Ohio

$12, *Free for SOTC interns*

To learn more about the Summer on the Cuyahoga program, visit www.summeronthecuyahoga.com.

UChicago Event Contact:
Joan Spoerl AB’85

RSVP NOW at http://ccneo.org/new-events/.